Chapter 16

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I felt guilty about not telling Sobia about what happened with Farid. I just didn't have the guts. The entire way back, I felt worse and worse because I could see Sobia and Rafay both glancing my way throughout the ride wondering why I was being such a depressed soul. After trying to get me to talk, just like everyone else, they gave up and I was happy that they did. I was not in a condition to say anything because I had no idea what was going to happen once I reach home.

Sobia's car stopped front of my house and I got out to pick up my stuff from the trunk.

'Thanks for the ride and I'll see you on campus next week Rafay' My head felt like it was about to blast any second. I really needed to sleep.

'Yeah I'll catch you next week, it's good we had a learning week off before exams starts' Rafay responded, he was being polite as usual. But Sobia still didn't say anything and I don't blame her. I was being a jerk to her the entire way back.

'Ummm yeah okay well I guess I better go them'

I started walking towards the door, but before I went inside Sobia called me from behind.

'Hey, look I don't know what's going on and why you're not telling me but I am really freaking out' Sobia was really worried for me. Before I could tell her about my mother's job and Farid's offer, I had to speak to Ammi.

'I know, I am sorry I was such a jerk. You are right something is wrong but I will try to fix it. I will tell you ...I just need some time. I hope you understand. Sobia you are like me own sister, and it's not a secret or anything. I just want to take some time off. Don't worry about me okay? You are engaged now, have fun with Rafay and his family. They are great and don't worry about me please' I held her hand and squeezed them assuring her that everything is going to be okay. Although my heart was telling me otherwise.

'Okay, I won't get worried but remember this Laila, what's done is done and you can't change that. Accept it or else it's going to keep you worried for a long time. I know you don't to hear this from anyone, but you are stronger than you think' We hugged each other and I felt a lot better.

When I got inside I could my brother and my mother from the living room. When I got inside my mother was lying down on the sofa and she had medical plaster stuck on her head. She was having another migraine.

The only two people in my life were looking so helpless that I couldn't stop my tears. One by one tears started rolling down my face but I didn't want my family to see me like this. I wiped all the tears away and plastered a smile on my face and walked inside the living hall.

'Asalam O Alikum' I said in the most cheerful voice.

'Aray Walikum Asalam meri beti' My mother got up from the sofa and embraced me in her arms.

Sabir also joined us and started crying.

'Oh Sabir, don't cry. You're a big guy common' I hugged him again.

'Baji...thank god you are here. You know...'

'Laila you just got here, go freshen up. Sabir go and heat up some food for your sister' My mother blocked him from saying all the things I was afraid of asking myself. I wish he would have said something.

'Ammi, why aren't you at work?' I asked her to see if she'll tell the truth.

'Ah...I am having headaches so I am taking some days off' She excused herself and went to her room to pray. I took the opportunity and went straight to the kitchen to find Sabir.

'Sabir come here'

He hurried toward me and I took him back to the living room where we sat down so we keep an eye on the stairs if Ammi come back down.

'Okay what's going on?' I asked him.

'Ammi said not to tell you anything' He looked down on his hands, avoiding eye contact.

'I know she got fired' With that comment, Sabir looked right at me.

'How did you know?'

'I just know. When did it happen?'

'Couple of days back Baji, when she got home from work she didn't say anything but when she started praying I saw her crying...then when I asked her over and over again she finally told me, but she asked me to not tell you anything because you already have a lot going on. Ammi is applying and calling different places but they are hanging their phone on her and the landlord came the other day too, the rent was due last week but she didn't have enough money so she had to sell her bracelet' His voice started shaking.

My heart was breaking piece by piece with his words.

'Yeah, its okay you didn't tell me anything and we'll keep it that way okay?' I asked him and he shook his head.

'Go heat up my food, I'll go change and come back downstairs'

I went to my room with my entire luggage and took a nice hot shower. It didn't make me less worried but it definitely relaxed me a bit.

I checked my phone and saw there was a message from Farid. I had a bad habit for keeping my phone on silent that I didn't realize that he messaged my today.

I began reading....

Farid - Hey, I hope you reached home safely, it's real shame that we didn't get a chance to go over my offer again. I am stilling waiting for answer. Tick tock dear your timing is running out ;).

I hated his guy.

And I hated the fact that he migt be right. His family is capable of destroying me and we don't stand a chance against them.

I took a deep breath and started typing my reply.

Laila- My answer to your offer is yes.

And with that I lost all my pride but managed to gain some happiness for my family. I just hope I made the right choice.

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