Chapter 24

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As soon as our lips touched, I lost senses of everything. He was too intense. It felt like I was going to hell. It felt like a sin and I didn't care. His hands around me become loose and he brought his hands to my cheeks. The rough sensation quickly turned into a sweet paradise. He brought his lips down my throat and I felt a sharp pain on my skin when he sucked into my neck. That's when I recollected my sense.

'Farid' He didn't recognize my voice at first, he ignored me and continued having his way.

'Farid' I said again and I made sure my voice was loud enough for him to hear.

This time, he listened to me  and let go of me immediately. I looked at him and saw his dark aura, I never noticed earlier but he was intoxicated. His eyes were gentle yet heavy and his lips were swollen from kissing me. I looked away from him right away and pulled my shirt's collar up to hide the marks that he left of my shoulders.

'Please leave Farid' I wanted him to leave before I changed my mind. I was scared that if he stayed behind, we might do something that we'll both regret later. We need to stay far away from each other as possible. I can't let this go on any further. 

The gentleness in Farid's eyes washed away from right after I told him to leave.

'Yeah it's not like this was anything special anyways' He stormed right out of Sobia's house and smacked the door shut as loud as possible. I ran towards the window and saw him smashing his hands to the hood of his car before driving off. 

I wanted him to go, but his last comment did hurt me. For him, it might have been nothing special, but for me, it was a memory that I'll never forget. I just had my first kiss.

After a while, I walked upstairs to Sobia's room and I knew she was awake but she pretended to be asleep and I was very thankful for it. It would have been really hard to explain everything to her. What if she heard us? Did she know that we ...? I guess I'll never know. I was so embarrassed. Never in a million years I would have imagined that one day I'll have my first ever kiss with a guy like Farid. I guess we really can't tell what's written in our stars.

When I woke up, there was so sign of Sobia, turned out she went out to me my favorite cream cheese and bagel from a bakery near her house. When she returned and we started eating our food she popped up the question.

'So last night...'She chuckled. Ya Allah she knows.

'Let's not make a huge deal about this okay?' I was feeling so shy.

'Oh no my best friend, we are not done. Not even close. You said you don't like him and yesterday you were all moaning and stuff. It was so annoying, I bet the entire neighbourhood heard you' She laughed and I dropped my bagel on the plate. I was horrified.


'Don't play dumb now' She winked.

'Everything happened so quickly' My mind went back to thinking about yesterday night. Yes, everything did happen quickly. His one move changed everything. I should have stopped him, I know I could have if I tried, but I didn't and I knew why...because I wanted it as much as he did and I hated myself for wanting someone who didn't want me the same way. 


'No Sobia, it's not like that. It was a mistake' 

I knew I'll have to face Farid one day or another and I couldn't stay with Sobia any longer because her mother was coming back home today, which meant that I'll have to go back to Farid's place.

I knew he left his place at around 11:00am so I decided to wait until then before going down there. It was about 11:30am when I reached his house, I checked the living room and the kitchen. There was no sign of Farid anywhere. Thank god he is not here. I walked to my room and saw that everything was all clean and my dirty clothes were neatly washed and folded. At least I won't have to worry about that anymore. 

I was putting all of my clothes inside the cupboard when Farid walked right into my room.

'You're back' It sounded more like a question. Maybe he thought I'll never come back. Did he miss me?

'Yeah, I hope that's okay. Sobia's mother is back so I didn't...'

'Yeah,'s okay.' He said nervously.

'I am sorry' I blurted out these words without thinking.

'For what?'

'Just...about yesterday.' After putting my clothes inside, I walked away from him and stood near the bookshelf to keep some distance between us.

'Okay' He came closer to me, enough for me to reach out and touch him, but there was still  some distance. 

'For telling you to leave or kissing you back...everything that happened. It was wrong and irresponsible and I am sorry' I told him, avoiding his eyes. I know I shouldn't be the one to apologize but I don't want him to think that I liked kissing him or give him any wrong ideas. 

'It was just a kiss Laila, it's not like it meant anything. I was drunk and you were there, it was just a matter of time. I would have kissed any other girl the same way if she was there instead of you' His light response didn't reach his smile that was plastered on his face. He said those words to hurt me. I knew it the second he said it. He can't be that insensitive, can he? Everything about him in this moment was making me emotional.

'Good' I smiled back. If he wanted to be such an arse then fine. 

'I'll be home late' He said quietly as he walked out of my room. There were two things that my fake husband never failed to do, first,humiliate me and second hurt me and each time he did it, it hurt me more than before.I knew there was something good, some kindness left in him but he always covered it with hate and anger. Why was he like this? 

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