Chapter 8

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'Oh my god, stop my stomach is hurting' I laughed at one of Rafay's jokes.

'Come on you haven't even heard the punch line yet'. Rafay turned out to be one of the friendliest people I have ever met. There was so much life in him. As soon as I met him in advertising class, I knew we'd get along and I was right.

'Shhh the prof is here' I told him and turned on my laptop to start writing my notes.

Rafay was a decent looking guy. He was tall, had short brown hair, ivory skin and a kind smile. He was totally the type of guy Sobia would fall for.

'Okay I shall continue my story after class' He was a goofy guy, but was very smart. After the class ended we decided to sit outside near the bleachers since the weather was nice. October's sun was out and it was nice and warm. All the leaves were stripped down from the trees and now were making a crunchy sound beneath our feet as we walked across the field to find a nice calm area to sit.

'Okay let's get this started' I pulled out all of my previous notes and handed to him.

'You can use my notes to catch up with all the work you missed.' I offered him my notes and he began jotting down all the key concepts into his notebook.

While Rafay was taking notes, he told me about his family, his mother passed away when he was young, his father didn't marry anyone after and raised him and his young brother all by himself. I also shared a little about my life, I told him about my mother, my brother and my best friend Sobia, but left one very one person out, my dad. I don't want to talk about him with anyone. He wasn't a worthy man.

'Okay all done, thanks Laila'.

'No problem, I guess you don't need my tutoring classes anymore'.

'No I still need help, besides we can always work or our class assignments and stuff together.'

'You sure? You don't have to'.

'I am sure, besides I don't know anyone else here'.

'Okay sounds good, you are actually smarter than I am so I guess you'll be the one tutoring me' it's true, Rafay was always participating in class discussions and got along with all the professors.

'I would love to pass down my wisdom to you' He laughed.

We packed our stuff and started walking back inside the college to grab our stuff from the lockers.

My locker was on the second floor and his was on third, I insisted on going to my locker but Rafay insisted in walking with me to my locker so we could talk some more. At least now I have one friend in college.

We made our way to the second floor and saw Farid and some of his friends standing close to my lockers. I instantly felt shy and wished he wouldn't notice but I was dead wrong. As soon as I approached my locker with Rafay, Farid's eyes snapped up on both of us. He was holding one of his many girlfriends by the waist, I felt disgusted by him and all the girls who let him use them like that.

As soon as he saw my face, I think he could tell I was disgusted because he instantly let go of the girl and stood up straight. I turned my back towards him and continued my conversation with Rafay who was not bothered with Farids gang whatsoever.

Rafay and I continued our chit chat, and I offered to walk with him to his locker because I was afraid if Rahay leaves me here on my own, Farid is going to make some kind of comment to embarrass me in front of his friends.

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