Chapter 12

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Ramadan Kareem to all my lovelies!

Have a blissful month, sorry for the late update. This month is super busy so please bare with me. I will try to update as frequently as possible. Please don't forget to vote, like, comment and share! It would be the best thing ever! Love you all xoxo


'I am not going' I told Sobia as soon as I woke up the next day.

'What? Are you crazy?' She said while ironing her clothes for the reception function.

'No, I am serious. I am not feeling well so I am just going to stay here'

'I know what's it's about if you want me to talk to Samra aunty maybe she can talk to Akeel Bhai and he won't invite Farid'

'It's not that easy, God knows how long they have been friends.'

She stared at me.

'Why are you staring?'

'I think Farid likes you' She said all of a sudden and I felt like throwing a glass of water at her to bring her back to life.

'And you call me crazy'

'No I am serious; I have seen the way he looks at you'

'Yes and thousand other girls, he just enjoys picking on me. I know him'

'Yes you do' She winked at me and went back to ironing her clothes without saying another work.

After debating whether or not I should go to the party I still decided not to go. Even though I pretend that I don't care about him or the things he says to me, it still affected me.

'You sure you'll be okay beta?' Samra aunty asked me twentieth times.

'I am sure' I assured her.

'If you want anything or you want me to come back then let me know. Gosh I don't feel like leaving you behind all by yourself. You know what? I'll stay with you' Sobia was clearly having a panic attack.

'I am not that little or stupid Sobia, I can take care of myself, go and tell Rafay I said hello'

'Okay but if you need....'

'Yes mother, I will call you' I smiled at her and said goodbye to everyone and locked the door.

I sat in the living room and started wondering how I got here in the first place. How did everything got so weird all of a sudden?

I called Ammi to see what she is up to and thankfully she picked up her phone.

'Asalam O Alikum' She said from the other end of the line.

'Asalam O Alikum Ammi, how are you?'

'I am good my dear, Sabir and I are just watching television. How is everyone there? How did the wedding go?'

'Everything went well. The bride and the groom looked wonderful at the nikkah ceremony and everyone is having a great time here. Samra aunty wished you were here too'

'I know I wanted to come as well but you know how things are here. Anyways what is going on there?'

'Oh I am here and everyone is downstairs' I lied to her because I couldn't explain anything in detail.

'Oh okay I thought today was another function'

'Yhh, well ahh it's later.' Hoping that she would my terrible lie'

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