Chapter 12

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"Yes?" I ask, my voice slightly breaking as I call out in curiosity.

"Hurry up, (Y/N)." Mark slightly laughs as I hear his head or hand hit the door. I'm guessing it's his head from the fact it wasn't hit that hard and he mumbled an 'ow' in pain afterwards.

I stand up and unlock the door, ever so quickly pulling him in and closing the door behind him. "(Y/N)! I like you an all but-"

I roll my eyes, covering his mouth to silence him as I whisper, "Shut up, I have something to show you." I remove my hand as I bend over to pick up the book.

"Again, (Y/N), I don't-" He stops whispering once I stand back up with the book in my hand, "Oh."

"Stop being so perverted," I lightly hit his arm, "Earlier on I was bored so I decided to check on Dark, he was in the spare room you banned us from. I opened the door to see him surrounded in old books and was reading one that looked particularly older than the rest. He was quick to get me out after chucking the book under the bed, telling me how there would be consequences if I looked in there again.... So I got the book." I shrug, handing it to him, it's at this point I notice he is shirtless and the situation becomes a lot more awkward, for me at least.

"What page?" He raises his slightly stubble covered lip as he looks blankly at the pages.

"2-218." I stumble, realising I was staring at his chest, quickly avoiding my gaze from him.

"Bring back the Anti?" He asks, looking up to me with his dark chocolate eyes, his glasses aren't on and his red hair is ruffled. I nod silently, trying to stop myself from noticing his attractive features all of a sudden.

"I'm not sure who or what 'Anti' is though." I stand to the right of him, reading the page along with him.

That's when I hear someone walking in front of the bathroom door from outside, I look down to see I forgot to lock it after pulling Mark in. So I grab Mark quickly and we hop in the bath, pulling the shower curtain shut and managing to stop them rustling before the door opens. The bottom of the bath is slightly wet as it has been recently used.

"Who keeps leaving the light on?" I hear Matt mumble to himself. Mark quickly pulls me to his chest, hugging me closely to him, the book in between our bodies. I give him a confused look, not bothering to move yet feeling slightly awkward being pushed up against him. He then nods his head towards the shower curtain to point out it doesn't reach the entire length of the bath, meaning I would've been spotted. I just nod, my heart racing as I hear Matt begin to pee.

I am in an uncomfortable position as Mark randomly pulled me to him, so my legs are a little far back and I'm kind of leaning on him. I bring my feet forward, accidentally standing on Mark's foot which causes him to jump, making me freak out and step back, slipping on the water at the bottom of the bath. He quickly reaches forward to catch me but just catches the shoulder of my shirt as I grab onto the shower curtain and Mark.

I end up hooking my hand in his jogging bottom's waistband, pulling the shower curtain off of it's hooks as Mark pulls my top off with him.

Matt's head quickly turns to see the situation, and I look forward to see Mark's trousers falling at his ankles.

I panic, quickly crossing my arms over my now bare chest as Mark bends over to cover himself with the book and Matt just begins to laugh, "I knew there was something going on between you!"

"No, Matt, it's not what you think!" Mark panics, looking at me with a saddened look as I huddle in the end of the bath. That's when the door opens to reveal a Dark and Ryan who look as if they had just been woken up.

That's when I realise I can't let Dark see the book otherwise we're screwed. So I leap forward, trying to grab the book. I grab it as Mark picks up the shower curtain and pulls it around us, diguisig us and the book.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Dark rages, making me worry if he saw the book or not. His raised voice immediately makes me begin to shake in fear, Mark hugs me close to him as he realises I'm terrified, luckily his pants are now pulled up whilst I have the book over my chest.

"Dark, let it g-" Matt starts, defending us after he flushes the toilet.

"No, you think you can just go around fucking Mark. You are supposed to be a prisoner, this is not a dating camp." Dark storms forward and pulls my hair, pulling me downwards as I am pulled away from Mark, along with the shower curtain hiding my dignity, thankfully Mark grabbed the book.

"Dark!" Ryan shouts, roughly pushing his grip off of me and punching Dark square in the face, "This stops now you dick!"

"Ryan, calm down." Matt pulls him off of Dark who has a bleeding lip and crooked nose. I'm crying as Mark holds me closely to him, comforting me as he holds the shower curtain firmly around us again.

"We'll leave you two to get dressed again." Matt and Ryan walk out with a grumpy Dark following him, slamming the door behind them.

- - -

After me and Mark pulled our clothes on he slides out of the bathroom to go and put the book back under the bed, closing the door behind him. I slide down the wall of the bathroom, crying silently as tears stream profusely down my face. I don't want to be here! Please, God! Just let me go home and live my life, I'm sorry about complaining about boring work, just let me be free.

I look up and the first thing I see is a razor, the cheap plastic ones that can easily be disassembled. I crawl forward, grabbing the dark blue plastic and tossing it between my shaking fingers. I look down at my arm, lightly laughing before carelessly throwing it at the wall. I think I'll have to be at a very dark place to do that.

I push myself up from the wall, wiping my face with my sleeve before turning the bathroom light off and closing the door behind me. I just want to sleep so I'm disappointed to walk into the living room to see Matt, Ryan, Mark and Dark sitting on the settees, turning to me when I walk in.

"(Y/N)?" Dark asks, standing up and walking in front of me. I rub my eyes, pushing my hair from my face as I ask what he wants.

"I'm sorry, it's not something I can control. My emotions go over board and I don't even know what's happening." He runs his fingers through his black ruffled hair.

"Are... Are you jealous when seeing me with another man?" I joke, watching his face fall as he is lost for words, "Holy shit, I was only joking..."

"Damn, LOVE TRIANGLE!" Ryan yells excitedly.

"Ryan, how is it a love triangle when there are only tw-" I stop mid sentence, my eyes slowly connecting with Mark's. "Wait... So..."

Mark sits there silently, his eyes shifty as he plays with his hands.

"Oh my gosh... I didn't realise that...."

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