Chapter 26- Confrunting You

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*Kasey's POV*

Just three words Kasey, just three little fucking words.

But these three words could make or break everything. It's amazing how three little words hold so much emotion, power and life changes.

Don't you think it's hard to tell your best friend that you are madly, deeply and crazily in love with them?

All that Joe and I have been through, since we were young we thought love  was stupid. 

And Joe was the Best Mistake I have made, I didn't realise the love that I had for him till now.

Me falling in love, that is a rare thing to see, don't you think? A girl who despises the thought of love, who finds that it is just a fantasy found love.

It is a weird feeling for me, I never thought I'd find someone who could change my point of view on everything I though about love.

But then Joe flipped it all upside down.
I never thought my best friend would love me.

I got told by Clair to just tell him already and grow some balls.

But as I stand here in front of his doorstep probably looking like a weirdo, pacing back and forth trying to calm down.

I just can't build up the confidence to tell him how much I love him.

"Kasey, what are you doing?" Joe asked opening the front door.

"Shit, hello." I said placing my hands in my hips.

"Are you okay?" Joe asked leaning on the door.

"Yep, I'm totally fine." I smiled, just act normal Kasey.

"Right, well would you like to come in?" Joe asked opening the door more.

"Sure." I said walking pass him into the flat.

The smell off hot chocolate filled the air  as I sat down on the white sofa. Joe passes me a red and white stripped mug filled with marshmallows on top.

"Thanks." I smiled taking the mug.

"So have you thought about what I said?" Joe asked looking down at his mug.

"Yeah I have." I sighed.

"And.." Joe trailed off waiting for my response.

"I got told by my sister to grow some balls and finally date you, my whole point of view on love is weird and untrue." I said sitting up a bit.

"Everyone falls in love somehow and somebody is always the culprit and that was you in my case."

"Some how you changed my whole point of view on love and flipped my world upside down in only a matter of months." I said.

"Kasey I haven't been able to stop falling for you, each day I see your smile you make me fall in love with you again and again." Joe started off.

"Kasey you are my bestfriend, the girl who I have fallen for. I cannot move on until I make you mine." Joe said holding onto my hands.

"I have known you since we were young and Clair is right, your point of view on love is stupid most of the time, Kasey I just want to scream out how much I love you." Joe said looking into my eyes.

"I love you." I said looking into his eyes.

"I love you too." Joe smiled.

Joe's lips crashed onto mine and our lips quickly moulded together. My hands wrapped around his neck as he deepened the kiss. 

I pulled back and rested my forehead onto his, I tried catching my breath with a smile on my face, my eyes looked up locking with Joe's deep blue eyes.

"Kasey will you finally be my girlfriend?" Joe asked.

"Yes." I smiled kissing him once more.

Joe's laugh filled with happiness liked the room as he smiled in the kiss.

"So when should we start telling people?" Joe asked.

"Soon maybe, give it a couple of days." I smiled.

*Mariah's POV*

I never thought I'd miss Grace as much as I have. It is probably more then how much I miss Sam.

Grace always knew how to cheer someone up, or how to make my day. I've always wondered if her and Caspar would ever get together.

Poor Caspar, he must be devastated.

If she was still here with us and someone asked me to imagine my life without Grace, I wouldn't be able to answer because I don't know.

Grace was there for me quiet a lot when Sam left me.

She brought me ice cream and encouraged me to go back to my  YouTube channel.

I brought the chai latte cup to my lips and took a sip of the warm liquid. A/N I don't know how people can drink chai lattes Izzy makes them all the time and I don't know how the fuck people can drink them.

I looked around the small coffee shop while only a few people were around talking away while I was on my own, reading the newspaper.

"Excuse me miss?" Someone asked snapping my attention away from the newspaper in front of me.

I looked up seeing a bright blue eyed  man standing in front of me with brown locks. His smile shines with bright white teeth.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I'm Andrew, I saw you from a far and must say you are beautiful." He smiled.

"Well thank you but I just got out of a serious relationship." I sighed.

"Well let me at least give you my number." He said scribbling down his number on a little piece of paper.

"Call me." He smirked and walked off.

What a weirdo.


Hello our amazing human beings! We wonder who this Andrew guy is don't you? And he is hitting on Mariah!
New love life for Mariah maybe?
Or will he cause drama?
Also we are so sorry that the chapters have been short lately, it's just these are fillers!

Share the book around!
Love you all so much!
Izzy and Phoenix

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