Chapter 9

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Introducing our main lead, Laila...picture is posted above as usual.

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I was literally waiting for Farid for more than two hours at this point and there was no sign of him. I was not surprised though, it's not like he cared about any of this stuff. That's it, I am going to wait for 15 more minutes and if he doesn't show up, I will go home. Everyone left the cafeteria, only me and the cleaning lady were left. I gave up and gathered my stuff and got out of the cafeteria.

I went to my locker to pick up my jacket and bag so I could leave.

"Hey" Farid whispered in my ear from behind as I was taking my stuff from the locker. I screamed.

'What's wrong with you' I elbowed him to push him away.

'Where are you going?' He laughed as he stood beside my locker.


'We have a tutoring session, let's go' He took my hand and closed my locker.

I snatched my hand away from him and started walking away.

'Stop touching me Fared, and our tutoring session was 2 hours ago' I kept walking until Fared caught up with me again and stood front of me, this time looking furious.

He held me by the shoulder and took me inside one of the classrooms that was empty.

'Let go of Fared, you are out of your mind' I yelled at him and tried all the strength I had in me to let myself out of his grip.

'Yes I am. Who was that guy with you the other day?' He gripped my shoulders harder and pulled my closer.

'What are you talking about?' I yelled at back and he let go of me.

I went towards the door to head out but he was quicker than me and he closed it shut and blocked my exit.

'You wanna know who he is well? He is my friend okay? Now move Farid.' I was beyond pissed. He showed up late today, missed the session and now he was questioning my friendship with Rafay.

'He seemed more than a friend to me' He glared at me.

'That's your problem not mine.'

'You know what I am not surprised; when I first met you I could tell it was all an act. You pretend to be all innocent and sweet but that's not who you are you?'

What was he saying?

'What?' I asked him.

'Okay let me be clear, you are here to trap rich guys aren't you? The guy you were with, he seems well off. He is a catch isn't he?' I can't believe he thinks so low of me. He was smiling down at me.

'You think I am a gold digger?' I questioned him. I have been looked down upon for many reasons because I wasn't born in a rich family but this is the first time someone has accused me for being a gold digger.

'Aren't you?' He wants this. He wants me to feel bad about myself.

'Yes I am, so what? He is nice to me, and we get along...I think we are quite compatible. But I don't see how it's any of your business. Does that answer your question'? I fired back. If he thinks I am that type of a girl then let it be. I don't owe any explanations to him.

'Stay away from him Laila' His tone suddenly changed. He looked angry.

'What if I don't?'

'You will have to listen to me' He yelled and began walking towards me. I didn't move back this time and luckily for me he stopped couple of steps away from me.

'Why, why do I have to answer all of your questions Fared' I yelled, losing my temper yet again. But I can't help it, whenever I see him, something happens to me and I become sensitive over everything.

'Because you are mine, Laila' He yelled so loudly and I almost lost my balance. Thankfully I was standing close to the table so I held on to that.

'What?' I looked at him and his eyes were pulled together and his face was all red. OH DEAR what did I get myself into.

'You heard me'

'I am not yours Fared, you heard me. You are sick' I held my forehead. My head started hurting from all this yelling and all.

'I gotta go' I ran outside and he didn't follow. In fact he didn't even look back at me.

The entire way home, I kept thinking about his words. Why did he say this to me? Was it some kind of a prank? Ya Allah what just happened...should I be worried? Should I tell someone? What if Fared does something to Rafay? All these questions were occupying my mind. I didn't realize I reached my stop until the bus driver looked back at me. I was a regular commuter so he remembered my stop.

'Thank you' I smiled at the bus driver and stepped out and since my luck was shining brighter than a star today, it started raining to add the cherry on top. Ughhh.

I got home and Ammi was home. I took a quick shower, changed my clothes and after that I went to Ammi's room where I found her reading a book so I went up to her, laid in her bed and put my head in her lap. She started stroking my hair and I instantly felt a lot better.

'What happened?' She asked me.

'Just tired' I replied back.

'Should I make you some tea?

'No, where is Sabir?'

'At school practicing for his talent show performance'


'You sure you are okay dear?'

'Jee Ammi, it was a long day and you know I don't like when it rains'

'Yh, I forgot to tell you something? Maria at work fell at work and injured her arm so I will be covering her shift at the Ibrahims'

I got up right away and looked at her. She better be joking.


'At Ibrahims, I told you about them remember?'

'Yes I remember and you are not working there.'

'Why are you saying it like that, did something happened?'

Yes, their whole family is weird as hell, except Ruba. And their son is a psycho.

'No nothing happened, but you don't have to take extra shifts' I sat on her bed again and tried to calm down.

'Maria had covered so many of my shifts in the past, it's the least I can do for her.' What can I possibly say to change her mind?

'You sure? They have a big house, you'll get tired'

'I won't be alone, Farah, Rimi and Josie will be there with me' She told me about her other coworkers who will be there with her.

'Okay, for how long?'

'Couple of weeks, as soon as Maria feels better I will leave from there'

'Okay Ammi, but just be careful. They are not friendly people'

'Hmm, I will keep that in mind my little grandmother. Stop worrying too much' she pulled my cheeks and went to the kitchen. She thinks I am joking or being worried without any reasons. Maybe I should just tell her about Farid but then she'll be worried for me. I'll just wait some more, maybe I am getting worried for no reason. If anything goes wrong, I will just tell her. He is not that dangerous, is he? 

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