Chapter 5

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And chapter 5 is here to bless your life. lol

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Somehow I couldn't get over my encounter with Farid last night. I didn't know what was going on with him. I have met a lot of people, but I have never met anyone like him. Maybe that's why I was thinking about him. Maybe that's why I couldn't get our conversation from last night out of my mind. Allah what was happening? It was 7:00am in the morning, it was Sunday. Usually on Sundays, I'd like to sleep in. But I had such a sleepless night. After Sobia dropped me home last night, I was super tired and couldn't wait to get into my bed, but I stayed up most of the night and after sleeping for few hours, I woke up super early and now I am wide awake and can't seem to go back to sleep. Urghh I hate when that happens. I gave up on going back sleep and decided to get my bum out of the bed to make some breakfast. Everyone was home today, Sabir didn't have any football practice and Ammi had a day off as well so I decided to make some breakfast. I got to the kitchen and decided to make some cheese omelet, hash brown and tea. I decorated the table with nice pink glassware that Ammi brought with her from Turkey and crochet table cloth . I called down Sabir and Ammi to the kitchen to serve them some fresh homemade breakfast which is very rare because all of us are very busy and we live off of granola and cereals most of the time.

"Masha Allah, did you make all of this?" Ammi sounded surprised and that's because even though I love to cook, I am usually very lazy to bother.

"Jee Ammi, I woke up early so I decided to make some breakfast." I smiled and passed some toasts to her.

"How was the birthday party baji?" Sabir asked me while enjoying some extra cheesy omelet I prepared specially for him since he lives for cheese. I didn't know how to ask his question, yes the party was good, but I still felt some tension at the party.

"It was good, a lot of people showed up and they loved the desserts and auntie Mariam met a lot of people in the party who might be contacting her in the future to place some orders." I told him.

"That's really good; Allah knows how hard it was for Mariam to get her business started." Ammi said.

"True, but everything is going well for them now."

"Yes, who was the host of the party?" She popped the question.

"Ibrahims." I responded giving more attention to my food.

"Who are they?" My annoying brother can't keep his mouth closed.

"Don't' know. They are rich people, just moved in from some big city" I answered truthfully, leaving the part of their son being my classmate.

"Yh, I have met them" My mom said and I almost chocked.

"You do?"

"Oh yes, Ayesha Ibrahim came to our agency few days back, she is looking for some people to work around the house. I was filling some work in the office and I saw her there." She told me.

"Oh." Of course they were looking for people to work in their house. If their events venue from last night was so amazing, imagine what their house look like. We continued on talking about Sabir's football practice after that and when Sabir starts talking, then no one can stop him. The rest of the day went pretty smoothly, Ammi and I made some chicken pasta for dinner because Sobia was coming over, as well as some of Sabir's friends. By the time we finished making chicken pasta and some dark chocolate brownies, it was almost time for dinner. Since my whole outfit smelled like a baking shop, I went up to my room and wore a long green maxi dress; it was kind of old but super comfortable and wore my white linen hijab since it was light and easy to style.

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