Chapter 19

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Hey guys, please don't forget to share this story and vote! I really enjoy writing for you guys and since I don't have any friends here I would really appreciate if you guys share this and leave comments so I know what you guys are thinking about the story so far!  



This week honestly felt like a blur. At first, I thought I was gone mad and was imagining things but one in a while I checked my email to see if the contract was there and it was very much there. Farid disappeared again after that night. I did receive some money in my account two days ago which meant that our contract was still up and running.

Today was the last class of my first semester, with Rafay and Sobia by my side these few weeks didn't feel like hell surprisingly. I was heading out of the door to catch my bus when I was stopped by some of Farid's friends or acquaintances if I was not mistaken.

'Oh look who we have here' One of his friends stopped me, I think his name was Jason.

I tried to move away from them but I bumped into another familiar face. Melissa, who was a beautiful tall young girl but really mean,also one of Farid's girlfriends. The same girl who I saw making out with Farid shamelessly when I first joined this college.

'Oh guys common let's leave her or else she is going to start crying ' Another one of his friends said to rest of gang while laughing and chewing his gum.

'I have to go' My voice became shaky, I have seen Farid's friends troubling other students around the campus before and did witness a few people transferring classes just so they don't run into these people.

'C'mon Laila...that's not fair. Remember when you came to us few days ago asking for Farid and we had such a good conversation back then. What happened now? I thought we were friends' Jason laughed again. I hated his cocky smile. He came a little closer and I started looked around for help, but no one stepped up, instead people started moving away just so they are safe.

'I have a bus to catch' I said again, still looking at the ground while clenching my bag.

'Don't worry, I'll drop you.' Jason held my hand and pulled me towards him.

'You don't have to do this Jason. I...'

'Let her go' I heard a voice coming from behind where Jason and I were standing. I recognized this voice instantly.

'Oh hey buddy' Jason walked up to Farid while still holding on to me.

I kept looking down, not being able to make an eye contact with him. This was not easy for me.

'Are you okay?' Farid spoke again, I was sure he was talking to Jason. But when he didn't reply, I looked up to him and saw Farid looking at me.

'Hey we were just having a little fun.' Melissa walked up to him and grabbed Farid from the back and kissed his cheeks. Farid had no expression and that made it so hard for me to figure out what he was thinking.

'Leave her hand' Farid spoke to Jason, his voice was hard and angry.

Jason took his advice and released his hand from mine immediately. Without hearing another word, I picked up my bag and ran towards the bus stop. I missed my bus because of him and his stupid friends so to calm my mind I picked out a book from my bag and started reading.

After couple of minutes, a car stopped right in front of the bus stop. I knew it was Farid's car but I pretended to ignore and I raised my book a little higher than usual. He didn't budge. I could hear cars that were behind him started honking but it didn't make any difference to Mr. Farid Ibrahim. He kept it still. I got annoyed and finally looked up and wasn't at all surprised to see him looking as if he has won an award. I hate his god damn guts.

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