Chapter 17- Grace

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*Grace's POV*

The kettle began to boil as I grabbed a tea bag from the cupboard placing it in my cup.

"I cannot believe him!" Someone shouted as they slammed the door shut.

Their foot steps got louder and louder as my body froze, finally they appeared. It's only Caspar, I thought it was a stranger what a sigh of relief.

"Nice to see you too." I chuckled.

"Joe is lying to me about something and I don't know what!" Caspar shouted again.

"Maybe he isn't Caspar?" I asked taking a sip of my tea.

"He is Grace and I know it." He spat.

"Well I think we need to go and get some fresh air and we can ask Sam and Mariah if they would like to come?" I suggested.

"That would be great." He sighed.

I slipped on my bright red doc martinis and grabbed my coat. Caspar was typing away as I shut the door behind us and walked down the steps.

"Sam and Mariah said they will meet us at a cafe not far for here." Caspar said shoving his phone down his back pocket.

"Okay." I smiled following Caspar.

"Caspar slow down! I have little legs!" I chuckled catching up next to him.

"Sorry Grace." He smiled sweetly.

"Have you noticed that Kasey has been acting weird lately?" I asked him.

"Yeah she has been on edge lately." Caspar mumbled.

"I think it's the whole thing with Charlie but I'm not too sure about it, I mean she has been grumpy and moody lately." I stated.

"Same with Joe." Caspar sighed.

"I wonder what is happening to them both, I mean Kasey is my roommate as Joe is yours and I feel like we deserve to know." I sighed as I pushed open the cafe door.

"I couldn't agree more." Caspar smiled weakly.

"Grace, Caspar over here!" Mariah exclaimed.

I quickly noticed her and motivated Caspar towards them, I took a seat in the empty chair and smiled softly at them both.

"So I'll go order us some drinks, Grace you coming?" Mariah asked.

"Yeah." I said getting out of my chair.

We walked over to the cue and scanned through the menu once more before Mariah spoke up.

"So what has Caspar all moody?" Mariah asked.

"Joe." I scoffed.

"What's Joe doing now?" She asked.

"Being his usual self I guess." I said.

"How so? It's not like he is keeping something from him?" Mariah chuckled.

"But I think he is, Caspar said to me that he is lying about something, and Kasey has been on edge lately when I mention Joe. I think Joe and Kasey are a thing." I said.

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