Chapter 20

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Remember I told Fae the whole thing about me and Mark being in a relationship? Well, since she is coming, we told Jack the same thing. When I say 'we', I meant Mark told Jack as he couldn't think of something else on the spot. But I guess it will be explained that we're not together once they get here.

They should be here in two days, so now all we can do it wait for that marvellous day as we spend it cleaning the house. Well, everyone else cleans the house while I draw, I draw random things that aren't even relevant or something on Jeremy Kyle inspires me.

I've just finished a mini sketch of a girl crying, then of the same girl shouting with tears running down her face. It's in a slight realistic yet anime style as if I sketch realism it looks like utter crap.

- - -

Nothing really happened between the two days that we were waiting for Jack and Fae, we're currently at the airport. Dark, or should I say Damon, is holding tightly around my arm as we look for the plane Fae is on. I'm wearing Mark's Game Grumps shirt and my skinny jeans Mark bought, I look around excitedly as I'm happy to see my friend.

"I'm not going to run off..."

"I can't trust you."

"Well, I am going to run off when I see Fae."

"Like hell you will." He smiles, side glancing me as I just nod.

"Yep, and there is no way you can stop me."

"Is that how it is?" His eyebrow raises in interest, mocking me as I talk about running away from him.

When I spot her, it's like I'm in a movie witg in slow motion. Our eyes lock, immediately brimming with tears as we make a bee line to each other. Obviously 'Damon' let go when we embraced, letting us have our moments. I hold her closely to me, taking deep breaths as I try to stop myself from crying.

"Hey, bud! Don't be a sap, or you're going to make me cry!" She laughs, making me smile as I remove the tears brimming in my eyes.

"Anyway, did you speak to my parents?"

"Yeah, they were pretty cool with it..."

"You are joking?"

"Of course I am, they were angry and confused at why you didn't tell them you had a boyfriend! But they respect that you wanted to visit him. They want you two to visit but wish you told them. They were really worried..."

"I know, I know!" I try to move the subject away from my parents before I burst into tears in the middle of the airport, yelling 'It's all my fault!'.

"Wait wh-" Damon interrupts, but is quietly shut up when I give him a glare. I thought Mark told him the dating story...

"So, Mark looks a little different." She points to Damon, who gives a little wave and a giggle before grabbing onto my arm again, pulling us to the coffee shop where we were supposed to meet Jack and Mark.

"What do you two want?" 'Damon' asks, looking between us.

"Hot chocolate please!" Fae requests joyfully, sitting down at the six seat table.

"(Y/N)?" He turns his attention to me, grabbing his wallet from his back butt pocket.

"Coke will do." I sit down at the head of the table, Fae to my right. I soon lay my head on the table though, groaning as I'm tired.

"Lazy butt." Fae hits me in the head, "Can't wait to see where Mark's gone off to. Plus, he seems nice!"

Psshh, if you know what he's done to me you'd be beating the shit out of him right now.

Oh yeah, she doesn't know Jack is coming. I'll leave it as a surprise to her.

I get bored and check my phone, seeing the time is 11:39am and seven messages from Mark.

Mark - 11:05am 'So bored waiting for Jack.'

Mark - 11:05am 'That damn Irishman.'

Mark - 11:09am 'His flights been delayed now. Great.'

Mark - 11:25am 'The plane has landed.'

Mark - 11:29am 'Found the green headed douche.'

Mark - 11:30am 'Walking to the coffee shop now.'

Mark - 11:36am '(Y/N)...'

I quickly text him back with 'What?'

It doesn't take long to get a reply.

Mark - 11:40am 'I think we're at the wrong coffee shop...'

(Y/N) - 11:40am 'We're at the one by the entrance.'

Mark - 11:41am 'FAAAAAAACK. We're at the one by the covenience store. See you there in a bit.'

(Y/N) - 11:41am 'Bye you goof, see you soon.'

Dark throws the bottle of coke at me, it hits me on the arm and falls to the floor, "Ouch, thank you for that."

"You're welcome. And for you... M'lady." He gently puts the hot chocolate down in front of Fae who smiles with gratitude.

I slide off the wooden stool, lazily grabbing the coke before sitting back on it. I then spot Fae's mass amount of luggage.

"How long do you intend on staying?" I ask jokingly, keeping my eyes on the mountain of bags that sit behind her chair.

"Don't over exaggerate!" She punches my arm, unsatisfied at my joke, "I packed in advance."

"Advance for what? Moving in?"

"Stop it!" Fae continues to sporadically punch me.

"Girls, please!" 'Damon' hushes us, even though we're only messing about.

"Okay, Mom. Gosh!" I pretend to sound like an annoyed American emo teenager. That's a mouthful.

"Hey guys!" Mark walks over, gentlemanly carrying Jack's bag and pulling along his suitcase with Jack following behind him with a smile. Jack looks at the three of us with delighted confusion, wondering who we are.

"Is... Is that jacksepticeye? Why didn't you tell me! I would've dressed better!" Fae begins to, yet again, sporadically hit me. I look at her appearance with an eyebrow raised. She is wearing a short floral summer dress with her hair straightened, white leggings, brown sandles, sunglasses and a light amount of makeup.

"Please tell me that was a joke... You look like you're going to the beach for a romantic picnic date!" I exclaim, my voice going to a higher pitch as I gesture to her.

"Hey there mickey mouse." Mark pulls me into a short hug, surprising me as he kisses my forehead. I instantly blush, hiding my face amongst my hair as my heart begins to quicken it's pace.

"Aww, you're so cute!" Fae exclaims, making me smile awkwardly at her as my heart is about to run across the table and smack her. 'Why did you have to drag attention to us...' I internally complain, watching as he sits to the left of me, sitting across from Fae.

"So, Jack. This is Da-"

I fake cough, interrupting Mark's sentence, "Sorry to interrupt. That's Damon by the way."

Mark gives me a thankful look as he must've almost said Dark. That would've been a bit of a disaster.

"Hey, nice to meet you." Damon reaches across the table to Jack, shaking his hand. Jack is sitting to the left of Mark whilst Damon is sitting to the right of Fae.

"This is Fae. Nice to meet you Fae, sorry I haven't said hello yet." Mark quickly takes Fae's hand and shakes it whilst she gives a cute wave over to Jack.

"And this is the infamous (Y/N)." Mark leans over the table, kissing my cheek softly, a little hesitant if I'm okay with it or not. I look over to Dark to see him look away with a pained expression.

"You alright mate." I put on an over the top British chav accent.

"Nice to meet you, (Y/N)." Jack smiles thoughtfully over the table.

Welp, this is going to be fun.

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