Chapter 27- Well?

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*Kasey's POV*

Four years into the future

It's funny how four years ago today Joe and I finally got together. The day when I thought my whole point of view on love is stupid.

I finally moved in with Joe for a couple of years now and we couldn't be happier.

We got a little pug named Lola and she is the most adorable puppy I've ever seen, except for Nala.

Today is our wedding day, I never thought I'd be marrying Joe. It was weird when he "popped" the question.

It was probably the most weirdest timing as well, we were at a fair on the ferret wheel and he just tired to me and got down on one knee and asked.

It was cute but funny at the same time because I never imagined Joe doing this sort of stuff.

But today I'm marrying my best friend, my lover, my first and my only.

Charlie got let out of jail a couple of months ago but I haven't seen him since the day he killed Grace.

I have always wondered why he killed Grace and not me? I suppose just to get back at me or to make me feel grief which I did for a fair few months.

I let out a sigh and placed a smile on my face, I fixed my fitted dress pulling g it down slightly. Everyone told me to get a princess ball gown but seriously I would never wear one of those ever again.

I picked up my bunch of white roses and walked towards the large double doors with my sister in my arm.

"You will be okay, the man of your dreams is behind those doors." Clair smiled as her bright green eyes locked with my own.

"I know." I smiled as Mariah walked down the aisle with her bouquet of red roses.

She was my maid of honour, Mariah has been there for me through thick and thin, so I had to make her the maid of honour.

"You'll be great Kasey." Zoe smiled giving me a hug before she walked out behind Mariah.

I took a deep breath and the doors opened, the music rung through my ears as my eyes locked with Joe's.

A smile grew in my face as I walked down aisle with my sister, Joe's face grew brighter and filled with joy.

I got to the end of the aisle and my sister gave me one last hug before taking her seat, I took Joe's arm and walked up to the priest.

"You look so beautiful." Joe whispered in my ear, a small smile grew upon my face as the priest began to speak.

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the holy matrimony of Joesph Sugg and Kasey Britt." He said.

"Now before we continue of any objects to their happiness please stand now or forever hold your peace." He said as he looked around the room.

"Okay let's get on with the show." He chuckled.

"Now I believe you have your own vows, so Joe you may start off." He said looking over at Joe.

"Alright." He chuckled getting out the small piece of paper from his pockets.

"Kasey Britt, the girl who stole my heart since kindergarten, I have known you for twenty five years and I never regret them." He smiled.

"You had this point of view on love and I hoped I could change that and well it's obvious I succeed because we wouldn't be standing right here in this moment of time." He chuckled making everyone laugh.

"You have changed my life baby, and I never want to regret it. We have gone through some hard times but we always found a way through it all." He smiled.

"I love you Kasey and I cannot wait to see what's install for us next baby." He smiled.

I wiped away a stray tear and my eyes locked with Joe's. The priest looked over at me indicating for me to speak.

"Well it's gonna be hard to top that." I chuckled.

"Joesph sugg, I never imagined myself falling in love, let alone with my bestfriend. You changed and flipped my whole point of view on love upside down and I never regret it. " I smiled.

"For twenty years I believed love didn't exist but you showed me what love is. You showed me what it can do, what it feels like and how much effect it had on people."

"Joe, you are my one and only and I love you so much more then Peter Pan." I chuckled.

"Now for the rings." The priest said handing me Joe's ring, I placed the rig on his finger as he did the same.

"You are now husband and wife you may kiss the bride." He said.

Joe took a hold of my waist and crashed his lips to mine, the crowed cheered for us as we pulled away.

"Mrs Sugg." Joe smirked taking a hold of my hand.

"Mr Sugg." I chuckled walking out of the church.

We walked down the steps hand in hand towards the car waiting for us to take to the venue.

I sat down in the seat next to Joe as a smile was plastered on my face.

The driver started the engine and we waved everyone goodbye.

"Kasey I love you so much." Joe said placing a kiss on my lips again.

"Joe I love you too." I smiled kissing him once again, I pulled away and looked into his eyes and leaned in for another kiss.

Then everything went crashing down and all pitch black.


Well shit....Also there is only a couple of chapters left. Chapter 30 is the epilogue, sorry guys :(

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