Chapter 26

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Gray was smiling and Paige was squealing her head off.
"Oh my god! Yay!!!" She squealed.
I was laughing at both of them.
"But remember. Don't tell anyone." I said. They nodded their heads.
There was a knock on the door and Venus came in.
"Paige. We have to get back to school." She said. Paige got up and said good bye to us.
"Bree!" The girls whined. I looked at them.
"You're having a baby?!?" They asked loudly.
"Yes. I am." I laughed. They started jumping up and down and giggling. Gray tried calming them down but it wasn't working.
He gave up and went out to the hall to retrieve the teddy bears and gave them closer inspection. He mainly checked the eyes.
One bear had a camera in the eye. The others were fine. He put the one bear back into the hall way and left the others on the floor.
"The things people do." He shook his head. A nurse came in a little later with some lunch. A sandwich, fruit, and a drink. She also brought a couple of puzzles for the twins. I thanked her and she said she would be back to get the tray a bit later.
Gray turned on the TV and started watching a show I didn't know while the girls started the puzzle. I started eating the fruit and it was delicious. I only ate half of the sandwich and left the rest on the plate. Grayson looked over his shoulder and asked if he could eat the rest. "Sure." I laughed. He took the plate and started eating it. Wow.
The nurse came back into the room an hour later. She took away my tray and asked if i needed anything else. I responded with a no and she left the room.
The rest of the afternoon was boring. Gray and I just talked and watched TV while the girls continued to put the puzzles together. Every so often, the doctor would come in to check my IV bag. Gray ordered some food and went to pick it up with the girls. I got super bored and my eyes were tired so I decided to take a nap.

"Bree. You hungry?" Someone shook me awake.
"Um. Sort of. What did you get?" I asked Gray.
"I just got some Chinese food. The girls ate already." He told me.
I sat up a bit and felt really sick. Gray noticed my pain and looked at me with concern.
"You okay?" He asked, putting his hand on my shoulder.
"I feel like throwing up." I said, putting my head back.
"Sage. Peyton. Go to the front desk and ask one of the ladies to send a doctor for Bree." He said to them. They nodded their heads and went out of the room.
I was starting to sweat and shake and my breathing got really heavy.
"Hey. Hey. Just look at me. Everything is going to be okay." Gray said to me. The doctor came in with a nurse and told Grayson to go outside into the hall. He nodded at the doctor and gave me one last look before leaving with the girls.
"Bree? What's going on?" Dr. Strater asked me.
"I just have this feeling of throwing up. And Im like freezing and burning up at the same time and my head is starting to hurt." I told him.
He nodded his head and told the nurse to give me zofran. She put the medication in me and told me to focus on breathing while it takes affect. After about 10 minutes, the pain started to go away.
"Feel better?" He asked.
I nodded my head and gave a weak, "Yes."
"Okay. We'll keep you on the medication for another hour maybe. Then, if you're feeling better, we can discharge you tomorrow." Dr. Strater said to me. I nodded and he opened the door to let Gray and the girls back in. They ran to my side and he held my hand while the girls jumped onto the bed.
"So she's fine?" Gray asked the nurse who was still fiddling with the bag of medicine.
"Yes." Is all she said.
"We'll be back to check on you later." Dr. Strater said. I nodded my head and he and the nurse left.
Gray had my hand on his forehead and he was crying.
"Hey. Look at me." I said. He lifted his head.
"Its going to be okay." I whispered. He grinned.
"Are you still hungry Bree?" Sage asked.
"Maybe a bit later." I told her. She shrugged her shoulders and got off the bed. Peyton followed and they sat on the couch. They asked to watched TV so Gray turned on a cartoon and we all watched.
An hour passed and the girls were asleep. The nurse had already taken me off the zofran and I was feeling a lot better.
The next morning, Gray signed my discharge papers and we were on our way back to the hotel.
During the car ride, I got a call from Paige.
"Where are you?" She seemed concerned.
"Im riding back to the hotel." I told her. Gray looked over at me but I pushed his cheek so that he was facing the road.
"You got released and didn't tell me? Im at the hospital right...Whatever. What hotel are you staying at?" She asked.
"Didn't school start already?" I looked at the time. 9:38.
"I told my parents that I was gonna visit you and they're letting me hang with you today." She said.
I sighed. "We're staying at Four Seasons in Beverly Hills. Ill text you the floor and room number."
"Okay. Ill see you then. Bye."
"Bye." I hung up.
"Who was that?" Peyton asked.
"It was Paige. The girl you met yesterday. She's going to be hanging out with us today!"
The girls cheered and Gray and I laughed.
"Which room were we in again?" I asked Gray.
"Um. 3227." He responded.
"Thanks." I texted Paige and she said she was already on the road.
We got the hotel in about 45 minutes and had valet park our car. Stupid traffic. We went up the elevator to our floor. Once the doors opened, we heard lots of voices coming from the direction of our hotel room. When we turned the corner, we saw a crowd of people around our door.

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