Chapter 16

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"Bree wake up!" I heard someone scream. My eyes fluttered open but my vision was blurred. My head was pounding as another person came into view. The twins.
"Bree!" They said happily. I slowly got up and they hugged me tight. I looked around and saw Tyde pacing back and forth.
"Tyde." I said. He looked at me and gave a breath of relief. He came over to me and kneeled down.
"The paramedics are on the way." He told me.
"How long was I out?" I asked, rubbing my head. Sage and Peyton were sitting on my lap.
"I don't know. When I got here, you were already on the floor."
"Are you okay Bree?" Peyton asked.
"I'm fine. Why don't you and Sage go up to your room. Okay?" I said. They both nodded and got off me and started walking away.
"What time is it?" I asked, slowly getting off of the floor.
"Like four." Tyde responded. He helped me up and over to the couch.
We sat there in silence until there was a banging on the door. Tyde shot up from his seat and ran to answer the door.
Two paramedics came over to me.
"Bree?" One of them asked.
"Yeah." I said.
"My name's Dave and this is my partner Harris. How are you feeling?"
"I'm okay I guess."
"Has this happened to you before?" Dave asked me as Harris started taking my blood pressure.
"Yeah. I actually just got out of the hospital like two days ago."
"Oh." He raised his eyebrows.
"Blood pressure is normal." Harris said.
"I don't think we need to bring you back to the hospital. But if you ever have the feeling that something might happen, immediately call 911. Just in case." Dave said.
I nodded my head as they got up and went to talk to Tyde. I rested my head back and closed my eyes.
I heard the door close and felt the couch move. I opened my eyes and Tyde was sitting next to me.
"If you need anything, I'll be upstairs."
He got up and walked up the stairs. I laid down on the couch and my phone rang.
"Hey Gray." I answered.
"Oh my god! Bree! Are you okay? Tyde called me and said you were passed out and I got so-"
"I'm fine." I cut him off.
"You're sure?"
"Yes. I'm sure. I'm gonna take a nap probably and then I'll come visit you."
"Actually, I convinced the doctor to let me out tonight. I'll be at the house around six. My mom's filling out the release form."
"That's great." I yawned.
"Okay. I'll let you sleep. See you later beautiful."
"Bye." I hung up and plopped my arm down at my side and closed my eyes.

"Hey Bree. Wake up..." Someone nudged me awake and I opened my eyes. I smiled when I saw Gray's face.
"Hey." I said.
"How are you?" He asked, kneeling down.
"I'm fine I guess." I said.
"You guys hungry?" I heard Mrs. Hunter yell from the kitchen. Gray looked at me and I shook my head.
"No! We're okay!" Gray yelled back. Then he turned to face me and held my hand.
"How are you?" Gray asked one more time.
"I told you. I'm fine."
"No you're  not. I know you're not 'fine'. I can see the pain in your eyes. You wanna talk?"
My eyes started to water and I let my feeling pour out of my mouth.
"It's just that. Um... I have no one now." I used my other hand to wipe my tears.
"Hey. Don't say that. You have Tyde and my mom. You have the girls. You have me."
I sat up and hugged him.
"You'll be okay. Anyway. I told my mom and she's letting you stay as long as you want."
"Really?" I asked.
"Yeah." Mrs. Hunter answered. She came into the living room and kneeled beside Gray.
"I'm really sorry. I want to help so you can stay as long as you want. This can be your new home." She smiled.
"Thank you." I whispered to her. She got up and gave Gray a kiss on the head and went upstairs.
Gray and I continued to talk about random things. Then came to the topic of Sage and Peyton. I told him I loved them. They were sisters to me. He smiled.
I got off the couch to go to my room but I was still kind of weak so Gray helped me. I stumbled a bit but each time I did, Gray would hold me tighter and say, "I got you."
I loved that feeling. The feeling of someone just being there for me. We got to the room and he sat me down on the bed. He sat next to me. My attention went to his arm.
"How's your arm?" I asked, touching the bandage.
"It should be fine. Doctor said that I have to go back there in a week." He said.
"Okay. Are we going to school tomorrow?"
"You wanna go?" He asked.
"Kind of. I just don't wanna miss anymore work. I mean. I've missed almost an entire month." I explained.
"But everyone knows that you were in the hospital."
My phone rang. I looked at the number and I didn't know who it was. I answered anyway.
"Hello. Is this Bree Ryans?"
"Yes. Who is this?"
"This is Officer Kale. I am in charge of your case. So we found the fingerprints."
"Really? Who is it?" I said. Grayson looked at me.
"We got the name. Um. Forest Hall. Do you happen to know him?"
I was speechless.
"Um. Can you hold on for a sec?" I asked the officer.
"Of course." He replied.
"What's wrong?" Gray asked me concerned.
"The person who broke into my house. It was Forest."

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