Chapter 6

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I was very confident at first when I woke up this morning to go to college, but as soon as I stepped in my Business Communication class, all of my confidence melted away and some sort of fear took over. I didn't know what I was so scared about, it's not like I did anything wrong but I couldn't help myself from thinking about what Sobia said to me after I slapped Farid couple of days back.

I took a deep breath and opened up my textbook to go over some of the key concepts we'll be discussing in class today . I had my assignments ready to be handed in and now I was just waiting like everyone in my class for my professor to come in. There was no sign of Farid so far which really helped me to calm my nerves. After waiting for an extra couple of minutes, my professor finally stepped inside and started the lecture on presentation skills and reports. I was very much involved in the class, and then all of a sudden our classroom door filliped open and Farid entered the classroom. He was with a girl and both of them took a seat right in front of me.

The class kept going and both of them paid no attention to the class, instead kept flirting with other openly. Was she the same girl from the birthday party ? Who knows. Guys like him change girls like clothes. He was acting so normal though, he didn't turn around to look at once or even said anyhing to me even after he saw me. Maybe he got over that accident. I was glad that he was over it; at least now we can both move in our own separate ways without killing each other.

The rest of the class went pretty well and the professor asked everyone to hand in their assignment. I packed up my stuff pretty quickly and was the first one to hand in the assignment. Mr.Charlie was very impressed with my assignment, I could tell. After looking at my assignment, he told me to stay back because he wanted to discuss something with me, so I went back to my seat and waited until everyone handed in their assignment.

After everyone else left the classroom, he called me up to his desk and told me to have a seat.

'Look Laila, I was looking over your assignment and also read your discussion online on courses website and I am very impressed'. Mr.Charlie said happily.

'Thank you sir, I really like this course so it doesn't really feel like work'

'I am glad you are enjoying the course so far. The reason why I called you here is because I wanted to discuss an opportunity with you that I thought might interest you. We just started launched a new tutoring program in our business school and we are looking for students who are doing well academically to help out students who are struggling to keep up with their grades.'

I really liked where this was going, any type of opportunity where I can use my skills, earn experience and help out other students reach their full potential would be a great step toward my career goal.

'I checked your grades in your other classes and also talked to your other professors to see how you are doing in their classes and I have heard positive feedback from them. This opportunity will be paid and timings will be flexible. Is it something that interests you?' He asked me.

'Sir I am very much interested.' I said instantly.

'I am glad to hear that, well just fill out the forms here and I will send you the list of students you will be helping out this semester. Once you receive their contact information you can just fill out the authorization form and get them to sign it, and you all of your funds from your tuition classes will be directly deposited to your account.'

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