Chapter 7

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"Who the hell would put a camera in the flowers?" My mom asked frantically.

"Forest." Grayson answered.

"Who's Forest?" She asked.

"You didn't tell her?" Grayson asked me. I shook my head no.

Grayson took out his phone and showed my mom the news footage. When it came to the video, her hand covered her mouth and she began crying. Without saying a word, she stormed out of the room in tears.

"Do you see why I didn't want to tell her?" I said angrily to Grayson.

He rolled his eyes and turned on his phone to make a call. I was about to ask who he was calling until he started yelling.

"What the fuck dude?" He shouted.


"Put it on speaker." I said to Grayson quietly so Forest couldn't here. He tapped the screen and I heard Forest's voice.

"What the hell are you mad about?" He said.

"The camera. Why was there a camera in the flowers you sent Bree?" Grayson was still yelling.

"The news team wanted it! They said they would pay me $4000 if I could get them a video of her!" He seemed to be happy.

"How much of the video did you record?" Grayson said a little more quiet.

"Um. Everything? From the point the flowers got into the room until now, the camera was recording. It's still recording now!" Forest said.

"Not really because I threw it out the window." Grayson said.

"What? That thing was $200! Whatever. I have the video on my laptop."

I gestured for Grayson to give me the phone and he did.

"Forest? Hey! This is uh, this is Bree. So, I heard that entire conversation and can I just say that you are a selfish little bitch! If you give that video to the news team, I'm going contact the police for publicizing a video of me without my permission and once I'm out of the hospital I'm going to beat your ass. So ---" I was gonna say more but Grayson snatched the phone out of my hand.

"I'm coming over to your house in a few."

Then Grayson hung up.

"I'm gonna try to convince him to delete the video. I'll be back tonight. Okay?"

"Okay." I smiled weakly and waved goodbye to him. The door clicked shut and I rested my head back.

"Oh my god." I rubbed my face and closed my eyes. That's when a few of girls came into my room. I recognized two of them: the ones from the bathroom. They were with their entourage.

"What are you doing here?" I asked annoyed.

"We just wanted to say sorry. I didn't get to introduce myself. I'm Stass. This is Adrianna, Penelope, and Natalia."

I'm pretty sure Stass is the one I punched.

"We are really sorry. We didn't know you had... problems." Adrianna said with a sad expression.

"Neither did I." I said under my breath.

"Huh?" Natalia asked.

"Nothing." I said quickly. "I have to say I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to hurt either one of you."

They all gave small smiles and I asked for the time.

"Almost 3:30." Penelope responded looking at her watch. I nodded as a thank you. They stood there awkwardly until my mom came into the room.

"Oh. Are you girls friends if Bree?" She asked.

They nodded at the same time.

"Get well soon." Stass said and then her and her friends left.

"You okay?" I asked my mom.

"Yeah. I just didn't visualize the event to be so... disturbing."

"Um. Do you know where my phone is?" I asked.

She took it out of her back pocket and gave it to me.

"I called your father earlier. He says he really wants to talk to you." She told me.

I turned on my phone and up popped multiple notifications from social media. I ignored them and called my dad first. After a couple of rings, he answered.

"Hey dad." I said quietly. Mom just sat on the chair and looked at me as I talked.

"Oh my goodness! Are you okay?" He asked frantically.

I giggled.

"Yeah, I'm fine. The doctor said he was going to keep me overnight just to make sure they don't find anymore problems. How's New Jersey?"

"It's good here. I even found someone I get along with very well. Her name is Diana." Wow. Dad was moving on.

"That's great! Did you tell mom yet?"

"Yes. In fact, I told her when she first called me." Mom turned on the tv and switched it to a cooking show.

"I'm going to talk to you tomorrow. I'm really tired."

"Okay sweetie. Feel better. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"Bye Fad."

"Bye Bree." I hung up and looked at my mom.

She was so focused on the program. I decided to check all of the social media notifications.

Instagram first.

A handful of people followed me and sent me messages and commented on my posts saying "feel better" and a lot of other positive things. It made me smile. I looked at the number of followers I had.

583. I gained like 150 followers. Damn.

Twitter was next.

I also gained a lot of followers. I went on my feed and saw the hashtag #prayforbree and #feelbetterbree. I went to look at the trending hashtags and #prayforbree was number 1.

How was this even possible? I could be labeled as a school shooter. A terrorist. Anything. They want me to feel better? I shot someone. Why are people being so... nice? I thought.

My mom told me she was going to get some juice and left. I took the remote from the table and stopped flipping through channels when I saw a picture of me. It was on a different channel so I decided to watch it.

"This girl, Bree Ryans, is all the internet is talking about right now. Apparently she was put into the hospital after she almost killed someone." One man said.

"This story is crazy and it gets even crazier. An anonymous person gave us the latest scoop on Bree and sent in a video. We have to warn you, this video may be disturbing." Another guy said.

My body fell numb as the video of me appeared on the screen. I watched myself be tortured by my own body. My breathing quickened and my heart began racing. The back of my head began pounding.

"No. No. No. Not again." I whispered.

I struggled to catch my breath as the pain quickly became unbearable. It felt as if someone was smashing the back of my head in with a brick. I scrambled for the bed control and once I had it in my hand, I pushed the larger red button over and over again, praying the nurses could feel my hopelessness. The pain spread to my spine in an instant. It felt like knifes squeezing their way between my vertebrae and separating them from one another.

The nurse came rushing in with the doctor. My head started to spin as the pain took up my entire brain. The doctor shouted loudly as more nurses came into the room. My vision started to blur once again. All I could focus on was the pain and the manic beeping of the heart monitor. That was my heart beat. It was the sound of me in pain. It was the sound of me dying. One blast of pain shot from my tailbone and into the back of my head. It consumed me. I couldn't hold it back anymore.

I took one deep breath and suddenly, everything stopped. Everything was calm. It was peaceful.

I was at peace.

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