Chapter 42

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As I walked back home from the cafe, I kept thinking about how I was going to tell my mother about my relationship with Farid. As soon as I walked inside the house, I saw the person I least expected to see. Farid's father. Mr. Ibrahim Raza.

'Assalam O Alikum Mr.Raza' I was so surprised to see him that I didn't know how to react. Across from him, my mother was sitting. I couldn't see her face but as soon as she heard my voice. She turned around and I knew I was in big trouble.

Mr.Raza didn't answer my greeting. Instead, he got up and walked towards me and my mother  turned her back to me without saying a single word to me.

'Is this true?' He asked. He looked confused, but I could also tell that he was a serious man who had no time for lies but I tried my luck anyways.

'What is?' I smiled and looked down. Keep it calm, I kept telling myself.

'Stop with the lies, Laila. Tell us the truth' My mother yelled across the room.

'Nasreen please, stay calm. Let the girl talk' Mr.Raza looked at my mother and she glared at me.

I remained quiet.

'Say something Laila' My mother walked toward me and grabbed my shoulders.

'I...was going to tell you...' I tried explaining myself but I knew the damage was done and no words were strong enough to fix it.

'I don't believe you' She spat.

'I called Farid, he's on his way' Mr.Raza dropped another stress shell on me.

'How did you find out?' I managed to ask.

'Words spread quickly in corporate meetings after few drinks, I knew something was going on when I noticed Farid withdrawing large amount of money from his account. The bank manager is my friend, when I dug deeper with the lawyer Farid was working with that's when I found out what you two kids were doing behind our back' He was a smart man. I couldn't even get myself to look at anyone of them, so I kept looking down.

'Hey' I heard the main door open, and I knew right away that it was Farid. Even though I couldn't stand him, but I felt a little relaxed when he arrived.

'Hey' He looked at me, and when I saw him...I couldn't look away. We spent few hours apart but it felt like an eternity.

'What's going on?' He sat down on the sofa and looked at his father as if nothing happened.

'You know why I called you, Farid' His father's voice suddenly become authoritative.

'I don't' He pretended. God knew how much I wanted to hit Farid at this very moment.

'They know Farid' I looked at him.

'Okay, that's good. Aren't you happy Laila? You wanted them to know the truth after all. What a perfect timing?' He smirked. How dare he?

'I am very sorry' I joined my hands and started crying. I was finished.

'Sorry? That's all you have!' My mother yelled and it made me shiver. Thank god my brother wasn't here to see this family union.

'I'll do whatever you say, just please...please forgive me. I didn't know what else to do...' I cried and cried.

'I don't believe you, Laila, do you know what you did? Marriage is not a joke! You spend months with him. In his house. How am I going to explain this to people' At this point my mother's voice was echoing in the entire room.

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