Chapter 15

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I was so nervous that I couldn't even sleep the entire night. I just kept thinking about Farid and even though I tried everything to stop my mind from wondering off, it just didn't listen. But then again when does your heart ever listen to you? It just makes its own rules.

It was almost 10 am so I still had couple of hours to recollect my thoughts and get myself together. Farid and I were never friends, hell we hated each other when we first met and now not only the thought of being around him does something funny in my stomach.

It was 12:30 now and I decided to call my mother since it was our last day here in Brighton before we go back to Bradford.

'Asalam O alikum Ammi Jaan' I said to her.

'Walikum Asalam' Ammi sounded so weak that I didn't even recognize her voice at first.

'Ammi are you sick? Is everything okay there?' I was so worried for her.

'Yes dear I am fine; I have just been getting a lot of headaches for the last few days'

'Why didn't you tell me? Did you go see the doctor?'

'Yes I did...yeah everything is okay, just a regular migraine' I could tell that she was hiding something from me.

'Hmm okay, where is Sabir?'

'He is okay, hold on I'll pass the phone to him.'

'Take care okay Ammi, I'll see you tomorrow'

'Hey salaam Baji' Sabir sounded dull as well. Something was off for sure.

'Hey Sabir what happened to you? What's going on?' I was beyond worried and all of my doubts were gone at this point.

'I can't tell you over the phone' He whispered.

'Why are you whispering? Is Ammi around?'

'Yh, just come back home quickly Baji' His voice was shaking.

'Yh Sabir I will be there tomorrow, whatever it is we'll figure it out okay. Take care'

The call ended but it made things a lot worse for me, I wanted to skip everything and go back to Bradford instantly, maybe I will leave tonight...but I don't know the way back. I'll just have to wait until tomorrow.

I was really looking forward to meeting Farid but the excitement died down quickly as soon as I finished talking to my family.

Farid was waiting for me outside the house so I grabbed my jacket quickly and informed Sobia about the dinner plan so she wouldn't get worried.

'So you and Farid will be meeting us at the restaurant?' Sobia winked as I head out the door.

'Bye Sobia' I yelled back and walked over to his car.

Farid was looking quite sophisticated in his black turtle neck sweater and camel coloured pants. Whereas, I tried to pull off boyfriend jeans, leather jacket and a pink scarf.

'Ready?' He opened the door for me and I took my seat and nodded.

Farid took me to the Brighton Beach and when we got there, the sun was setting down and everything looked like it has been washed over with an orange tint. Since it was a working day, not a lot of people were at the beach and it was very quiet.

We sat down on the one of the big rocks near the beach and looked at the water.

'So...' He cleared his throat and turned his head around to look me in the eye.

'Yes...' I gulped.

'You know how I said I have something important to tell you?' He asked me.

I nodded.

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