Chapter 41

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My mother was shocked to see me with all my luggage and despite the fact I was exhausted of lying to her, I still couldn't find the confidence to tell her the truth. So I lied. I told her that Farid was travelling outside of the country to attend a few family meetings with his father for some time so I came to stay with her. Even though she didn't buy it, my mother still managed to stay quiet about it. Thankfully.

I took all the stuff in my bedroom and placed everything back where it was before four months ago. I just wish our feelings were like that too, it would have been a lot easier to put them back where it was before but I wasn't that lucky. It has been a while since I have talked to Sobia and since I couldn't talk to anyone else I decided to message her to ask if she could meet me at the nearest coffee shop and she agreed.

So I quickly grabbed my bag, my coat and bus pass and stepped out the door.

'Where are you going?' My mother followed me out in the parking lot.

'Oh, I thought you were praying...I am going on to see Sobia' I told her.

'What's going on with you Laila? I am worried about you. Did Farid do something? I thought everything was fine?' She looked really worried. God, it was going to be really hard to tell her the truth.

'It's not okay but everything will be fine Ammi, I will tell you everything. I just need some time. Just promise me you will take care of yourself and just know that I am okay. I can't see you like this' I hugged her and it brought so much peace into my heart.

She let me hug her and later went inside the house without saying anything else and I ran to catch my bus to the coffee shop. I quickly spotted Sobia as soon as I walked in the café, the café was pretty quiet there were only a few people there.

'Salam O Alikum' I greeted her and she got up to hug me.

'Walikum Asalam, you look so weak. Are you okay?'

I nodded and sat down next to her. She already ordered a cup of coffee for me and I took a sip and felt a little relaxed.

'Thank you, Sobia for coming out to meet me last minute. I know you are busy planning your wedding and I am sorry I couldn't be there to help you for the preparation' I felt guilty about using my best friend like that. I should have been there during her happiest time but here I was using her to make myself better, but I had no one else to talk to.

'Don't be stupid Laila, I know what's going in your life and I know you are there for me just the way I am here for you. If I was in your position, then I know that you would have done the same. In fact, I am the one who should be apologizing. I am sorry I wasn't always there' Sobia was honestly god sent. She was a sister I never had and after my family, she was the person who cared about me the most.

'I am a mess' I laughed at my own misery and looked down on the table.

'What happened?' She moved forward and placed her hand on my shoulder.

'Tomorrow is the last day...we'll be signing the papers' I almost choked on my own words.

'Allah...Laila, I am...I thought everything was fine'

'That's what I thought too...I told him I love him' I looked at her.


'He said he doesn't feel the same way I do' My eyes were tearing up but I didn't want people staring so I grabbed a napkin and wiped away the tears before anyone else noticed.

'That's not true. I have seen the way he looks at you. He worries about you.'

'Yes but it doesn't mean that he loves me. I worry about people too Sobia, but there are only some people that I love. There is a difference' I managed to take a hold of myself.

'Maybe he just doesn't know' She was taking his side.

'And when will he know Sobia? Isn't four months enough? I don't have time and I can't keep waiting for a person like that.' I sounded angry. Why was I this angry? I had so many emotions going through in me.

'So what are you going to do?' She finally asked.

'I'll sign the papers' I shook my head and looked out the window.

'And your family?'

'I don't know what I am going to do. My mother will freak out; I am so scared.' I was going to hell.

'Do you want me to be there, I can talk to your mother?' Sobia insisted.

'No, I have lied to her enough. The least I can do is tell her the truth myself...besides, I am the one who built the bridge on lies...Now I'll be the one burning it down and I am not scared' I was done lying for a person who was nowhere to be found when I needed him the most. Besides, I had nothing to loose.

'I just don't understand, the way things were going between the two of you, I thought everything will work out...I mean the way he was treating you on his birthday the other night, Rafay and I thought you were together, as a couple' She sounded sad.

'Yeah, he has his moods. Sometimes he gives me all the attention in the world and sometimes he doesn't even glance my way, I thought it was just a phase you know. But now when I think about it, it's his habit' I tried explaining Farid's personality to Sobia, but no matter what I said,Farid was still a mystery to me. And I think he will always remain like that.


Sorry for the short chapter, I have exams going on so I am quite busy!  Anyways...enjoy and please vote and comment! It means so much to me guys!


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