Chapter 33

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Today was the last day of this year, it was New Year's Eve and there was no sign of celebration in this place. Farid was locked up in his room and I was busy cooking dinner.

'Okay Laila, I will be leaving. Happy new year to you and your family' Mr. Abdul showed off his humble smile.

'You too, Mr. Abdul. Give my best wishes to your family...and I was just Farid okay? I haven't seen him all day' I asked him curiously.

'Yes he is well, he said he wanted to be alone' Mr. Abdul excused himself while he grabbed his bag and left.

I decided to call Sobia to see how her day is going.

'Hello my jaan, happy new year eve' she yelled from the other side of the call, she was definitely having a lot of fun with her fiancé. Since Salman left I didn't want to be a third wheeler so I didn't go out with them.

'Hey, thank you... I wish all of you a very happy new year eve too'

'I am still mad at you; you should have come with us' Sobia said.

'I know but I had a lot of work at home'

'Awhh okay, but we have to meet next week okay?'

'Yeah sure, okay I am going to call you guys later. Say my Salam to Rafay for me' I ended the call and made myself a hot cup of tea.

It was eight in the evening and I was going crazy out of boredom so I decided to go to my mother's house. It's not like Farid was dying to spend time with me tonight. He clearly wanted to be alone so there was nothing I could do.

I walked towards his room and quietly knocked, there was no answer. The door was open but I didn't want to push him on edge, not today.

'Hey, I am going to my mom's...Mr. Abdul said you wanted to be alone so I am not going to bother yeah I am going to go...I...Happy New Year Farid. I hope whatever you wish for comes true' I held on to the door for a few minutes. I could sense Farid close to me. He was there. I waited for him to come out of his room and tell me...tell me everything he feels...I waited and waited but he didn't come out so finally I went out the door.

Ammi and Sabir were very happy to see me, Sabir was especially thrilled when I handed him his new football and Nike runners that I bought for him few days ago and Ammi gave me her gold bracelet.

'No Ammi, I can't take's yours' Ammi used to lend me her jewelry when I was younger but she never gave me her gold jewelry to keep.

'It's your wedding present' she took out a very delicate gold bracelet out of a velvet pouch and placed it on my wrist. I looked at my hand and noticed how my finger was missing the wedding band, but then again, what was the use of wearing a reminder of a wedding that is going to end soon.

'Do you like it?' My mother asked.

'Yes, it's beautiful' I gave my mother a hug and went upstairs to my room to pick up my wedding ring that I left here earlier. It was still there, resting on the nightstand. I picked it up and securely placed it inside my bag so I don't lose it.

Sabir wanted to eat some pizza so we ordered some. We were busy catching up when the doorbell rang and Sabir ran to get the door.

'Farid Bhai, Salam' I heard my little brother from the entrance. What the heck? What was he doing here?

I looked at my mother who looked at me with a puzzled look.I got up as Farid entered our small living room.

'Assalam O Alaikum' Farid greeted my mother and handed her a box of cake.

'Oh Walikum Assalam, you didn't have to bring anything' She placed her hand on his head and went to the kitchen with the cake.

Farid was dressed in a white jumper, khaki colored leather jacket and a pair of black pants. I noticed I was wearing my very embarrassing superman pajama set, dear lord it was so embarrassing.

'Impressive choice of nightwear' He stared at me.

'Thanks' I knew it wasn't a compliment.

'You want some pizza?' I picked up the box and handed it over to him. He walked closer to me and sat right next to me.

'You are not going to eat?' He asked casually.

'I am full' I was about to go to the kitchen to find my mother when he grabbed my hand and pulled me down on the sofa.

'Hey ' I shouted and freed my hand.

'Easy there, tiger' He rolled his eyes and switched to a sports channel. How come he was so normal?

'Farid what are you doing here? You were in your room all day and now you are here...' I looked at him furiously.

'It's my birthday today, I thought I could spend it alone but I couldn't' He answered honestly.

'What?' I whispered.

He nodded and glanced my way.

'Why didn't you tell me stupid?' I squeaked.

He shrugged.

'You are crazy' I punched his shoulders and jogged to the kitchen.

'Ammi it's his birthday today' I announced in the kitchen.

'What, whose?' She asked.

'Aray, its Farid's birthday today...Sabir please go to the convenience store and get some candles, Ammi please make some snacks' I ordered my two very reliable soldiers.

'Sobia can you do something for me?' I called my best friend and asked her for a favor. This boy, my fake husband, my fremey (enemy/ friend) was his birthday today; I can't just let it pass by without celebrating it. Yes, I hated him at times but whoever he was to me, he was still mine. Farid still belonged to me.


Eid Mubarak to everyone who is celebrating! May your lives be filled with joy and peace <3

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