Chapter 6- Paris

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*Kasey's POV*

It has been a week since the incident with Joe, he hasn't called or texted me at, all and when ever we see each other in the street we just stare for a moment and then walk off.

I'm not at this sort of stuff, when ever the awkward tension is in the air I try to ignore it, but it is hard when it is with your best friend you have known since you were a little girl.

Joe and I use to be neighbors when we were younger and we always played games together after school.

I remember we played some  Peter Pan thing, Mum's and Dad's, dress ups, We use to pretend we were in space most of the time and be aliens from another plant.

I miss those days, when love was the last thing on your mind, when you didn't know what sex was, when you thought kissing was the gross, when cooties was a thing. I truly miss being a kid.

When Joe and I became teenagers we started to get attached to the internet, Facebook and Instagram, or be in on the latest gossip at school. 

When Joe started YouTube he thought he wouldn't be as big as his sister Zoe, but I had faith he would be.

When Joe's channel got bigger and bigger he started to push me out I guess until I started my own channel.

We both got big on YouTube pretty quick, I wouldn't be living in London right now because of YouTube.

I have been able to the most amazing countries in the world and to meet so many new people and been able to see some of my fans.

Like I am for this trip.

I let out a sigh and finish packing my suitcase, I am off to Paris the city of love they call it.

Apparently Mariah has a friend named Gracie who is living there, Gracie is Australian but she moved to Paris because well she obviously loves the French.  Gracie is a YouTuber too, I think she has 4 million subscribers witch is pretty good.

I pulled my black suitcase off the bed and carry it upstairs, I turn off the lights and walk out the door.

The only bad thing about this trip is that Joe is going, it's gonna be awkward and I am not good in these sort of situations I'll just freeze and look like a potato with many chins.

Joe and Caspar said they called an Ubar for us all so I guess I'll be riding with them. I crossed the road and was greeted by Caspar with his glowing smile.

"Kasey, where have you been I haven't seen you all week." Caspar exclaimed.

"I've been stuck in the office with piles of work." I chuckled slightly trying to avoid eye contact with Joe.

I can feel his eyes like burning into my soul, staring at me, I can see you Joe stop staring at me like I'm some chocolate bar.

A small black car pulled up to the side of the road and came to a complete stop, Joe opened the back off the car and placed his bag in, Joe took my bag and Caspar's and placed them there as well.

I took my seat in the back next to Joe and Caspar sat in the front next to the driver. Caspar and the driver witch I learned his name was Mike spoke for a while and shared a few laughs.

"Hey K." Joe said trying to get my attention.

"What?" I asked.

"Can we talk later?" Joe asked. I knew what he was going to talk to me about.

"Yeah." I said with a small smile.

After many hours of sitting on a train editing a vlogg and main video we finally arrived in Paris.  When we got off the train I looked around for Riah, she said Sam and her will pick us up.

I spotted the blue eyed brunette in an instant and waved my arms around like an idiot to get her attention. Her bright blue eyes locked with my own and a smile grew upon her face.

"Guys come this way." I told them both.

"K!" Riah exclaimed running over to me.

"Riah!" I said as her body clung onto mine.

"It's been only a couple of days but your my twin so this counts." She chuckled slightly.

"Guy's this is Gracie." Riah said pointing at her.

"Hey." She said waving her hand a little.

Grace was short, she had fair skin and hazel eyes, she had caramel blonde hair and a bright and bubbly smile.

"Hey, I am Kasey nice to meet you." I said.

"I'm Joe and that thing there is Caspar." Joe said.

"Hey." Caspar said with his eyes glued to her's.

"So we better get off to our hotel, but we will see you tomorrow at the convention?" Joe asked .

"Yeah of course." Sam smiled.

"Okay, see you guys." Caspar said.

I followed Caspar and Joe towards the exit of the train station to the main road.

"So where is the hotel."  I asked.

"Just there." Joe said pointing towards the large building.

I nodded my head and quietly followed the boys into the lobby, the place was huge.

A large chandelier hung from the ceiling as many green pit plants were scatted around, the marble white floor was shinier then my own shoes.  The Large pillars held up the building with some art displaying off each one.

Caspar walked to the front desk and got out room keys, Caspar passed me mine and I mumbled a quiet thank you.

I walked to the elevator with the two idiots I call friends behind me,  we all get into the small box and Joe presses our floor number.

The elevator began to move up as the calming music played through breaking the awkward silence. The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened, we walked out of the elevator and down the long hallway.

"Guys this is our room."  Joe mumbled putting the key card in the door handle.

Joe pushed open the door as we all slowly walk inside, the room was amazing.

There was a large white sofa and a TV, with a small kitchen area. Then there was the master room and the other room.

"Shot gun the big room!" I exclaimed running to the master bedroom.

"No!" Caspar whined as I jumped on the large bed before me.

"Your such a dick." Caspar groaned.

"Please, I don't have a dick and, if I did it would be me thrusting my hips acting like its an elephant trunk."  I chuckled.

"Your such a weirdo." Joe laughed.

"That's a true fact about me now what about you?"  I asked.

"I want to talk to you." Joe said.

Oh shit.


Hello out beautiful people! Another chapter is sup for you guys!
And share the book around!

Izzy and Phoenix

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