Chapter 14

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"So, last night was... Crazy..." Mark trails off, cleaning his glasses before putting them back on his face.

"Yeah... Yeah it was." I remember last night, remembering me pulling his trousers off and seeing his man parts close and personal.

"Sorry for pulling your trousers off." I mumble, looking up to him.

"Hey, nice tits." He winks, his glasses slightly falling down the bridge of his nose.

"W-What?" I hold a pillow close to myself.

"I mean, I've wanted to see your naked body since the first time I saw you in my living room." He slowly walks from behind the settee, sitting next to me. "The things I would do to you."

He suddenly leans forward, kissing me lightly as his hands fondle my breasts.

"I-I don't understand-" I stutter, confused.

He just let's out a snore, confusing me even more. I give him a sly look as he soon begins to morph into a weird shape and forms infront of me, beholding a monster. It leaps forwards and just as I pull my arms over my head in defense my eyes burst open.

I look around to see I'm laying on the settee, guess it was all a dream. Although, I still feel someone fondling my-

I look down to see two pale skinned arms wrapped around me, leading to two hands covering my breasts. My face turns burning hot as I look down in shock, I feel his head laying on my shoulder as he is fast asleep, lightly snoring in my ear.

Before I even have a chance to think his hand begins to trail downtown, lifting the elastic waistband to my pajama bottoms.

Okay, I think this is too far. "Dark!"

Dark suddenly jumps awake, his hand pausing at my knickers as his other hand cups my boob, "What... the..."

"Dark I would appreciate no sexual harassment accounts today." I stare at his hands, my face a full flushed red.

He quickly pulls his hands away, the elastic hitting my skin is the only sound that fills the room, "I'm really sorry! I sometimes sleep walk and I guess something happened in my dream..."

"It's... It's okay." I smile as I awkwardly slide off of the settee and onto the floor, letting out a shaky breath.

He looks at me, no, change that. He stares at me, scarily not blinking as his black corneas and white pupils seem to stare into my soul.

"I do have to say I like your eyes, they're cool." I examine his eyes slightly, looking at the pure whiteness of them.

"Want to see something cool?" He asks, giving me a playful smirk.


He closes his eyes and clicks his fingers, when he opens them again the white is now flashing bright neon colours, I mumble in astonishment, "Damn..."



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Most of the day is spent avoiding people by hiding my face in a pillow, whenever I see Mark I cannot help but remember my embarrassing dream and I blush. Gosh, I'm supposed to be kidnapped and here I am, fawning over boys... But I guess Dark's abusiveness has given me a raincheck.

As my face is ten foot deep in a cushion I feel someone sit on my back, making them self comfortable by wiggling their butt. I slightly raise my head to see Mark smiling down at me, "Why are you hiding from everyone today?"

"Because people are the reason I don't go outside." I sigh, extending my hand out to the coffee table in an attempt to grab the remote control to change the channel.

"Was it because of Dark's o' so romantic confession of love." He quickly jumps forward and grabs the remote, "Yoink."

I sit up, extending my arm to try and take the remote from him, "Maybe."

Mark stands on top of the settee while pushing my arms away and holding the remote high in the air, "Why, is there something else?"

I jump forward, tackling him to the settee. I straddle his chest as I quickly grab the remote from him, "What if there is, why would I tell you?"

Mark pushes me down to the settee, quickly grabbing the remote control back as he straddles my hips, "Because you adore me and I will let you have the remote if you tell me."

"Well," I stand up, knocking him so he kneels on the settee. I adjust myself so I kneel behind him, "I woke up to have Dark groping me this morning."


"Yep, like this!" I wrap my eyes around him from behind, squashing his pecs in my hands while laughing.

"I swear to god..." Mark mumbles, his voice turning scarily angry.

"I'm sorry if you don't like being touched there! It was just a joke." I whip my hands away, trying to make light of his sudden angry behaviour.

"(Y/N), for god's sake why do you have to make everything a damn joke!" He shouts, standing up from the settee, making me fall back onto it, "Dark is being so abusive. He hits you, screams at you, and sexually assaults you and you act like nothing has happened the next day!"

I can't meet his eyes, I just look down at my hands as they intertwine with each other, "Because..."

"Because what?!" Mark exclaims, making my eyes snap towards his. He raises his hand up behind his head and I naturally hold my arms up in defense, my eyes brimming with tears as I flinch. But all that happens is the remote is thrown onto the settee in anger. "Why would you think I would hit you?"

He sounds so heart broken as I move my arms back to my lap, "It's involuntary..."

He pull me into a hug, holding me ever so close as we forget our worries and stresses as we embrace.

"(Y/N), I'm going to promise to you now that you won't even get touched by Dark in a harmful manner ever again. You're going to sleep in my bed and we can sleep top and tails if you're uncomfortable, but it's a big bed and all... I'm not trying to make moves on you, I just can't trust that man," Mark makes a promise as I cry into his arms. I just nod, appreciating Mark's kindness and comforting aroma.

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