Chapter 36

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'I am not sleeping on the floor if that's what you are thinking' Farid complained as soon as he stepped in my bedroom. He threw his bag on the side and jumped on my bed.

'Farid move from my bed' I was still dressed in my outerwear and I noticed that he changed his clothes and was now wearing a white cotton t-shirt and grey sweatpants. 

He didn't budge.

'Fine, I am going out to the bathroom, when I get back you better not be here on my bed' I slammed my bedroom shut and went to the bathroom to change. 

I changed into a plain lilac colored cotton sleeping set and tied my hair in a bun. When I got back inside the room, Farid was still lying shamelessly on me bed and was cuddling my favorite pillow.

At first, I thought about giving up on my bed since he looked comfortable then I stopped myself right there and pushed him off the bed as hard as I could.

'What the fuck?' He screamed and I placed my hand on his mouth to stop him from screaming.

'Shhhh...keep it down my brother is sleeping, his room is just down the hall' I looked up at him and saw him glaring at me intensely. I removed my hands instantly.

He kept looking and I blushed. 

'Stop staring at me' I turned around and laid  on my bed. 

Farid didn't argue with me, instead, he closed the lights and slept on the DIY bed on the floor.

I was lost deep in my sleep until I heard my bed move and my eyes snapped right open and I saw Farid sitting on my bed right next to me.

'What the...' I pulled my blanket closer to me.


'Get off the bed Farid, this isn't your home and you can't have your way all the time.' I faced him and started pushing his arm to make him move but this time, he held his position and grabbed both of my hands.

'Farid, let go' I protested but he pushed me down and moved on top me.

'Farid, I swear I'll kill you...' He stopped me half way and  while still pinning down my hands with one of his hands he placed his another hand on my mouth.

He's was so close that I could feel his arm against mine and his hot breath against my neck. 

'Farid' I said weakly, trying to get out of his hard grip but it was no use.

'Shhh' He whispered in my ears and my whole entire body shivered. Farid let go of my hands and moved his hands down to me waist. I was never the type of girl to lose control that easily, but his touch made me lose all of my senses. What was this man doing to me?

'Please let go' I requested, it sounded more like a surrender.

He lowered his gaze until he saw me eye to eye. 

'Then let go of me' He replied, I didn't know what he was talking about until I followed his eyes and I noticed how both of my hands were clenching onto his shirt. I removed my hands away quickly and moved way from his captivating space.

We both stood up at the same time but didn't face each other. This room was definitely too small for us right now.

'I told you to stay away from my bed' I pointed out to break the awkward silence.

'What do you think of yourself huh? Are you a prince or a king even? You can't always have your way okay?...Have some shame.' I was going on and on when Farid stormed towards me and grabbed me by the shoulders.

'Think before you speak Laila, when you came to my house I prepared a room for you and made sure you had everything at your disposal and look how you are treating me. It's you who should feel shameful not me' He did have a point, but I wasn't going to accept it. Yes, he did all of that but that's because he could afford it and his house was big.

'Yeah but you never let me sleep in your bed' I fired back without thinking what I was actually saying, I covered my mouth with my hands to stop myself from blabbing on any further.

'If that's the issue, then you should have just asked for it' He winked and pushed me close to him.

'That's not why I meant' I said looking away. He chuckled and let go of me.

'And besides, you are the one who came to my house without informing me so I don't think you should be complaining okay' I sat on the bed and looked at the time, wow it was 2:30am at night. 

'Well it's not my fault that you have rats in your house' He walked over and stood in front of me.

'So what? I bet those poor rats are scared of you by now too' I glared at him and he rolled his eyes.

'Fine, since you have such a close bond with them, why don't you go and sleep on the floor' He rolled on my bed and moved his hands under his head.

'Ughhh, Ya Allah why did I even meet you?' I started putting cushions between the bed to divide up our area so none of us invade each other's privacy.

'Why? What do you think? Are you that special?' He pulled my arms and stared at me. I was shocked by his blunt response.

'I was just...' 

'You were just what? Don't tell me you were waiting for a prince charming on a white horse to come and rescue you...because he isn't' He kept looking.

'How can you say something like this' I was beyond angry at this point, just an hour ago I confessed my feelings for him which he rejected immediately and now this. 

'Please leave me' I tried pulling my hands away but it was no use.

'What if I don't?' He challenged me.

Every time I tried pulling my hands way he pushed me further and further closer to him. I was laying on top of him at this point.

'Answer me' Farid whispered in my ear.

'What?' I didn't remember him asking me any question.

'Were you waiting for a prince charming?' He positioned me so I was few inches away from him and our eyes were connected with each other.

I nodded and my eyes became watery. Farid didn't say anything instead he embraced me and I allowed him to comfort me for a while before pulling away.The moment we separated, I felt abandoned again.

'Good night, Farid.' I wanted to kiss him, ask him why he rejected my love for him and beg him to stay and never let me go. But I managed to hang on to my self-respect. I went to my side of the bed and pushed the blanket closer to me. I closed my eyes and tried to hold down the raw emotions that were causing me so much pain in every nerve in my body.


#Farila or #Laird ???

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