Chapter 10

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I don't wanna rush but I do want to be consistent with my work, I hope you are enjoying the story so far. Don't forget to vote, comment and share!!! please please please.

Lots of love...xoxo


Today was the last day of university before our autumn break starts for one week. Thank god, I really need some time off. One another thing I was thankful for was the fact that I won't be seeing the person I loathe the most but frankly speaking I think we won't be crossing each others paths from now on. Since last week, I haven't seen Farid and I heard some people saying that he left for London and took an early break. Anyways it's not like any of this affects me.

When my class finished I packed my bag and headed towards the third floor to find Rafay. It's time I should introduce Rafay to Sobia.

I took him with me to her bakery and let's just say I did the right thing.

'So you'll be coming right?' Sobia asked Rafay. Sobia's cousin is getting married in Brighton and she wasted no time inviting Rafay.

'You sure? I mean I don't wanna make it awkward by coming to your cousin's wedding' He was smiling at Sobia the entire time and I felt like such a third wheel but I didn't care. I was shameless and was very much enjoying witnessing them being all shy and cute with each other.

'Oh common, I am going as well Rafay. It'll be so much fun' I interrupted and Sobia sighed in relief.

'Yeah but you know her family yaar.'

'So what you'll get to know them too and besides Sobia is taking care of everything and she is allowed to invite people'

'Fine, I'll be there besides I love wedding food' He laughed.

'Oh and don't forget about the sweets' Sobia bragged because she will be preparing desserts for the wedding.

'Won't miss it for the world' He winked at her and she looked away instantly turning red.

We talked some more and after a while Sobia's mother also joined our company and we chatted for hours and hours until it was time for me to head home, while Rafay decided to stay back a little while longer.

I got home and started packing my bag for the wedding. I know almost everyone in Sobia's family and they are just as sweet and welcoming as Sobia and her mother. Since Sabir was busy with his talent show and Ammi was occupied with work, they weren't able to go.

This week at the wedding will be so much fun. Food, music, gathering ...all of that is so up my alley. I packed my bag with colorful traditional clothes and since the wedding was totally in eastern style, I usually packed Shalwar Kameez and Kaftan.

When everything was done, I uploaded my last assignment for the week and drifted into sleep.


I woke up extremely late and Sobia was already downstairs waiting for me. I hurried to the bathroom took a quick shower and slipped on a chunky black sweater and brown jeggings. I said my goodbye to Sabir and Ammi and lifted my heavy bag and shoved it in the back seat. We picked up Mariam auntie along the way and headed straight to Brighton.

It was my first time in Brighton and it was way too beautiful. Sobia's aunt lives in a really nice house so she prepared a separate room for us to stay in which was very sweet of her.

'Please make yourself comfortable Laila' Sobia's cousin, Saima said as she took us the room Sobia and I will be sharing for this entire week.

'Thank you for inviting me to the wedding Saima. I am so happy for you'

'Oh common Laila, half of the time I speak with Sobia she talks about you. I feel like I already know you and she told me how you and your mother helped her and auntie Mariam out when started her bakery' She took my hand.

'If you need anything Saima feel free to let me know I am just like Sobia, please don't hesitate'

'Hmm okay well I have a henna appointment and I need my bridesmaids ready in twenty minutes' She laughed.

'You want me to be your bridesmaid?' I was way too excited at this point.

'Of course darling, the more the merrier...I'll see two of you downstairs' Saima closed the door on her way and I started unpacking my bag with Sobia.

Saima insisted that I should also get my henna done and even though I tried to fight it, I had to give up at last and listen to the bride. The henna looked stunning and left such a beautiful dark colour on my hands.

The entire night, all of the family members and other guests sang songs and ate tons of food. It was seriously so much fun.

Before going to sleep I took out my outfit for tomorrow and hung it inside the closet. I bought it especially for this wedding and it was stunning. I can't wait to wear it tomorrow. I am so glad I am earning now and I can afford to buy the things I want instead of asking Ammi for money all the time.

'Rafay will be here tomorrow' I reminded Sobia when she laid on the bed next to me.

'I know, I am feeling so nervous...I shouldn't have invited him like that, he probably thinks I am crazy'

'He doesn't think you're crazy Sobia, you are crazy' I chuckled and she slapped my shoulders lightly.

'You're the worst. You know how I am with guys...I am not like you' She said.

'What do you mean? It's good that you aren't like me Sobia and for your kind of information I am not looking for a partner'

'The way you are I doubt any weak soul will survive against your wittiness'

'Stop thinking about my love life and focus on yours. Rafay is a nice guy Sobia. I am serious, think about it'

'Of course I know that, even Ammi likes him Laila and you know how picky she is when it comes to guys for me'

'I think he likes you'

'You think so?'


'Good' we laughed.

'Where is he going to stay though? The wedding events will go on for three days with Nikkah, Reception and after party' I asked her.

'He said one of his friends lives close by so he will be staying at his place'

'A man with a plan, you are lucky Sobia' I winked at her and she blushed again.

'Stop talking too much, I need my beauty sleep' She whined and turned her head on the other side.

'Okay miss future bride' I laughed to annoy her some more. This is so great; I didn't even have to try to get them together. Two of my friends might actually be falling for each other. It's going to be a great week.

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