Chapter 11

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Since 10 am all of us in the wedding house were running back and forth to get the things done. From phone calls to dealing with kids, taking care of the food and running for last minute alterations, all of us were having panic attacks especially the poor bride who was consistently calling to check if everything is under control while she was getting her makeup and nails done.

At last, around 4 pm we were finished with everything. All the stuff was neatly packed and placed inside the wedding bus and now it was time to get ready. Sobia wore a beautiful long green dress with silver detailing and paired it with bright red bangles. I on the other hand, wore my red and black anarkali dress. It was long and flowy with beautiful gold detailing and paired it with big gold earrings and pinned side of my hair in a braid and secured it with a clip. I usually leave my hair out for special occasions.

I look so different whenever I wear eastern clothes; I wish I could wear it all the time.

'Wow you look stunning Laila, all the single boys will go crazy tonight after they see you' Sobia blabbed on while applying her makeup.

'Oh stop it, I bet Rafay will go head over heels when he sees you tonight...Oh and did I tell you he has arrived in Brighton'

'What?' Sobia almost dropped her makeup brush.

'You are not a bride, stop the drama' I picked up the brush and applied her blush on her left cheek.

'I am just nervous' Oh what a hopeless little soul.

We arrived at the wedding hall and it looked magical when we stepped inside. The décor was to die for, the theme was white and lilac and all the tables were decorated with small pearls, flowers and candles.


'I know right, Saima is such a visionary. She planned everything' Saima's mother, Samra said to me.

'She did a wonderful job Samra aunty, everything looks wonderful'

Sometime later Rafay showed up with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. As soon as he saw us, he came over and handed the flowers to Samra aunty, said congratulations and instantly won over her heart as well.

'Asalam O Alikum Laila...Sobia' He couldn't take his eyes away from her. Rafay was also wearing a dark green shirt inside his tux and it complimented Sobia's outfit so well. Maybe they did plan this.

'He is also wearing green' I elbowed Sobia.

'I can see that, shut up' She elbowed me back. Everyone was pretty much here except the groom and his groomsman and our lovely bride Sobia who wanted to walk the aisle with her father so all the bridesmaid were standing near the altar waiting for the couple.

'Where are the groomsmen?' Rafay asked us, he was still standing with us while everyone was seated.

'You should sit down, they'll be here any time now' Sobia said calmly and he took the seat closest to where we were standing because he didn't know anyone else.

'Oh here comes the groom and his gang' Sobia announced when the music started playing in the background and all the photographers gathered around the entrance.

'Akeel Bhai is good-looking isn't he? Sobia whispered when the groom stepped out from the huddle of photographers.

'Yess he is but Saima is lucky too I mean....' And I couldn't finish my sentence after recognizing another familiar face in the crowd. Farid Ibrahim. He was wearing a navy blue suit and a white shirt. This time he had his hair pushed back and beard trimmed, but he still looked like himself.

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