Chapter 2- The Grand Tour

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*Kasey's POV*

"Kasey, wake up." A slight British accent whispered in my ear. I let out a groan and roll in the white fluffy sheets as my faced buried into the pillows.

"Kasey wake the fuck up!" The voice shouted again.

I let out a louder groan and sit up seeing Joe and Caspar sitting on the end of my bed. "You fucking idiots why did you wake me up when it's broad day light." I whined.

"Kasey, it's past noon." Joe chuckled, brushing a hand through his brown locks.

"Oh, well why are you here again?" I asked.

"We are taking you around London and then we are going to a YouTuber party tonight." Caspar said clapping his hands in excitement.

Great, I have to be social. I don't really enjoy these sort of things, I would much prefer sitting at home with my one true love, Pizza.

I flop back on my bed and groan again, I hear light chuckles from Caspar and Joe at my ignorance and immaturity, I pull the bed sheets off me and waltz to my bathroom, I take off my clothes and turn on the taps in the shower.

The steaming water comes into contact with my skin leaving a soothing sensation down my back, I pick up my vanilla bean body wash and give my body a quick wash.

I turn off the tap and grab the white fluffy towel wrapping it around my body, I open the bathroom door and into my room.

I see Joe and Caspar still sitting on my bed playing mindless games on their phones. "Get out! " I shouted, both of their eyes shot up from their phones and their mouths hang open, their eyes trail to my thighs where the towel ends at my high-mid thigh.

"Oh shit sorry!" Joe screams as he runs out followed quickly by Caspar.

I walk to my cupboard and put on my bra and underwear, I run my fingers across the many fabrics hanging up.

I pick  out my black skinny jeans with ripped holes in the knees, I grab a white shirt and place my maroon knitted jumper over the top.

I pull my hair out of its pony tail and let it fall into place as I put my black felt hat on the top of my head. I quickly run a brush through it, after running a brush through it, it resumes its half-wavyness.

I spray some perfume on my body and pick up my phone, I slip on my white converse and walk up the stairs. "Right let's go." I said picking up my car keys and camera.

"We don't need those." Joe said taking my car keys.

"We are walking." Caspar said with a smile.

"Seriously, sometimes I question why I am friends with you two." I mumbled walking out of my flat.

"So where to first?" I asked walking up next to Joe, flicking on my camera to start vlogging.

"Well first we are going to show you the London eye, then Big Ben, then Buckingham Palace, then we are going to the YouTuber party at our place." Joe said at the camera. After what seemed like hours we finally got to the London eye, to be honest it is bigger then I thought.

After filming the London eye we went to Big ole' Benny for a visit, it wasn't that interesting to me thought all it is a big famous clock.

We then went to Buckingham Palace and took some weird selfies with the royal guards. I have no idea how they stand still for that long.

"Well that was extremely long." I exclaimed to my camera walking up to my door.

"Yeah it was." Joe said walking me to my door.

"I'll see you at.." I trailed off.

"Seven, I cant wait to see you there." Joe whispered in my ear.

Joe gave me one of his famous smirks and walked into his flat. "Well guys that was my day I'll see you sexy people tomorrow." I smile and close my camera remembering to edit what Joe said, out.

I open my front door and walked into my room, I placed my phone down and slipped off my shoes. I turn on my laptop and finish editing my main channel video and put it up, then edit some of yesterdays vlog.

I can't wait for everyone to see this weeks video, It is basically me giving advice on relationships and how to get through life.

Everyone is asking me how am I good at giving advice, well I am actually not. I had a messy break up last year and I put all my advice based on that situation.

One of the reasons I left home was because of my Youtube channel growing bigger, one night it all exploded and I got 500, 000 subscribers the next day, then continued to grow. I am so close to 6 million now it isn't funny.

Another reason was because of the messy break up, he kept following me like a creepy stalker and I couldn't stand it. It was getting on my nerves, I was almost going to send him to Narnia.

I look at the time and see it is almost seven, I walk to my cupboard and grab some white ripped jeans, black shirt and my blue knitted cardigan.

I quickly brush my hair and apply some make up, I put on my red lipstick and some black flats. I grab my phone, keys and brown handbag and walk out my flat. I walk across the road quickly knocking on Joe's and Caspar's door.

A few brief seconds later Joe opens the door and greats me with a big grin. I walk inside to see a crowd of people holding drinks, food and all chatting away, Joe leads me to his sister Zoe, her bright smile grows as my face came into view.

"K! How are you?" She exclaimed throwing her arms around me.

"K?" Joe asked about my nickname.

"Oh I always get called it by Zoe." I chuckled. "I'm good Zoe, how are you?"

"I'm all good, Alfie! K is here." Zoe shouted.

"Kasey!" Alfie exclaimed.

"Alfie!" I said back pulling out of his embrace.

I was greeted by everyone, Oli, Marcus and Naomi, Louise, then I noticed someone new, she had dark brown hair that was longer then Rapunzel.

Her ocean blue eyes locked with mine and a warm smile formed onto her lips, she mumbles something in the guy next to her's ear before they both walk over to me.

Don't stuff up Kasey, don't stuff up.

"Hi, I am Mariah Lopez or on YouTube ItzRiah. And this is my boyfriend Sam or on YouTube Calamari."

"I have seen your video's before it's great to finally meet you both." I said with a small smile.

"Yeah I have seen your videos and they relate to me a lot, especially the one on going to Neverland." Mariah chuckled.

"I think I have met my twin." I said placing my hand over my chest.

I looked over at Joe and his eyes were locked with mine, he was biting his bottom lip and giving me his smirk again.

I laugh quickly and shake him off. I look at Mariah and she is giving me a smirk now too. "So you and Joe?" She asked.

"No, he is like a brother to me." I chuckled slightly.

Hello guys! Now We are updating today because Izzy has work tomorrow and Phoenix has to study! So please vote, comment and share the book around!

Izzy and Phoenix


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