Chapter 28- Did I Have To Lose You To?

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*Joe's POV*

A loud ringing noise rang through my ears as I sat up, I looked around seeing the car driver sleeping ,I hope and Kasey no where to be seen.

Police sirens roared through the scene I   Unbuckle my seat belt and push open the car door, I saw Kasey's body lay there on the road lifeless...

I rushed over to her and knelt to her side, I flipped over her body seeing her face pale as a ghost, her lips were blue and not plump like they usually were and her dress was stained with blood.

"Sir you are going to have to move." The man said pushing me aside, I looked down at the girl I love and care for as she was laying there lifeless.

The man checked for a sign if she was still alive. The man dropped his head and then looked up at me.

"I'm sorry for you loss." He sighed getting off the ground walking over to the paramedics.

She can't be gone, no Kasey can't leave me now. I fell to my knees and looked at the women I love lay their lifeless.

I screamed and rested my head on her body, my eyes locked with her as she did not move a signal finger.

"Kasey please don't leave me, I'm begging you Kasey please." I cried.

"Kasey!!!" I screamed again hoping she would hear me.

I picked up her body and held her close to my chest as tears were streaming down my face.

*Few hours later*

"Okay Joe your all good to go, do you have someone to come get you? Maybe your wife." The nurse asked giving me the all clear.

"She died in the accident." I cried once again.

"I'm sorry." She sighed picking up the clipboard.

"It's okay." I sniffled.

"Well do you have siblings or any friends that could help?" She asked handing me the box of tissues.

"Thanks, and yeah I have my sister Zoe outside waiting for me."  I mumbled.

"Okay, I'll see you soon to remove the stitches Joe." She smiled walking out of the room. 

I rested my head in my hands once again as more tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Joe, do you want to stay at our place tonight?" Zoe asked walking up to me.

I nodded my head and got off the hospital bed, I walked towards the door and out into the lobby.

Once we were outside I saw the ambulance van that took Kasey away, they pulled out a body bag that was no doubt Kasey's and placed it on the hospital bed and walked inside.

My eyes never left them until they were fully disappeared. Zoe placed her hand on my shoulder and lightly pushed me towards the car.

I sat down in the car and buckled my seatbelt, Zoe started the engine and drove out of the hospital car park.

The car ride back to Brighton was silent, none of us said a word to each other. I was to caught up in my own world to speak.

The love of my life, gone. We lost Grace a couple years ago and that made a big hole in everyone's heart.

Now Kasey is gone, the girl who fell in love with Peter Pan, Disney films, who had no intention on falling in love with someone, but somehow fell in love with me.

A weird human being, it's funny that she fell in love with me.  I always imagined Kasey and I would get married when I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes.

That was probably the happiest day of my life.

"Joe come on." Zoe said snapping me from my thoughts.

I looked up seeing that we were at her house, I sighed and got out of the car. 

Zoe opened the door and walked inside as I followed behind her. Alan was at the door waiting for us, he  was wagging his tail in excitement and running around following Zoe and I.

I walked upstairs to the spare room and slipped off  my shoes, I sat on the edge of the bed with my hands holding up my head.

"Joe.." Zoe trailed off sitting beside me.

"She's gone Zoe." I said looking up at her with tears streaming down my cheeks.

Zoe didn't say anything but pull me in for an embrace.

She is gone...
I don't know what I'll do without her...


Okay please don't be mad but this was the plan from the start, we are sorry but it was the plan!  We only have one more chapter till the epilogue guys!

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Xoxo Izzy and Phoenix

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