Chapter 16

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My eyebrows furrow in confusion as I push myself up from the floor. I jump onto the bed, kneeling behind him, I then lay my head on his hip, "Mark? Markimoo, are you okay?"

"It's just... When it was Daniel's funeral... I saw this fan page where people were talking about crashing the funeral..." He trails off as his eyes begin to glisten with tears.

(This is a legit thing that people were planning, I didn't see if there was an actual fan page but an admin of a fan page made a video about it.)

I don't speak, I just stay silent and let him continue. "The whole time I had nagging at the back of my mind, I couldn't keep my mind off of the fact that anyone could rush in and completely ruin this special ceremony..."

"I saw that! That was so wrong, they were saying they were doing it just to be close to you and... God it gave me the creeps." I remember the posts, I remember feeling so worried about the obsessed fans.

As my head is still on his hip, I feel his body begin to rapidly move up and down. Not in laughter this time.

I quickly wrap my arms around the crying man, my heart melting as he flips over and cries into my shoulder as we cuddle.

"I should have paid more attention to the funeral instead of worrying about them... I wish I never read that damn page." He mumbles into my shoulder.

I whisper soft hushing sounds as I hold him close to me, tears slightly forming in my eyes as I have to see someone else cry. To see my idol cry. To see smeone I'm slowly becoming attached to cry.

"You did everything you could to be supportive, you even made some videos even though you didn't have the energy and we were thankful for that! Those videos let us know that you were okay too, and knowing that was enough to keep us supporting you. You were there for him every step of the way, you were a great friend. But you reading a disturbing fan page doesn't change how much you cared." I let out my feelings in a mini rant, my heat rapidly beating.

"Thank you... Thank you (Y/N)."

And we fell asleep like that, two sad balls of flesh who just needed to hug it out.

- - -

I'm woken up to a strange, frightening noise in the pitch dark night. It sounds almost supernatural. I shake Mark away, my hands shaking as I slightly cower in fear.

"M-Mark." I say, barely above a whisper as I see a slight green glow shine under the door.

"What?" He moans, screwing up his face.

"I'm scared... What's that noise..."

His head soon snaps up once he hears the strange sound. Its like a tornado... Wind begins violently blowing from outside our door, and we grab onto each other.

"I'm going to go look." He bravely says, untangling himself from the covers as he stands by the bed, still slightly half asleep.

"I'll come too."

"I was hoping you'd say that."

We creep to the door, being too scared to take a step or even breathe.

"Ready?" Mark asks, his hand holding onto the door handle as he gives me a questioning look.

"Yep..." I trail off. Waiting for him to do it, "Are you going to open it o-"

"Give me time." He snaps, his hand still on the door handle, not moving.

"Do you want me to do it?"

"Yes." He quickly steps away, a small gratified smile on his lips.

I step in front, my hand replacing Mark's as I crack open the door slightly to be met with an eye astaring right at me. Its similar to Dark's, only his pupil is a vibrant green.

I screech in horror, running to the bed with Mark's hand in mine as we dive under the covers.

"What was it? What did you see?" He fires questions at me, confused yet intrigued.

"An eye staring at me..."

That's when the light is turned on and the covers are dragged off of us. I look up to see Dark's finger on the light switch while a new person holds the duvet. It doesn't take me long to realise this person looks like the Dark version of Jacksepticeye. Wait... anti. Oh... I get it.

"So that's what the book meant by 'Anti'..." Mark mumbles as he looks Anti up and down.

I wack Mark on the arm after he just straight out told Dark we looked through the book.

"Wait... The book? You mean to tell me you looked through the book!?!" Dark begins to become enraged, quickly storming towards us as we're on the bed. I flinch, waiting for the impact, but nothing happens.

"Chill your chilli beans, Dark." Anti says, his hand on Dark's chest as he stands in front of us.

"But they-"

"Who cares? They were bound to see me soon anyways." Anti shrugs,

"Shuddup." Dark crosses his arms and looks down at his feet like an angry toddler.

"Now that's a good Dark." Anti pats Dark's head with a small smile.

"Touch me again and I'll beat you up."










...poke." Anti pokes Dark in the cheek.

Dark then lashes forward, but Anti teleports to the other side of the room, leading Dark to fall onto the bed. He ends up elbowing my thigh, making me yelp in pain as I roll on the bed like a crazy woman.

"Ah....." I make strange sounds in pain, slightly biting onto my lip.

"So, why are you here?" Anti looms over me, inspecting my face as it's half hidden by a pillow, my eyes exposed.

"Kidnapped by Dark." I chuckle, but that seems to wipe the smirk off of Anti's face.

"Dark... I thought you got over her..." He turns to Dark, his goofy manner quickly dissapearing and is replaced with a serious one.

"Anti, I just couldn't. She was the love of my life and I can't just let her go." Dark looks Anti straight in his eyes, but Anti just shakes his head in dissaproval and begins to walk out.

"I thought you were better than this... I'm going to sleep on the sofa. Night."

I look at Mark and then Dark, slightly leaning forward as I say, "What did I jus-"

"Just shut up!" Dark shouts, rushing out the door and slamming it shut behind him.

Dark's sudden angry mood makes me feel mad, so I stand up, switch the light off and clamber back onto bed, soon falling asleep without another word spoken between us.

The Dark Ways (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now