Chapter 8

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It was dark and quiet and I loved it. I looked around and saw a bright door. I walked over to it and opened it. A white light blinded me. I was mesmerized and took a step forward. The light disappeared once I was through the door.

It was beautiful. Everything was either white or gold. Not even a speck of black anywhere.

"Nice to see you again." I turned around and saw my aunt.

"Oh my gosh! Aunt Talia!" I exclaimed. A little boy tugged at her dress. My little cousin Winston.

"Mom! Who is this?" He giggled.

"Winston. You don't remember her? This is Bree. Your cousin. Say hi." Aunt Talia said sweetly.

"Hi." Winston said. Then he hid behind Aunt Talia's leg.

"Let me show you around." She said.

She started walking down a golden path andI followed her until we stood in front of a magnificent gate the height of a castle.

"This is where your new life begins. You will love it here." She smiled brightly.

"My new life?" I looked up at the gate.

"Yes. Winston was questioning it when he first arrived as well, but now he loves it. Right?"

"Right!" Winston cheered.

"But there is one thing. Once you go in, you can never come back out." Aunt Talia said.

"But what about you? You were in there already right?" I asked.

"Yes. But He knows our relationship. He asked me to walk you here. So... would you like  to go in?" She gestured and the gate slowly opened.

I was tempted. Passing through the gate would mean leaving behind all my pain and all my guilt. But I would also be leaving my mom. My dad. My family. And Grayson. I couldn't do it.

"I'm sorry Aunt Talia. I can't." I told her.

"Well, it is your decision. Come. I'll walk you back." She started to walk with Winston. I followed.

We seemed to get to the door faster than we walked to the gate. Aunt Talia opened the door for me revealing the dark space I was once in.

I took a deep breath and hugged her and Winston.

"I'll see you again someday." I told them. I smiled and waved and so did they.

Then I stepped through the door. I turned around and the door slowly closed, taking the light with it. I was back in the dark space.

I sat down and simply waited for something to happen. Then, the floor dropped beneath me and I was free falling, but I wasn't scared.

This was it.

I closed my eyes and after a few seconds, I felt out of breath, even though I wasn't doing anything. Soon I couldn't breathe at all but I kept my eyes closed.

Then everything stopped.

My eyes shot open and I gasped for air.

"Don't call it!" A nurse yelled. She put a mask over my face and told me to breathe. I did as I was told and thought about the words she just said.

Don't call it.

They were about to call the time on me. They were about to pronounce me dead.

"Grayson. Where's Grayson?" He was the first one in my mind.

"She wants the boy." The nurse told the doctor. He sent out someone to get him and I closed my eyes.

"Just continue to breathe sweetie." The nurse said sweetly. Just like Aunt Talia.

"Oh my god. Bree! You're okay!" Grayson said. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. He realized what he had done and looked me in the eye, smiling. I returned the smile even though he probably couldn't see it through the the mask. My mom barged into the room and I saw the relief on her tear stained face.

The nurse took the mask off of me once my heart rate and oxygen levels had returned to normal. One nurse fixed my IV lines and the rest left the room. Once the nurse was done, she left as well.

"What happened?" I asked Dr. Henry.

"Your heart stopped for 30 minutes. We tried everything to get you back. I was about to call time, but you woke up. Thankfully you did." He explained.

Grayson was also listening to the doctor as he held my hand. My mom was standing there listening to him while wiping away her tears. I'm going to be here a while.

I spent the next three weeks at the hospital.

Everyday, I would be given medication. Every other day, I had to do physical therapy as well as talk to a shrink. I understood why the shrink was on my schedule but I didn't understand why I needed the physical therapy. Dr. Henry said he wanted to make sure my body was in the right condition to get back to everyday life.

The nurses there also fed me. A lot. I gained 10 pounds while I was there. Only 20 more pounds to go until I reach a healthy weight.

Each day after school, Grayson would come to the hospital to visit me. Some days he would bring some of his friends and they would drop off presents.

Grayson, still paranoid from the flower incident, checked all of the gifts for cameras or any type of recorders.

"You hungry?" He asked me.

"No. I'm stuffed." I laughed and he laughed too. I loved his laugh. I loved his smile too. I loved everything about him.

The doctor came in with my mom and they were smiling.

"You ready to go home?" Dr. Henry asked.

I looked at my mom with a smile from ear to ear and she nodded. I looked back at the doctor and nodded my head frantically since I couldn't get any words out. I was finally going home.

A nurse came into to the room and took all of the needles out of my arm and let me change out of the hospital gown and into some sweats and a t-shirt. They had me sit in a wheelchair on the way out of the hospital. My mom and Grayson helped hold the gifts people had sent me. Mostly my mom. Grayson insisted that he hold some stuff but my mom told him to keep pushing me.

He took out his phone and started video taping me.

"Guess who's out of the hospital?" He said with a smile. I covered my face as he got closer to me.

"Stop!" I laughed and covered the camera.

"Don't worry Bree. It was on snapchat. But I'm obviously gonna save it." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

Soon, we were in the car. Grayson and I sat in the back while my mom drove. I was getting tired and Grayson noticed. He patted his lap, gesturing for me to lay down. I did. I laid down on his lap and threw my legs up onto the car seats and got comfortable. I rubbed my arm a bit because I was getting cold. Grayson shifted a bit but I didn't think much of it. I felt something cover me. It was his jacket.

"Thanks." I whispered. He put his hand on my head and stoked my hair. Soon, I fell asleep.

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