Chapter 17

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Two weeks went by and there was no sign of Farid, I waited for him. I actually did. Not because I was worried about him but because I was running out of time. I needed the money and all of my savings were falling short. I tried to get my mother to talk and tell me the truth about her losing the job but she didn't mention anything just like I imagined.

I actually went up to Farid's useless friends too in college to see if they heard anything from him but they had no idea either. I guess people we call friends are not always our friends, sometimes they are just acquaintances.

My second class got cancelled so I went out with Sobia and Rafay to the park for a while to get my mind off of things.

I took a seat on one of the rustic looking benches near the playground while the lovely couple went near the lakeside to catch the sunset. I pulled my phone and plugged in my headphone to continue listing to an audio book that I downloaded few days back.

I was lost in the story when my phone suddenly vibrated in my hand and I almost dropped it. I looked at the message, it was from Farid.

Farid: Get ready by 8:30, I'll pick you from the convenience store near your house.

I called him back instantly after reading his message. Thankfully he picked up the phone this time.

'Hello' His voice...I missed it.

'Hi' I took a heavy breath. I didn't know what to say.

'You saw my message?'


He waited.

'Are we...why are we meeting so late today? Where did you go, Farid? I asked your friends, nobody knew where you went.' I screamed not caring if I sounded desperate.

'I am here now. I just needed to take care of few things. I'll see you tonight' He ended the call.

I left Sobia and Rafay at the park and came home straight away. I only had half an hour to process my thoughts and think about all the things that I needed to know before I sign up for this crazy life that was being offered to me.

November nights were colder than ever. I made an excuse at home to run to the convenience store. Told my mother I needed some coffee and since I do go to convenience store sometimes to get coffee during the colder months, she didn't question me.

When I reached the convenience store, it didn't take me long to find Farid. He stood out from the crowd without even trying. He was always dressed nicely, looked neat and put together whereas I always looked the complete opposite. Are people even going to buy our fake relationship?

'Hello' I said in a calm manner as I approached him.

He didn't say anything he just looked at me from top to bottom. So what if I was in my sweatpants and grey jumper. It was cold. I needed something to keep me warm.

'You've got to be kidding me' He said under his voice and got inside his car. I got inside the car too, following his lead.

'What? It's cold okay. Don't judge me'

'At least make a small effort, in two hours you will be Mrs.Farid Ibrahim.' He threw away the cigarette he was smoking earlier, out of the window and began driving ...he looked so relaxed and normal ...while my entire body, including my brain ...froze. All at one. It was time. I was about to get married. With Farid. In two hours!


Sorry it's a small chapter

I am having such a shitty week you guys lol summer school is killing me atm. Anyways enjoy the chapter, I promise the next one will be long! ;)

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