Chapter 36

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I watch the screen showing (D/N)'s dream intently, waiting for the murderer to appear, as he does, I watch, my face slowly falling as I see the man's facial features, I reach out to the screen, and when I do I pause her nightmare and I manage to get a few moments to examine his face. No, this can't be.

My heat falls to my non existent stomach, it looks like Dark? How can this be? I scream, managing to wake her up as the nightmare flickers off.

"It.... it looks like Dark...." I avoid the obvious statement I'm trying to make., "It-It's Dark."

"I knew it... how could he? How could he-" She then stops mid sentence, my mind filling with a memory of her having sex with someone I don't recognise, then Dark walks in on them, his eyes instantly filling with tears.

"You're more of a slut that I thought you were..." I mumble, feeling terrible for Dark... but then again he killed her.... I don't know what to feel anymore. I just want to be in a different place right now, not even back in my body, I want to be home, where I wouldn't even think about this being a possibility.

"I'm sorry! It was an urge and it would have been secret if Dark hadn't come home early..." She pleads with me, quickly standing up when a car with Mark, Dark and Anti pull up, spotting her in the entrance of the forest. (D/N) quickly begins to run away, but trips over a log stick, twisting her ankle as she falls to the ground.

"(D/N)!" Dark yells, falling to her right side as she begins to crawl away from him.

"We need to get (Y/N) out..." Anti mumbles, sitting on the other side of (D/N) with a book in his hand, "You'll have to go back in my head for now... Okay?"

Before she can even say no, he begins the spell, bringing out a red and black mist that goes into Anti's mouth, then I'm being brought out as a white mist that floats above my body. I look down at my lifeless body, spotting my skin turning paler. I'm quick to sink back into my body though, my limbs becoming controllable again as my eyes flutter open.

"(Y/N)!" They yell my name as tears begin forming in my eyes. I let out a huge sigh, emotionally exhausted as I sit up, but a sudden sharp pain runs through my right leg, making my face screw up in intense agony.

"Are you okay?" Dark asks to the left of me, his right hand on the small of my back and his left hand on my left thigh, looking down with worried eyes.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" Mark interrupts, falling to his knees on the right of me, his left hand on my upper back and his right hand on my right thigh.

I don't know why, but I'm not happy to see them, I'm not happy at all and it's a huge disappointment, I expected to be ecstatic when I was back in my old body, but I'm just burdened with (D/N)'s terrible past and I can't stand it. I need to tell them all but now is not the time.

"I'm fine, it's just that (D/N) twisted my ankle when she ran away and it kills." I bite onto my lip, letting out a pained noise as I try to move my leg.

"Okay, lift her up..." Mark nods towards Dark, a small smirk on his face.

"No, what? Don't do this." I quickly interject, my heartbeat slightly raising.

"Okay, In 3..." Dark joins in, also smirking as he adjusts his hand on the underside of my knee.

"This isn't necessary, please don't." I say again, trying to wiggle out of their grasp.

"2..." Mark now does the same, moving his hands to the underside of my other knee whilst slightly adjusting his legs.

"1...GO!" Dark quickly darts up, making me yelp in fear as I seem to fly through the air towards the car.

"I hate you guys!" I shout as we near the car, coming to a stop, but Dark doesn't get the memo to stop as he flies forward, slamming into the side of the car. I'm left in Mark's arms, being carried bridal style as I try to contain my laughter.

"(Y/N)..." Mark whispers to me, gaining my attention as I turn to him with a goofy smile still on my face.

"Will... Will you go out with me?" His eyes interlock with mine, immediately making my heart stop in it's place as I slightly begin to hyper ventilate.

My mind then storms into over-drive. I would love to date him, I have a huge crush on him but then again my mind is all messed up and I can't think straight because I found out that Dark is a murde- Oh shit he killed her, he really did, what if he was planning to kill me next because I reminded him off her too much? Oh god I can't... I can't...

I let out a deep sigh as I fall into darkness again, falling limp.

- - -

I wake up and it's the middle of the night, I'm in Mark's bed with a now warm ice pack on my ankle, sitting on a pillow pedestal. I look to my right to see Mark sleeping, his body facing the ceiling. Unfortunately, I am where I always sleep, against the wall, and now I have a desperate need to pee. I slowly sit up, poking my ankle to see how much it hurts, and I instantly regret that as my ankle sends a shot of pain up my leg. I glance over to Mark again, sighing as I realise I'm going to have to climb over him awkwardly.

I swivel around so my belly faces the mattress, raising myself up whilst hoisting my leg in the air. Like a crab I scuttle across the bed, trying to climb over him, but I knock my ankle on the end of the bed and this forces me to place my foot down on the bed again, leaving me hovering over him. When I move again, lightly cursing under my breath, he begins moving, so I freeze as my face hovers of his, watching to make sure he doesn't wake up. After what seems like an hour, he stops moving around so I begin to scuttle again, but a sudden urge to sneeze comes over me. I try to move my hand to block up my nose but this just puts me off balance as I fall on top of him, instantly waking him up.

"(Y/N)... You didn't say yes... or is this your answer?" He smirks like the suave man he is, my blush being hidden by the dark shadows.

"I'm actually trying to pee, so unless you want me to pee on you, I suggest you help me up instead of hitting on me." I roll my eyes but he doesn't seem to notice as he quickly picks me up, again holding me bridal style like earlier, but now he is half asleep.

"I sprained my ankle, I didn't lose two legs, I can bloody walk." I move out of his arms, gently placing my good foot down on the ground as I hop to the bedroom door, sighing as I make my way to the bathroom.

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