Chapter 27

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A person from the crowd noticed me and ran toward us. Everyone else followed. I had the twins stand behind my back and Gray was in front of me holding his hands up.
"Bree!" Was all I heard. They were just screaming my name and holding out their phones asking for pictures. Why would they want pictures with a sick girl?
"Hey!" Grayson yelled. His voice was deep and demanding. Everyone quieted down.
"All of you need to leave. Now!" He yelled.
"Why should we?" A man from the crowd yelled back.
Gray whipped out his phone and dialed a number.
"Yeah. Can I get some police at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills?" He said.
Everyone started rushing into the elevators or down the stair case.
Gray told the operator that the issue was resolved and that the police were no longer needed. He hung up and put his phone back into his pocket. The twins grabbed my hand and we entered our room. They jumped onto their bed and started giggling and talking to each other. I sat on the other bed plugged in my phone to charge while Gray hung up his jacket in the closet. Then there was a knock on the door.
"I got it." Gray said to me. He looked through the peep hole and opened the door.
"Hey Bree!" She said as she ran and jumped on the bed. The twins laughed.
"Hey Paige. Can I ask you something?"
"Of course." She replied.
"Did you tell anyone the hotel room?" I asked. Gray came over and sat next to me.
"I only told Venus because she said she wanted to visit later." She told me. "Why?"
"Because when we came back, there was a crowd of people in front of our door earlier." Gray answered. I nodded my head in agreement.
"Do you want me to ask her? I can call her." Paige said.
Gray and I both nodded our head and Paige took out her phone to call Venus.
"Put it on speaker." I whispered. Paige pressed the screen and put the phone in center of us. Gray put his arm around me and I rested my head against him.
"Aw. You guys are so cute!" Paige smiled. We laughed and Venus picked up.
"What do you want?" Venus asked.
"Hey. Did you tell anyone Bree's hotel info?" Paige asked her.
"I just told Kyle and Marsh. Why? Did something happen?" She said concerned.
"Its just that a whole bunch of people were at our room door earlier." I answered.
"Bree? Hi!" Venus said.
We explained the whole ordeal and it turns out that our hotel info was all over the Internet. Great.
We finished our conversation and Paige hung up the phone and exhaled loudly.
"So what are you gonna do?" She asked us.
"We could ask the concierge if we could switch rooms." I said.
"Yeah. But we're only staying here for a few more days."
"Come on Grayson. What if its like 3 in the morning and people start banging on the door?" Paige pointed out. Gray ran his hand through his hair and nodded.
"Okay." He said. He got off the bed and went to the room phone. He dialed the lobby number and started talking with someone. After about a minute, he hung up.
"So she said we can switch rooms!" He exclaimed. He threw his hands up in the air and it made us all laugh. We packed our stuff up and moved to a room that was a couple of floors below. It was like our previous room but a bit smaller.
Sage and Peytom immediately jumped onto the bed they wanted and yelled, "We want this one!" Gray and I laughed.
Paige came with us and we made sure that she would tell no one. If someone wanted to know, then they would have to contact us privately or personally.

We explored the area and found a cute little playground for the girls to play on. Paige played with them while Gray and I relaxed on the bench.
"So tomorrow I'm gonna go back to the hospital to get my stitches removed. Ill probably go in the morning." He told me.
"Okay. So Ill just hang with the twins during the time." I smiled and Gray gave me a small kiss on the lips and then one on the top of my head.
"Wait. You're birthday is when?" He asked.
"January 19th. So three days." I told him.
"Okay." He turned away from me to look at the twins with a smirk.
"Whats that face for?" I smiled.
It was obviously something. I chuckled and laid my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me.
We went back to the hotel and Paige had to leave around 5.
"So what do you guys want to eat for dinner?" I asked the twins.
"Um... Burgers!" Sage yelled. Peyton giggled and agreed with Sage. I heard Grayson laugh behind me so I turned around.
"They want burgers." I laughed.
"Okay. Well go see if there's a burger place around here. Sage. Peyton. Get your jackets." Gray said.
They jumped off the bed and we all got ready. After driving around for 30 minutes, we found a Red Robin. We all ate and had a great time.
The twins were basically dead by the time we were at the hotel. We had valet park out car. The girls were sleeping so Gray carried Peyton while I carried Sage.
We got to our room and we tucked them into bed.
"You'd make a great dad." I whispered to Gray.
"I am one. Remember?" He responded and I rolled my eyes and flopped down on the bed so that I was facing the ceiling. Gray climbed on top of me and I tried my hardest not to be loud.
"You'd be a great mom." He smirked. He gave me a kiss and get off of me. I smiled and got changed into my pajamas and so did he. Then we got into bed, said goodnight to each other, and soon, I fell asleep.

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