Chapter 25

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The next two weeks went by really fast, Farid and I tried our best to avoid each other as much as possible. Both of us knew about each other's timings so we hardly had an encounter. Whenever he was here, I stayed in my room or went outside and he did the same thing. We had nothing left to talk about since our last conversation.

Today was Sobia's birthday and Rafay asked me to invite Farid which meant that I'll have to talk to him today. I was walking outside of his bedroom debating if I should ask him or leave it. It's not like he would come with me in the first place. I was about to knock on his door when the door flew open and Farid looked stunned.

'What are you doing here?' He asked straightaway.

'It's Sobia's birthday today...'Before I could finish my sentence he jumped in as usual. He never let me speak.

'Yeah okay, tell the driver he'll pick you up from the party if it gets late' He was about to close the door when I stepped inside his room for the first time. 

'Hey...' He protested.

'Would you please just listen...I wanted to ask if you want to come to the birthday party with me'. I snapped at him.

He looked confused.

'You want me to go with you?' Why is he asking me this?

'Yeah I guess if you want to' I shrugged.

'Okay' He calmly replied.

'Cool' I took a step back and literally ran out of his room. Why is my mind keep on going back to him?

By 4 pm, I was all ready. I wore a plain red flowy dress and left my straight hair open and for makeup, I did a brown smokey eye and nude lipstick. When I walked downstairs, I saw Farid and he didn't fail to get my attention. He was wearing a black suit and a red tie. His hair was pulled back which made him look a little older than his age but this look suited him. I walked up to him and he took my hand in his hand and my eyes popped up.

He took out a red velvet box from his jacket's pocket and inside of it was a beautiful rose gold diamond ring. It was simple and elegant. He took the ring out of the box and slipped it on my ring finger. It was a perfect fit.

'Farid...' I looked at him and then back to the ring.

'Do you like it? I can get something else if you don't...'

'I love it' I squeezed his hands.

My eyes filled up with tears, I was feeling so many different emotions. Even though it was all fake. It still meant something.

'Why are you crying stupid girl?' He took my face in his hands and wiped the tears away from my face.

'Thank you' My voice was still shaking. This ring was a proof of our marriage even though it was temporary...

'Lets go' He didn't let go of my hand until we reached his car. 

I kept looking at my hands, I didn't understand his gesture...without making false assumptions I decided to ask him.

'Farid...why did you give me this ring?' 

'Hmm?' He was clearly lost in his own world.

'I said, why did you give me this ring?'

'I thought you liked it.'

'I do, I just don't understand why...'

'Because every bride needs her diamond ring let me enjoy the music'

He went back to humming some soft rock lyrics and my eyes went back to the rock that was shining brightly in my hands.

The party was small and intimate, everyone there was a close family relative or a friend. I practically knew everyone at the party. After greeting the birthday girl, I took Farid with me to introduce him to the families I knew. Everything seemed to like Farid.

'How come you know all these people?' He asked when we sat down at one of tables.

'Sobia and I are pretty close, we know everyone in each other's families' I explained to him.

'Your mother just walked in' He informed me and I looked around until I saw her in the crowd.

'We should go' I told him.


'I don't think she wants to talk to me' I was having an anxiety attack.

'You're okay?' He was worried.

'I just need some air' I walked outside the hall, leaving him behind.

I was walking outside in the lawn when I heard my mother.

'Laila' I turned around and walked right towards my mother.

'Ammi' I didn't realize I was crying.

She opened her arms and embraced me.

'Ammi' I held her tightly and she patted my head.

'Shhh Laila...dont cry. I am here'

'I missed you, I thought I lost you forever'

She and I sat down on the grass and she wiped away the tears from her eyes as well as mine.

'Ammi, Farid and I...'

'I know' She answered.


'How?' I asked.

'Farid spoke to me, he said he is the one to blame. He told me how he manipulated you into marrying him for money' She sighed.

'Ammi, listen what happened was...'

'Laila, you don't have to explain anything, I can understand why you fell for his trap. I am sorry I couldn't protect you' She was having a breakdown.

'I am happy with him' I told her suddenly.

She looked confused.

'He is a nice guy Ammi, I know he comes out very cold and harsh but he is a caring person, he's just been through a lot' I explained it to her.

'I just don't want you to suffer because of us' She weakly said.

'I am not, I know it was a fast decision, but it was meant to be' 

My mother and I talked for a while before walking inside, when Rafay and Sobia saw me and my mother together, she winked at me and nudged Rafay who gave me a thumps up. My mother got busy with other guests and I went out to look for Farid because he was nowhere in sight.

I walked back outside when I saw a dark figure in a distance. When I walked closer, I realized it was Farid, and he was smoking a cigarette.

'Cigarette is injurious to health' I said from behind.

'Yet people die in all different ways, other than smoking as well' He fought back.

I rolled my eyes.

He pulled a cigarette out of his mouth and crushed it under his shoes.

'Better?' He asked.

I shook my head.

'Lets go inside Sobia is about to cut the cake' I smiled at him and started walking back inside, hoping he would follow and thankfully he did.

'Are you happy with me?' He asked from behind. Maybe he heard the conversation I had with my mother a while ago.

I kept walking, not sure how to answer it. Was I happy with him?

'Answer me' He demanded, he was a lot closer to me this time.

'Are you?' I turned around and asked the same question, I wanted to know this as much as he did. 

'What do you think?' He tucked my hair behind my ear and walked inside.

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