Chapter 1- Moving Day

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First published: June 6th 2016
Completed: November 28th 2016

Hi quick note before the book begins! Thank you all so much for reading this book We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed writing it.


Izzy and Phoenix

*Kasey's POV*

"Hello my beautiful people! Today is the day, moving day!" I exclaimed into my small black camera.

"I will be finally moving into my new apartment and it's right next door to Joe Sugg and Caspar Lee!" I said walking around my room.

"So today I will try and vlog as much as I can." I said shutting off my camera.

I walked over to my suitcase and collect the last few items before squishing it all into the suitcase. I walked past the bathroom to take in my appearance once more.

I pick up the black hair tie and gather my brown hair into a messy bun. My eyes locked with my reflection seeing that my eyes are more hazel today.

I walk out of the bathroom and slip on my white converse and pull down my black leggings.

I put my large black coat over my brown knitted jumper and look around the room once more. A small sigh escaped my lips and I pull my old bedroom door shut.

I walked down the creaky wooden stair case with my suitcase in my hand, the thump of my suitcase with every step I took, echoed through my rather empty family home.

I stumble out the door and off the porch, then to my little blue car and place the suitcase into the boot and slam it shut. "My baby girl finally moving out!" My mother exclaimed.

"Aw mum I'll see you soon." I said pulling her in for an embrace.

She gave me a weak smile as she placed a kiss on my cheek, I walked towards my car and taking my seat. Time to start my new adventure in London.


"Where do you want this?" Joe asked.

"Just put it on the bed." I smiled sweetly putting my suitcase on the large king sized bed.

"Thanks Joe for the help, I appreciate it." I said.

"Hey what about me?" Caspar yelled from another room.

"Thank you Casp!" I exclaimed back.

"What are you up to tomorrow?" Joe asked sitting down on my bed as I unpacked my clothes.

"Well, once the unpacking is done and the new video is up, hopefully go on a tour of London." I said placing my suitcase in the floor.

"Well, I'm sure Caspar and I can show you around." Joe offered. Joe ran his fingers through his brown hair, his big ocean blue eyes locked with mine as a half smile upon his face. He is so cute.

"Yeah that would be great." I sighed. Joe scrunched up his nose and looked at me in confusion, he tilts his head to the side and pulls a face.

"Kasey, I have known you for ages why the long face?" Joe asked.

"Something just came to my mind it doesn't matter." I said glaring at Joe.

"Come on Kasey it can't be that bad." Joe chuckled, tempting me.

"I said drop it Joe."  My anger was begging to boil quicker and quicker by his stupidity. I hate it when he does this, he does it all the time at the most random times.

"Kasey come o-" Joe started off.

"I don't know Joe maybe you've helped me enough today!" I snapped at him.

"Calm down Kasey." Joe said standing up, putting his hands up in surrender.

"Why should I calm down? If I go to Neverland I still wont be calm Joe, just get out!" I screamed. Joe's saddening blue eyes looked down at his feet and walked out, I let out a sigh and flop back onto the white fluffy sheets. I pick up my camera and hit record.

"So I just realized that I didn't record much of today, I am so sorry but I have moved into my new flat and I am so excited to give a house tour next video." I give a cheery grin at my camera.

"So a question came into my mind, why can't people go to Neverland? I mean Peter Pan is hot as a spicy taco from taco bell, and I could be like one of the lost boys. I don't know why Wendy left Neverland. If I was her I would of stayed there the whole time and never grow up." I argued with myself.

"So now I'm gonna go order some pizza and watch movies all night, so bye bye my loves!" I exclaimed into the camera.

I turned off my camera and walked up the stairs seeing Joe and Caspar sitting on my sofa eating a pizza. "Excuse me where is mine?" I ask, still a bit mad that Joe didn't leave.

"In the oven." Caspar mumbled.

I skipped over to the oven and pulled out the brown cardboard pizza box, I lifted up the cardboard lid and the beautiful symmetrical pizza was gloriously displayed before me.

The smell off greasy meat pizza filled my nose and as I let out a sigh of happiness.

I walk back over to the sofa and plop down on the sofa between Joe and Caspar watching Finding Nemo while chowing down on the fatty goodness.

I can't wait for tomorrow.


Here is the first chapter! Now they won't be this short! Trust us they will be longer, please vote and comment on the book!

We both are super excited about this book and we hope your in for the whole ride.

Izzy and Phoenix


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