Chapter 11

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We walk to a reasonably priced clothing store and after a few minutes of looking, the four men became riddled with boredom. I check some t-shirts while ignoring the multiple whines coming from behind me, I place a few t-shirts over my arm along with underwear, bras, socks, and black skinny jeans.

The men are bewildered at something in the underwear isle. I walk over to see what the men are staring at, and its a g-string thong. Dark is holding it whilst the rest stare at the thong in his hands in interest.

"You perverts, stop looking at those!" I quickly snatch the undergarments from the hands and put them back on the shelf, "Now, get a move on!"

I stroll to the till, getting pushed by Dark as I'm told to hurry up. I roll my eyes, "Shut up, you're all childish."

"Hello there, did you find everything you were looking for?" A man, with blonde streaks throughout his brown hair, in his early twenties asks me.

"Yes, thank you, the American sizes are quite confusing when you're new." I lightly laugh, watching him remove the grey alarm tags from the clothing.

"First holiday here, with you and your boyfriend?" He nods his head to Dark/Damon as he lays his head on my back lazily as if he is about to fall asleep.

"Boyfriend? No. He's just an arse." I elbow Dark and he jumps up, looking around confused, "They're all acting like it was the end of the world because I took a while."

"Men do usually, we're used to grabbing whatever looks nice and buying it." He shrugs, running his hand through his hair as he scans the items.

"True." I mumble, looking behind me to see them all about to fall asleep. Mark steps forward, getting his wallet out ready to pay.

"That'll be $57.97, please." The cashier asks as Mark hands over money. What is he, a drug dealer? Who carries that much cash.

I feel bad for making Mark pay for me so I give him a sad look, which he just smiles at.

"Here's your change," He let's the coins fall onto Mark's palm, "And I'll put your receipt in your bag." He winks at me as he passes me the paper bag.

We walk out of the shop and I check the receipt to see he has written his number on the back of it, I screw it up and put it in the bin, seeing Mark side glancing me but I pretend I didn't notice.

- - -

I'm so bored.

Mark is in his room and doesn't want to be disturbed while he is editing, Ryan and Matt are talking to Mattias over skype in Matt's room and Dark... I actually have no idea where Dark is. He came in the house, his skin lightened to its usual ghostly white and his eyes turned to black along with his hair, and ran into the spare room.

I'm laying on my side in the living room, watching boring day time shows while my mind is running wild, trying to find something to do, something to think about. But alas, I cannot come up with anything.

I stand up, walking up to the spare room that is strictly for guests, Mark refused to let us sleep in there. It's the room Dark walked into, so I open the door to see what he is doing. I look inside to see him cross legged on the floor, reading an ancient looking book with many other similar ones around him in tall stacks. I can't see the cover of the book he is reading, but it has some sort of red shape on the front.

His head soon snaps towards me, his pupils are no longer white and his corneas black, but they are a bright green with black corneas. I freeze as my breath gets stuck in my throat, Dark slams the book shut and throws it under the bed.

"What are you doing?" He demands, standing up and trying to push me out of the door way.

"I was bored so I was just trying to see what you were doing..." I mumble, stepping back from the door to let him walk out and firmly shut it behind him.

"If I ever find you in that room again, you know the consequences." His eyebrows furrow and his face screws up with anger before he walks away.

"Actually I have no idea what the consequences are." I mutter, rolling my eyes. Dark hears me and spins on his heel, crossing his arms and giving me a death stare. I raise my arms as if I had been just been caught by the police and they are holding guns at me, walking back into the living room.

I spot Mark's phone laying on the coffee table and I open it, looking around me to make sure no one is around before opening tumblr to spy on the 'Mystery Girl with Markiplier?' page.

I spot the pictures that the girl's took, some I hadn't even noticed. They... They followed us to the shop? Oh god... This feels so wrong.

I scroll down and skim through paragraphs talking about ways to kill me if I turn out to be his girlfriend. Others defend me and talk about everyone being paranoid which I thank them for mentally.

Footsteps scare me, so I quickly turn the phone off and place it down on the table, pretending to be watching TV. It's only Chica walking in though, she hops onto the settee with me and lays on top of my legs that are outstretched on the length of the settee. I softly stroke her fluffy fur as I watch the TV again, my mind wondering about the whole 'Mystery girl' ordeal.

- - -

The rest of the day is a bore. We had microwave pasta for dinner and no one had anything interesting to say so we ate in silence as we watched the TV.

It's currently 11pm and I'm walking to the toilet, but I stop infront of the spare room. I'm really intrigued to find out what that book is about... He is asleep on the settee, I could just have a peek.

I open the door silently and slowly, looking behind me to make sure no one is about. I then slide in the door, shutting it before going onto my knees to look under the bed. It's too dark to see anything and turning the light on would risk me being spotted so I crawl under the bed, hitting my head on the frame before sliding under. I scramble for the book, eventually finding it after freaking out about a cobweb touching me. I slide out from under the bed, holding the book close to me before fumbling with the door handle and rushing to the bathroom. I sit down on the toilet seat and I flip to the page with a unicorn bookmark lodged inside.

'Bring back the Anti.' The title of the page reads, I quickly look at the cover of the book to see a Pentagram drawn in what looks like dripping blood. I lightly touch the pattern, feeling relieved that the 'blood' just looks wet and isn't actually wet. Confused, I pick the book up again, after a few minutes of flicking I find the page but I hear someone knocking on the bathroom door.

The Dark Ways (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now