Chapter 38

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Double update for ya'll ! xoxo please vote and comment guys! <3


Two days with Farid staying at my house surprisingly went by pretty fast, he spent most of the time with Sabir teaching him more football techniques or talking to my mother about social issues and asking her about her life. My family bonded with Farid on a level which even took me by surprise. I could tell that my family became fond of Farid when we were leaving and Sabir hugged him and actually invited him to his football matches and Sabir never invites anyone to his football matches.

Farid and I were on our way back to his house. Even thought I was supposed to feel relived that Farid and I have reached an understanding and decided to address our relationship as friendship but was I happy with that? The anger that I felt was now replaced with worry for some reason and it was still bothering me.

'Hey' I heard Farids voice coming from behind when I walked into the house.

'Yeah?' I turned around.

'Do you want to go out on a dinner today?' He took our bags out from the car and walked passed me. I followed him into the living room.

'I have some work to do' I lied. Honestly, it's not like I didn't trust him but I didn't trust myself around him. He just made nervous.

'What work?' He eyed me.

'College work, I have to submit some forms and renew my tutor contract' I picked up my bag and walked upstairs to my room.

By the time I finished responding back to work related emails and submit my college forms, it was already 8:30 pm. So, I took a nice long bath to relax my self and then walked downstairs to make some lentil soup and rice. 

On my way to the kitchen I spotted Farid hanging around in the sun room reading the book. He saw me but didn't acknowledge me and went back to reading his book.

When I finished making dinner, I served the food and took the tray to the sun room where Farid was still sitting.

'Hungry?' I asked him.

Farid moved his feet from the table so I could place the tray there. I prepared his plate and handed it over to him.

'Thanks' He said.

I was about to leave with my food when he called me out.

'Where are you going?' He questioned.

'To my room, I don't want to disturb you' I didn't want to sound rude, but I had no idea what else to say.

'You are not disturbing me. Sit, eat with me' He patted the chair next to him so I sat down and we started eating in silence. 

'You're okay?' He asked out of the blue.

'Yes, just tired' I replied back and look down on my plate again.

'You haven't said much since we got here' He sounded irritated.

'What should I say?' I snapped at him.

He didn't say anything.

I finished eating my food quickly and as soon as I was done, I left his presence.

The next morning I forced myself out of the room. I couldn't wait two weeks to pass by, so I can move back to my mother's house and leave all this behind. I was so drained at this point with everything that I even looked sick. I had crazy under eye bags from lack of sleep, and even the spark in my eye was lost somewhere. I looked like a different person all together. 

So, to make myself, or else pretend to look somewhat decent, I used some concealer under my eyes and some mascara and make myself look sort of decent. After changing into black tights, long blue knitted sweater and white and grey printed scarf, I walked out of the room.

I spotted Mr.Abdul in the kitchen so I walked over to him.

'Salam Mr.Abdul' I took a seat near the kitchen table and grabbed today's newspaper for a quick read.

'Walikum Asalam Laila beti, should I make you some breakfast?' He asked.

'Yes please' As soon as I finished speaking, Farid entered the kitchen and sat next to me.

'Good Morning' His also looked very tired. He was still wearing his nightwear which consisted of black tank top and camel colored sweatpants. 

'Walikum Asalam' Mr. Abdul and I said at the same time and Mr.Abdul chuckled. Farid just rolled his eyes and went on his phone.

I kept my eyes on the paper, while Mr.Abdul cooked us breakfast. I noticed one in a while Farid glanced my way but I pretended to not notice it. It was easy that way.

Mr.Abdul served us fresh delicious looking french toast and my mouth became water. It smelled divine. 

 'Thank you, this looks amazing' I took a bite and instantly fell in love. The toast were crispy and sweet and banana on top of it was caramelized. 

'I m glad you like it, I have to go pick up the laundry. Enjoy your food kids' Mr.Abdul stepped out, leaving Farid and I behind.

I focused on my food and the newspaper and tried to ignore his presence.

'Laila?' He whispered. I ignored him again. Why couldn't he just let me be?

'Laila' This time his voice was a lot louder and he turned his chair to face me.

'I am reading a newspaper Farid, we'll talk later' I had my eyes glued on the same paragraph for at least 20 minutes by now. 

'Common what's gotten into you, Friend' He stressed on the last words, mocking me. 

'I said we'll talk later' I used the same mocking tone on him, testing his patience. 

'Fine, go to hell' He pushed back the plate and almost knocked down the chair when he stormed out of the kitchen, leaving his food untouched.

I was happy I didn't give in today, I had fallen enough in his trap. I just didn't to fall in any deeper.


You guys are seriously super awesome. Thank you for giving me your positive vibes and sticking with my story. Lots of love! xoxo

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