Chapter 18

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The drive is silent but as I put the radio on, 'Work' by Fifth Harmony comes on. It's not my favourite song, but it makes you want to jam so I begin to dance.

"What are you doing?" Mark chuckles, looking over to me as he stops at a red light.

"Dancing the Demons away." I continue to do strange unrhythmic dances as I sing out of tune to the song, missing most of the words.

"Alrighty then."

- - -

We end up turning back to Wholefoods as we completely forgot we were supposed to be grocery shopping. I end having to walk around in Mark's spare basketball shorts, a hoodie of his and some old trainers as I didn't want to be walking around in my pyjamas and socks. The clothes ultimately smell like him, so most of the time is spent sniffing the hood or sleeve.

As we're walking down a sweet isle my eyes spot the variety of American Candy and I fall to my knees.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing? Get off of the floor..." Mark looks around for anyone near the isle we are standing in.

"Oh, American Sweet God! Thank you for our blessing of fatty, sweet deliciousness which is the main reason I'm a fat fuck. Amen and peace out." I hold my two fingers up in the air as a peace sign.

"I swear to God..."

"The American Sweet God?" I ask, picking up the two Giant Reccees two pound cups and sliding them in the basket.

Mark gives me a suggestive look, an eyebrow raised as his eyes brush over my attire momentarily. I couldn't help but notice that ever since I've changed into this, I have gotten a lot of suggestive stares from Mark. Well I do hear that women wearing their significant others clothing is a turn on to them.

"Do you find me sexy in your clothes?" I smirk internally, looking up to Mark as his eyes snap to meet mine with a small blush on his face.

"Well... I-I mean..." He struggles with his words as he become frantic as he avoids eye contact.

"Shh, don't worry. I'm only joking. Also, I'll give you one of the giant cups if you want."

Dark POV

As I'm flipping through TV channels Anti walks into the room, his arms crossed as he gives me a stern look.

"What now?" I whine, rolling mg eyes as his eyes give me a mini death stare.

"I seriously thought you got over her!" He stamps his foot like a child, a fierce face forming. Aww, he is so cute.

"Well, I'm sorry. As I said before It's hard to get over the love of your life!" I begin to yell, but that soon ceases when (Y/N) and Mark walk in with shopping.

"I see you two have made up! That's great to hear. Now, can you help us bring in the shopping?" (Y/N) asks, looking genuinely pleased we are friends again. God, that pretty porcelain face of hers is so pleasing to the eyes.

"Okay." Anti waves his hand, making all the shopping put itself away, leaving a pile of bags on the counter.

"Well, I guess that works." She giggles, swishing her way into the living room where I see her attire fully. She's wearing men's clothes... Mark's clothes?

"Why are you wearing Mark's clothes?" I inquire looking at the baggy basketball shorts as they slightly slip off of her hips.

"Huh?" She wiggles the waistband back on her waist, "Oh, Mark pulled me out of the house and I couldn't be arsed to get changed so he let me borrow his stuff."


- - -

Mark POV

"I see you driving 'round town with the girl I love, and I'm like, forget you. I guess the change in my pocket wasn't enough, I'm like, forget you and for-get her too. Said, if I was richer, I'd still be with ya'. Now ain't that some shit. Ain't that some shit. And although there's a pain in my chest I still wish you the best with a, Forget you!" I dance down the halls, singing quietly to myself in the dark hours of the night. Just as I'm about to push the door open to the kitchen, I notice the light is on and voices are whispering. I cannot help but listen in.

"Okay, so you're still not over her?" Anti asks Dark, making what sounds like some tea or coffee due to the light knocking against a China cup with a metal spoon.

"Seriously, Anti? You're going to bring it up again." Dark let's out a frustrated sigh.

"What have you told that poor girl? You need her for something? Like she is an important attribute to your life?" Anti asks inquiringly, tapping the spoon on the side of the cup.

Dark's silence seems to be an open invitation for Anti to continue talking, "You've stricken her from her own life for your own fantasies. You hope that some how you can get her back and you know damn well you can't."

"I have to try!" Dark defends himself, lightly hitting the table as he whisper-yells.

"You've been trying for the last two years and all it leads to is dead ends." I hear footsteps of what I assume is Anti walking up to Dark, "It's become an addiction."

"It's not an addiction, I've gotten over it!"

"Keep telling yourself that. And also, we have someone else to explain this all to." That's when the door opens to reveal me standing there, so I give a small sheepish smile.

- - -


I wake up in the middle of the night, this is when I notice Mark isn't in the bed. I slide out from the warm covers, quickly making my way into the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror for a moment before using the toilet, I check for any spots and that's when I notice my eyes are bloodshot, red and puffy. Have I been crying?

"What was my dream..." I mumble to myself, trying to recollect the dream I had not long ago. Unfortunately, it's skipped my mind, so I guess I'll leave it to the fact I'm exhausted.

I open the bathroom door, looking out into the darkness of the hallway, noticing the kitchen light is on. All I can do is assume Mark is in there as I turn the bathroom light off and rush into Mark's bedroom, diving onto the bed where Chica is laying. I quickly apologise for waking her up as I cuddle into her, quickly falling asleep in her fluffy fur.

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