Chapter 14

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Hey guys, I hope everyone is doing well.

Here is another quick chapter for you. Next chapter will be uploaded next week so stay tuned for that!

P.s. I need someone to make a dope looking cover page for this story. If you have a creative bug in you or know someone who does then please make one for me and inbox me. 


The entire ride felt a lot slower than usual for some strange. Maye because Farid haven't said anything  and neither have I. Why was the energy between us shifting all a sudden? I have never been close to any guy until him. Farid has definitely been with a lot of girls so when he says things like I am his and the way he looks at me, how is any of that different? Once we leave from here I am sure everything will be back to normal. I'll go back to being me, a loner in college and he'll be one of the popular guys. This is all a cliché.

'We are here' Farid said, snapping me back to reality.

'Hmm...Thanks' I stepped out of his car and started walking towards the door.

I heard him stepping out of his car and even though he didn't tell me to stop I still stopped walking and turned out. Some part of me wanted to stay behind just to talk to him some more.

'You forgot your purse' He pushed my clutch forward to hand it over to me.

'Ahh...thanks' I smiled at him and both of us stood there looking at each other which felt like an eternity.

'I better go' I said breaking the silence.

'Listen, can we meet tomorrow?' He asked me.

'Yes we are all going out for dinner tomorrow anyways, I'll be there.'

'No, I mean alone' His voice became huskier or maybe it's just me ears.


'I understand if you are not comfortable but it's really important' He looked straight into my eyes and I could tell whatever he wants to tell me is important.


'Really?' He smiled at me as if he wasn't expecting that answer.

'Yeah' I looked down feeling shy all of a sudden. Was this too fast? Is it all my imagination?

'Okay, I'll pick you up around 5pm and we'll go to the dinner together from there?'

'Sure, where will we be going?' I asked feeling curious.

'It's a secret' He winked at me and walked back to his car and drove off.

I had such a goofy smile on my face when I entered my room and saw my reflection in the mirror. Is that how Sobia look when people mention Rafay's name in front of her?

I touched my blushed cheeks to get rid of the bright pink colour, but it was no use.

I changed my clothes and walked back downstairs where everyone was sitting. As soon as Sobia saw me she grabbed my hand and pulled me back our bedroom upstairs.

We both sat on her bed; she grabbed her pillow and candy jar from her nightstand as if she is waiting for a movie to start. I just sat there looking at her thinking how big of a loser my best friend really is.

'Don't act like an idiot' I said while grabbing the candy jar from her hand and putting it back on the nightstand.

'Shut up... don't you dare call me an idiot while you are looking like one yourself' She snapped at me.

'Fine, what do you want to know?' I gave up.

'What happened between the two of you today?' Sobia asked me with her big brown eyes popping out with excitement.

'Nothing happened, he just gave me a ride home' I looked down at my hands hoping she would leave the topic alone.

'I may look stupid, but I am not. I can tell when you are lying my friend. C'mon tell me the truth.' Sobia was honestly not going to take no for an answer.

'Fine, he gave me ride home and said he wants to meet me tomorrow because he has something important to tell can you stop asking me all of these questions... I really don't know what's going on between the two of us. It's just that ...I don't know I feel weird when he is around, and it feels a lot weirder when I don't see him. Allah...I don't know what happened. When he told me to meet him tomorrow, I said yes not because he asked me to ...I said yes because I wanted to' I spat all these words in a single breath and Sobia looked as if ice cold water was thrown at her.

'You are in so much trouble' Sobia grabbed my hands and squeezed them tighter.

'Don't I know it...' I said hopelessly.

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