Chapter 38

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"Once time, she asked me to see who the killer was, she asked me to check out his face, and so I did. When it came around to her nightmare, I watched intently, waiting for when he would stab her... and then there is was. Crystal clear..." They watch on, interested, but once I meet eyes with Mark, he looks away poking his fingers into the green cotton candy on Jack's head, "The killer was Dark."

The room is silent, and I'm not sure what they're thinking right now, I wish I knew. I kiss my teeth, a little disgusted by myself as I couldn't find my toothbrush this morning, and I had to use Mark's comb.

"I was devastated, I wondered why Dark would kill the woman he loved so much, why he spent years trying to get her back when he wanted her gone in the first place. I was angry. I was upset. I was confused. But then, (D/N) remembered something that put it all into place. She cheated on Dark, multiple times, and he caught her in the middle of it once, and she continued on with life like it never even happened. That bit-"

"She beat me... she cheated... she stole my money." Dark interrupts me, stepping forward now, "I hated her so much, but I loved her. When I caught her, it had pushed me over the edge. I was tired of hiding bruises, I was sick of having to lie to everyone about having a great day. It wasn't a life I wanted to live. So I was rash, and thought the best solution was to kill her, and so I did. I had an alibi... and I was never caught... I've regretted it ever since the first drop of blood fell onto our ceramic kitchen floor."

"Dark-" Anti starts, actually worried for once.

"What?" Dark slightly snaps, giving him a look.

"I'm sorry... for pushing you down for so many years... I didn't help."

"Anti, don't, you were a good friend." He steps forward, hugging Anti as they begin to slightly cry. We all watch him, our hearts slightly melting.

"It's so fucking cute I can't handle this... can you handle this cause I can't." Fae whispers loudly, looking to me and Jack before looking back to the two men.

"And so, Mark." I say, grabbing his attention as I walk towards him ever so slowly, "That's why I said it was complicated, I was hiding the fact that Dark killed (D/N) and it was a horrible secret to keep."

"Hmmm." He lets out a slight noise, that I inferred was of confirmation.

"So... Can I say-"

"No, it's too complicated."

I stop dead in my tracks, shocked as I feel an urge to cry, I thought this was proof that it was actually complicated and I was ready to date him. The door then knocks, shutting up the entire house as we look over to it. Postman this is not the bloody time.

"I think you ought to get that." He grins, ushering me on which makes me even more curious. I wonder over to the door, a small smile on my face as Fae follows me... Maybe its some sort of present... That'd be nice.

I open the door, to be met with my parents, and a few bags of all my stuff. So that's why I couldn't find anything... I turn around to Mark who waves me off, then my arm is grabbed by my mother, "I'm sorry that (Y/N) was a nuisance, I'll be sure to ground her for her whole life."

"Wait... what?" I raise an eyebrow, looking to my mother and father, then to Mark and Dark who is now Damon. Jack looks around for Anti who seems to have disappeared and Fae's eyes widen as her Dad stands down the pathway.

"Mr Fichbach has told us that you were an obsessed fan who was not dating him, you were camping outside his home with Fae to cover your back." My mother glares at me, slightly thankful to see me, "I've missed you dear, we were so worried..."

"All is fine, Mrs.(L/N)... let's hope this won't happen again." He walks over to us, now wearing jeans and a shirt with a huge smile.

"He's lying... he's lying! Mum, please believe me, I wouldn't do that. I was telling the truth." I begin to panic as my dad begins to put my stuff in the boot of the taxi.

"Now, (Y/N)... don't lie and head home." Mark pats my head, a slight red tint in his eyes.

That is when I'm pulled away from Mark and his home, Fae being taken by her dad as we look back at the huge American home. Damon rushes to Mark, yelling at him with Jack. But Mark just closes the door.

- - -

I'm crying on the plane, my heart yearning for Mark, Dark, Anti and Jack. Fae sits next to me on the plane, luckily she's there, to let me know I'm not insane, and that I didn't just dream the last few months.

Welp, THAT WAS 'THE DARK WAYS'... Yay, this was a long ride.

AND... before you start spamming about how much of a dick I am for leaving this a cliff hanger (FAE), there will be a sequel... and that will be announced later on.... Don't worry, I'll add an authors note to let you all know. But thank you for the 700 reads! Thank you for staying this long and reading my work-in-progress writing. I do appreciate it.

I'll pre-write most of the story and will soon start updating the second story, please stay for it!

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