Chapter 13

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I hope everyone is having a great month so far!

I have been super busy lately but somehow I managed to pull off another chapter! Enjoy xoxo 

please vote, share and comment...<3 <3 <3


'OMG you came' Sobia yelled from across the hall as soon as she spotted us.

'Sobiaaaa ....' I ran across the room and hugged my best friend. It was such a bittersweet time. I didn't know whether to smile or cry so I ended up doing both.

'Shhh don't cry silly girl' She let go of me and Rafay joined. This entire time Farid was next to me. He didn't walk away. I always thought he was one of those guys who would walk away from emotional things. It was surprising to see him standing without making any sarcastic comments.

'Congrats Rafay, I am honestly so happy for both of you. You idiot you should have told me that you were going to propose to her, I thought we were friends' I made a sad face and faked my disappointment.

'Don't be mad, I didn't tell anyone except my family members. I was so scared' Rafay was so shy, whereas Sobia was bright and confident. Despite the fact that they both were polar opposite they still made such a perfect couple.

'So when is the wedding?' I looked at the newly engaged couple.

'In six months' She smiled and looked down on the floor. Aww.

'Masha Allah, its perfect' I hugged her again.

'How did you get here?' Rafay asked me and suddenly my cheeks went red.


'Farid went to pick her up' Sobia winked at Rafay and both of them shamelessly giggled right in front me. Before it gets more awkwards, I excused myself from them and went on to meet Sobia's mother and Rafays parents.

The rest of the evening was pleasant. It was such an amazing night. Not only the newly wed couple seemed happy but also my best friend and her fiance were over the moon. 

When the evening came to an end and most of the guests including the bride and the groom left, all the young ones stayed back to clean up the venue. Yes, Farid stayed back as well.

'I am going to clean the pool area' Today was a full moon and the entire pool area was covered with moonlight and gorgoues silver decor. I grabbed the opportunity and volunteered to clean up the space. 

The pool area was so calm and quite. Everyone else was inside doing the nasty work such as piking up leftover from the tables and taking care of the garbage, whereas I was just picking up soda bottles and sweet wrappers from the tables. 

When I was finished, I looked inside and everyone was still working so I put away the garbage and walked back to the pool. I pulled my trousers up and dropped my feel into the pool and felt cold water beneath my feet. The stars seemed brighter than before and the moon seemed slighly bigger as well. I wonder why.

'Its beautiful isn't it?' I heard him from behind. I recognized Farid voice straightaway so I didn't get scared. 

'Hmm' I kept looking at the sky. Farid walked up to me and followed my gaze to the stars.

'Mind if I sit?' He asked for my permission.


None of us said anything and it didn't feel awkward. Ammi once told me how with some people being silent doesn't feel uncomfortable. It feels right. I glanced over at Farid and he was still looking at the sky. I kept looking at him and for the first time, I didn't see some brat rich kid, I saw a kind young man who may look tough and bad, but under all the hard shell there is still some goodness left.

Farid looked at me with such a strange expression that I couldn't figure out. 

I got up from the pool and walked inside without saying another word. 

'All done?' I asked Rafay.

'Yeah we are just putting away some stuff in the car.'

'Oh okay'

When everything was packed we all walked to the parking lot. Farid was nowhere in sight.

'Oh shoot, I forgot the fairy lights' Sobia said to me when we approached the car.

' are so annoying I asked you five times before leaving if you got everything' I snapped at her.

'Hey what happened?' Rafay asked us.

'It's okay, I'll go get it, the security guards are still there. I'll get the lights' I said to them and ran back to the hall.

The entire hall was empty, but thankfully some of the lights were will on.

I walked to the stage area and spotted the fairy lights quickly. They were completely tangled with the red curtains. 

I was in such a hurry that I stumbled over my duppata and before I could hit the floor down, I  was caught. I thought I died or something because I kept screaming until I felt someone's hand on my lips.

'Shhhh' I heard.

I opened my eyes and I saw Farid. He held me still, maybe I was not ready for him to let go just yet. I was breathing so loud that even I could hear myself.

'You're okay' He asked me once he steadied me on the floor.

'Yeahh' I placed my hand over my heart to make it stop pumping so fast.

I took one step back and felt an electric pain on my left foot. It hurt so bad.

' What are you doing here?' I asked him.

'I forgot my car keys so I came here looking'

'Did you find it?'

'Yea' He pulled his keys out to show me and walked towards me.

'Let me get this for you' He offered me.

I pushed my hand back.

'I can carry it, we should go' I took another step back and felt the same sharp pain on my foot.

I closed my eyes in pain. 

'You sprained your ankle' He took another step forward.

'I said I am fine.' I took another deep breath, got myself together and took few more steps. It hurt so bad but the parking lot was not too far away. I'll get there in no time I told myself. before I could step out from the hall, Farid walked past me angrily and stood in front of me blocking my way.


Before I could finish, he picked me in a bridal style and started walking.

'What the...let go of me' I yelled and pushed his chest but it was no use.

He didn't say anything and kept walking

'I said let go' He still didn't listen.

He walked us to his car and I noticed that everyone left. He finally put me down and unlocked his car.

'Where is everyone?' I asked him.

'They left.'

'Why did they leave me?' I dialed Sobia's number and she picked up. Farid was in his seat but he didn't leave.

'Why did you leave Sobia?' I yelled across the phone.

'Aray, everyone was getting late. Farid is there right? He said he will drop you. Okay samra aunty is calling, just come home and we'll talk' She hung up. Allah I don't believe this girl. Hell with her.

'Ready now?' Farid asked me while smiling when I sat in the front seat and put my seat belt on.

'I guess.' I looked head and we drove off.

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