Chapter 19

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I wake up, stretching and I hit something. I look to see I've punched Mark in his head due to his annoyed glare. He seems different, slightly off as he doesn't laugh or even smile. He just glares at me.

- -

As we're all eating breakfast in the living room, excluding Dark, Mark slowly eats as if in thought. But when Dark walks into the room his eyes are soon glued to him, giving him various dirty looks.

"Did you two have a fight?" I sigh, putting my empty bowl on the coffee table, looking between Dark and Mark.

"No." They both say at the same time, leading Mark to give Dark another dirty look as Dark looks down at the floor in sadness.

"Were you fighting about who should go on top?" I joke, a small smirk forming as they both look at me in surprise and slight disgust.


"I'm here all night folks." I throw my hands in the air, looking over at Anti who is giving me a sympathetic look.

"Okay! What's going on?" I question, standing up and staring at Mark, Anti and Dark.

Mark POV

I need to tell (Y/N), she needs to know why Dark kidnapped her.


"Basically you're the princess who needs saving and Dark needs to rescue you but tortoise villains are stopping him from saving you and-"


"FUCK YES!" Dark and Anti high five, laughing so loud that the floor slightly shakes. Jeez.

"W-wait... That's the plot for Mario. You little-" Mark starts but is ultimately cut off from their laughter starting up again.

"I can't believe you actually believed us!" Anti shouts at Mark, pointing at him.

"Alright guys, we get it. You can shut up now." I intervene, trying to stop them making fun of Mark.

"The look on his face!" Dark shouts again, completely ignoring me.

"GUYS!" I scream at the top of my lungs, making Ryan jump and fall off of the settee. All eyes are then attracted to me, making me flush red from embarrassment.

"You want to yell at me again?" Dark comes closer, his voice deep.

"You want to fight me mate, I'll batter ya'." I make fun of my British accent and culture whilst also trying to sound threatening.

"I'm so scared." He pretends to cry, pushing me and I end up landing on my butt.

"You are an absolute dick, you know that. Go to hell Dark, and fucking stay there for all I care." I say whilst standing up, I then quickly go to slap him. But he quickly grabs my wrist to stop me.

"Ah ah ah... Little girl. You fail-"

I knee him in the balls, quickly freeing my wrist before running upstairs. Well, I don't run. So it was more of a jog.

- - -

It doesn't take long for me to get bored so I walk back downstairs again where they're talking, it sounds kind of serious.

"So, do you understand n- Oh! Look who decided to come back from her temper tantrum." Anti stops mid sentence, turning to give me a smug smirk.

"Thanks for that." I mumble, slinking into the kitchen to grab a can of coke.

"Shouldn't she know?" I hear Mark's failed attempt at whispering.

"Mark, you suck at whispering and you need to tell me what's going on between you shady buggers." I walk into the living room, sipping on my can.

There's a moment where they all look between each other, giving each other looks.

"Okay, but you can't get mad... Okay?" Anti looks at me worriedly.

"Okay... I'm listening."

"Basically, there's a whole different dimension where Dark and I are from. Dark was summoned through Mark's rage and he was brought here. In our dimension, there are 'Dark' versions of everyone. Even you, (Y/N). Dark was in a relationship with the Dark version of you, you were even married. But you were killed... It's been two years since you were killed and Dark has continuously been thinking of ways to get you back. So he took advantage of when Mark was enraged and used him as a portal. People can only be used as a portal when their 'dark' side shows... Or whatever black magic Dark used to bring me here. Dark thought that if he could get to you, he could get the old you back, but obviously you're not the Dark version of yourself."

"Wow... Just... That was deep." I let out an airy laugh, leaning back in the arm chair, my chin resting on the palm of my hand.

"So, I'm really sorry (Y/N). I never meant to physically hurt you. I just wanted her- you back." Dark looks genuinely sorry, but obviously I've learnt not to get on his bad side anymore.

"Don't worry about it... What does the Dark me look like?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Here, I've got a photo in my wallet." He digs through his pocket, flipping open the leather to find the photo slot. He then extends his arm to me, showing her, well, me. We look almost identical, but my eyes are black with red centers, my hair also black, my skin as pale as snow and she looks... mischievous.

"I'm sorry to ask... But how did she-"

"She was home alone after I had gone out to the bar like I usually do and someone had broken into our home, she tried defending herself but they just shot her in the head... They were caught, luckily." Dark explains. I can see him imagining it in his eyes as they begin to water.

"Your dimension doesn't depict our dimension, does it?" I ask, a little scared.

"No, not at all." He smiles, moving away from the subject of her death.

"Oh, I guess I don't have to worry about that then." I lightly joke, re evaluating my opinions on Dark's abusive behaviour.

"So, I don't know what we do anymore..." Anti let's out a sigh.

"Well, Jack needs to know, right?" I ask, looking around the room as I scratch Chica's head.

"Yeah I guess so. I'll tell him I can pay for the flight because it's so urgent." Mark agrees, "Maybe you could invite your friend over for the week? Because frankly I have no idea when you will be returning."

"Can I have my phone though?" I ask Dark, questioning him slightly if he even has it.

"Yeah, but your phone has some interesting stuff on it." Dark laughs, throwing my lifeline at me.

"Why do you even have it, I was joking... And you looked through my phone?" I begin to blush as the same day I was kidnapped, I had a 'Markiplier' war with my friend, Fae. It's where we spam each other with pictures of Mark or whoever we are crushing on. I ended up sending some rather 'risqué' ones later on.

"And um, nice photos of Mark by the way." He grins at my embarrassment as I avoid looking at Mark.


"I was curious! Okay?"

"Then you wouldn't mind me showing Mark then, would you..." Dark makes the phone levitate, making it flick to the risqué pictures as it lands in Mark's hands.

"Oh my gosh..." Mark mumbles in what sounds of astonishment and disgust, "I'm much bigger than that..."

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