Chapter 35

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It's four in the morning and Anti and Mark are slumped on the pile of already read books, whilst me and Fae gradually go through the pile we haven't read yet.

As my eyes begin to slightly droop, I look up to see Fae's concentrated face. She looks intently at the pages, if it wasn't for her panda eyes, it doesn't look like she hasn't slept for ages. She's been restless, spending all day and night trying to find the right book to get (Y/N) back. It's always adorable when she falls asleep, because when she is exhausted, her tongue always pokes out. I have no idea why, but it always happens... and I have many pictures.

My eyes go back to the book in my hand, a smile remaining on my face as I begin to read the page again. Wait... Hold up, this looks promising. I continue scanning the pages, my smile gone as I intently focus of the page... I think-I think this is it!

"Fae! I think this is the book." I exclaim, making her snap her head towards me.

"This isn't some sick joke, is it? 'Cause Anti already did that... twice." Fae eyes me suspiciously, hope still glimmering in her fed up eyes.

"No, take a look." I hand her the book as I watch her face turn into the biggest grin ever.

"I-I think this may be it!" She shouts, unsurprisingly Mark and Anti don't wake up, and when I look back up to Fae she has tears in her eyes.

"I'm... I'm so relieved. After two weeks of intent searches through huge books." I let out a whistle, cracking my back and stretching my arms, letting a smile remain on my lips.

"Jack... Thank you so much." I hear Fae say, and before I can even look up to her, our lips our connected. I quickly kiss back, holding her close as we fall back onto the books in a passionate embrace.


"I am being held here against my own will! I will get you done for this you son of a bitch!" I yell nonsense into the darkness around me, feeling slightly awkward as (D/N)'s sleeping body is face to face with Dark. I have already been staring at his ugly mug for the past five and a half hours, so I would appreciate something else to look at. Maybe she could dream again?

That's something else that's happened, when she dreams, it appears on a new screen behind me, and shows me what she is dreaming about. Its quite interesting as the same dream keeps appearing.

Speaking of that, a light comes on behind me, and once I swivel around, it's the same dream as always. I guess you call it a nightmare though, as the night she was murdered keeps replaying. She normally wakes up just as she is about to be stabbed, and then goes back to sleep and begins dreaming about Dark.

Here it comes, she's about to be stabbed but then (D/N) darts up in bed, quickly running into the bathroom. I watch in interest as she locks herself in, washing her face with water as she stares at herself.

"Tough dream, huh?" I say aloud, watching her widen her eyes slightly.

"Y-You saw my dream?" (D/N) curiously asks, staring intently at her own eyes.

"Yep, that's been the same dream for a while now..." I whistle in astonishment, "I guess you haven't gotten over it, have you?"

"Well... it's just that... I keep seeing the face of the hooded man, but I can't remember the man's face when I wake up. Can you try seeing the face next time I dream about it?" (D/N) looks genuine, her slightly glistening eyes daring to release a waterfall of tears.

"Why-" I begin in curiosity, but I'm suddenly cut off.

"Just look at it you dumb bitch!" She screams, lashing forward as she punches the mirror, quickly retreating as she holds her hand in pain, "Why didn't it break?"

"Because you're weak as shit." I point out, making her roll her eyes and go back to bed, dreaming about some sexual fantasy with Dark, but I look into the darkness instead.

- - -

Ahhh... morning. Or I guess you could call it lunch. (D/N) turned over in the middle of the night and I could see the clock on the bed side table, I have been watching it for hours, and it's just turned eleven when she wakes up, doing her usual morning routine of showering... and shaving. She's taken it upon herself to shave... everything... and I mean everything.

When she strolls into the living room, she is bombarded by Jack and Fae, excitedly shouting nonsense.

"(D/N)! We found the right book! We can get (Y/N) back." Fae's eyes hold bags under them, looking exhausted while excitedly bouncing up and down like a puppy.

"What will happen to me?" (D/N) scarcely says, her eyes darting between Jack and Fae rapidly. They shrug as a response, not helping her in the slightest as her heart beat increases dramatically.

"Calm down, (D/N). Don't do anything stupid..." I attempt at calming her down, worried she'll do something rash.

"O-Okay. I just need to go to the toilet." (D/N) begins waddling away whilst Jack and Fae bound to the kitchen, this is when (D/N) takes her chance and legs it out of the door, quietly closing the door behind her as she begins sprinting down the street in long-legged paces. I'm shocked and cannot seem to push any words out, I just watch with widened eyes as her socked feet push her down the grey paths.

The sun beats down harshly onto everything it sees, a still air as she powers down the street, going no where in particular as she dodges pedestrians and lamp posts.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?" I angrily screech, making her stop and double over, heavily panting.

"I don't want to leave, I don't want to be dead. I don't want to be in Anti's head again either..." She sighs, sliding down the side of a bricked wall, her head falling in her hands.

"Do you think I want to be in your head?" I shout back, but she just stays silent, beginning to cry and curl up. I want to feel bad, but I can't help but loathe her for taking away my chances of freedom. I just want to be me again, it's been weeks, "(D/N)... please just go home... I want to be me again, I want to be able to talk to my friends."

"He loves you, you know." She interrupts my rant, looking back up and staring up at the sky.

"Who?" I say, my mind changing it's direction as I wait for a response.

"Dark, he whispers your name in his sleep, and he says your name when we're kissing..." Clouds float past in her vision, the low wind gradually moving them across the blue sky.

"I... I can't like him, he kidnapped me... I'm sure he much rather prefers his wife." I begin to rant again, my mind becoming filled with knots and questions.

"I'm going to sleep, and you watch my nightmare, okay?" (D/N) asks as she stands up, walking into a small forest area and laying down, I agree and wait as she closes her eyes, the screen showing the bright sun glimmering through the trees. I watch the soft wind move the trees for a good half an hour before the screen behind me flickers on, showing her same dream of the night she was killed. This time I move forward, intently watching the screen in preparation to see who the hooded murderer is.

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