Chapter 24- Good Bye My Friend

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*Kasey's POV*

I stood in front of her room just looking at it. It's been a couple of days since Grace died, and they have been painful.

I haven't eaten much or slept either, if I'm honest I'm broken.

All the memories of Grace clouded my brain with all the good times and bad times. I want her back, I miss her so much.

This is Charlie's fault and his sister Ashley, they knew this would happen except it would be Joe who'd be dead.

It hurts, like a million bullets hit me in the chest.

I cannot describe how I'm feeling right now, it's a feeling that doesn't have a name or any explanation.

I want to cry, I want to be angry, I want to just leave but I can't. Because every single thing I think of reminds me of Grace.

The happy, bubbly girl I had the opportunity to get to know and meet in France.

The girl who made everything okay, the girl who made me feel happy enough to come home each day.

Her bed was in made with music sheets spread across her bed.

Her clothes were on the floor and so was her violin. I took a step into her room looking at all the photographs on her bedside table.

She looked so happy... We both looked so happy...I held the photo to my chest as I fell to my knees as more tears streamed down my cheeks.

*Caspar's POV*

I should of jumped in front of the bullet, I should of moved faster.

Grace is dead, my best friend, the girl who I fell madly and deeply in love with.

I should of told her my true feelings, I had so many chances to but I never did.

It hurts, like more then I'd imagine. I cannot describe how I'm feeling but Kasey would have the worst of the feeling at all.

This is all Charlie's fault, it was his stupid obsession with Kasey that made Grace dead.

I looked down at my lock screen seeing the beautiful brunette staring into my eyes as her bright white smile locked with my eyes.

I miss Grace a lot, and I don't know what to do about it.

*Kasey POV*
*A few days Later*

"We are gathered here today with friends, family and lovers of Gracie Clark." The man said into the microphone.

"Gracie has asked her roommate Kasey to say some words." The man said stepping down from the microphone.

I looked back at Joe as he showed a reassuring smile and placed a kiss on my forehead.

I walked over to the microphone and stood on the small step behind the podium. My eyes locked with the black slick coffin with white roses all on the top of where she laid.

"Grace was not only a roommate but she was also my best friend and if I'm honest with you all I miss her." I sighed.

"Grace saved me from a man who is insane and the man killed her, if it wasn't for her and the others and  I wouldn't be here alive." I smiled.

"Grace and I use to have a movie night and watch Disney films while eating pizza and just talk about how shit some people are." I chuckled.

"Grace was a smart and amazing human being and there is only one girl like her who can be weird and pretty at the same time." I smiled as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Grace was like an addition to my life, she never left she made it move up, like numbers. Numbers can be taken away and added. Grace added to my life but then she got taken away."

"Grace is the only person I ever opened up to and I could lean my shoulder on." I sighed.

"Grace will be missed but she will never be forgotten." I said as tears rolled down my cheeks.

I moved down off the podium to the small crowd once again. I stoped by the black slick coffin looking down upon it.

I placed my hand on my lips kissing it then putting my hand down on the coffin.

I walked back to Joe as more tears streamed down my face. Joe's eyes softened as pulled me in for a embrace as everyone began to leave towards their vehicles.

"Such a shame." Someone said walking next to Joe and I.

My eyes looked up seeing Ashley standing there with a sympathetic smile. 

"How dare you show up here." I spat, my eyes locked with her own in rage as she took a step back.

"I came to say farewell to Grace." She said.

"But you and your brother both knew this would happen!" I screamed.

"I didn't know he would kill someone!" She screamed.

"You took everything from me, you took Joe and-" I started off.

"I never took how from you, Joe never loved you." She spat.

"He does, me and him are together." I said.

*Joe's POV*
Hold up let's go back a bit, she said me and her are dating?
What just happened?


Hello everyone! We hate writing depressing chapters, it just sucks. Also what did Kasey just say?
Maybe she is just saying it so Ashley can back off?

Anyway, from the 23rd-31st of October  the book will be on hold because Izzy has to preform and rehearsals that whole week and she doesn't have time to write new chapters as she needs to focus on the scripts and shows that are coming  her way. We are deeply sorry, but these shows mean a lot of izzy's time and focus.

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