Chapter 13

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"Oh my gosh... I didn't realise that..." My eyes scatter the room, "Chica was a lesbian."

Everyone is confused and shocked at my amusingly punny self, "Sorry Dark, but I'll take Chica any day." I walk over to Chica who lays on the floor with her head between her paws, her head soon perks up as I come over and her tails begins to rapidly wag back and fourth as I kneel next to her. I then lay down next to her, resting my face on my hands with my legs in the air, imitating Chica.

"(Y/N), this is a serious topic." Dark glumly looks to the floor beneath his feet, wiggling his toes.

"And I'm not a person who deals with them maturely." I grin at them with an eyebrow raised as I roll onto my back, holding back the urge to use the perspective of them sitting a few meters away to crush them between my fore finger and my thumb as they are sitting on the 'ceiling'.

"(Y/N)..." Mark's voice pierces my ears, making me realise I'm being very childish than normal.

"I'm tired it's..." I quickly check the clock above the TV, "Almost quarter to 2 in the morning. And I'm pretty sure everyone in this room has now seen my tits and Mark's dick."

"We've already seen Mark's dick. There is an initiation where we just show each other our junk to get it out of the way." Ryan explains while getting approving nods from Mark and Matt, "Except Dar-"

Dark raises an eyebrow as if to say 'Really?', "We are basically the same person."

"Anyway, don't you have something like that with your girl... Friends?"

"Gosh, no. I am still friends with a girl I've known since Nursery and I've never seen her 'junk'. Well, maybe in swimming lessons but not purposefully, and that was in Year 5 so that doesn't really matter." I keep correcting myself, thinking back to primary school, "If I even suggested that idea I would immediately be called a lesbian and that would spread like wildfire."

"Girls are really that bad, huh?" Dark huffs, sitting on the coffee table as I sit down on the armchair.

"Not all girls, real friends keep your secrets and don't have an urge to spread them. But the fake friends are bad. I got my hair cut to my shoulders and that isn't really short, but everyone thought I was a lesbian. I have nothing against being a lesbian but I don't get why cutting your hair short immediately makes you one." I roll my eyes, remembering those type of girls I used to work with in retail.

(True story, apart from working in retail)

"So, Dark likes (Y/N)?" Matt says in a questioning tone, looking around the room for conformation.

"What is the real reason you brought me here?" I ask, deadly serious as I bob my knee up and down.

"I... Ugh..." Dark gives me a guilty look.

"So, you're saying you kidnapped me for your own pleasure?" I stand up, tired, aggravated and confused.

"I was lonely... and I thought if you didn't like me... You'd like Mark an-" Dark attempts to justify himself.

"No," I interrupt, letting out a deep sigh before speaking, "Let's just go to bed and talk the morning."

"No. We need to talk about this now." Dark states, stamping his foot down like an immature three year old.

"Night." I lay on the armchair, facing the back of it as I'm bent in an awkward 'U' shape.

"(Y/N)..." Mark's voice gently says.

"I said good night." I pull my hoodie firmly over my head and try to fall asleep, listening to them as they trail away into their rooms.

- - -

Odd noises keep waking me up, the coffee maker turning on, people turning the TV on, people talking. But every time I fall back to sleep even though I don't really need to.

Eventually, I can't fall asleep so I roll over to face the world and no one is in the living room, there is only a note on the coffee table.

'We've gone out to shop, Mark is in his room if you need him but he's recording.

-Matt, Ryan and Dark'

I grab the note and scrunch it up. Throwing it into the bin before letting out a distressed sigh.

I walk to the kitchen, spotting a notebook and pencil which I assume was used to write the note. I walk over, naturally picking up the pencil as I get the urge to doodle.

Art is my main hobby and my only talent, I can't go a day without drawing a small face on something. Whether it was my school book or some bill papers, it didn't matter. I once went around 5 weeks without drawing on paper with a pencil due to me buying a digital drawing pad during the summer holiday. When I drew on paper with a pencil again, it was the most surreal feeling. It had felt like it had been years since I last drew on paper.

I pick up the large notebook, checking to see there have only been a few pages missing. After getting a drink and some pop tarts I sit back in the living room, watching TV as I finish my food and drink.

It doesn't take long before I cannot resist the urge anymore to draw, so I eagerly pick up the notepad and pencil and I begin to draw my feelings.

- - -

I've spent the last 35 minutes drawing pictures of me beating Dark up, but after all the rage has left my fingertips, something else begins to flow. I begin to draw a sketch of two people kissing, it soon begins to become obvious as it turns to me and Mark. Do I... Like Mark? I mean, he is sweet... And handsome.

Oh gosh! I have a school girl crush on him.

It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have strange crushes. My whole life I would crush on someone for way longer than the average girl should. I had this crush on the same boy for my whole secondary school life, while gaining many on the way. I was always so heartbroken when he got a girlfriend or straight out rejected me.

My friends were the type to go and ask your crush out for you as soon as you told them who it was. You would be completely embarrassed but there would be that slight spark of hope, wondering if they would say yes. Of course that hope would immediately be distinguished after they told you that they said no.

After my mini rant in my head, I look down at the page to see a realistic looking drawing of me and Mark kissing, hearts all around us with a shipname/two versions of our ship name next to it. (Mine would be Mannah and Hark.)

"(Y/N), are you up?" Mark comes into the room, scaring the crap out of me. I jump ten feet in the air, quickly holding the notebook close to my body as my heart begins to beat out of my chest, "Woah, why are you so jumpy?"

"N-nothing." I try to hide my face with the notebook as it grows redder and redder.

"Whatcha' got there then?" He stands behind me, his hand creeping over my shoulder as he yanks the notebook from me, "Yoink!"

"No!" I yell as he examines the page.

He begins to laugh, it seems to become crtizising as he doubles over. Are my feelings that much of a joke? Too unrealistic?

"Wow, that's really something... I hope you do that someday, I'd pay to see it." He lightly throws the notebook on the coffee table to reveal he has only looked at the first page of drawings, of me punching Dark. I can confirm this as the drawing was ripped out when he pulled it away from me, it lays on my lap. I quickly fold it up before stuffing it into my pocket.

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