Chapter 23- The Big Masquerade Ball Part 3

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*Kasey's POV*

I sat up from the cold concrete floor while my head was throbbing in pain.

I squinted m eyes shut and looked around the room.

The dark grey concrete walls surrounded me and one little light bulb lit up the room.

The rope that tied my hands and feet together was cutting into my skin and some tape across my lips.

"Well sleeping beauty finally woke up." Someone chuckled.

I turned my head to see the dark figure walking closer and closer towards me.

My heart began to race a million miles an hour and my breathing was unsteady.

I tried to scream but the tape was stopping my voice from screaming for my life, the man chuckled as he knelled in front of me.

His dark green eyes locked with my own and a sickening grin formed on his face, my eyes grew wider as I finally realized it was Charlie.

"Aren't you happy to see me again princess?" He chuckled.

My eyes narrowed with his as my eyebrows were knitted together in anger, he chuckled again and walked up to me ripping the tape off my mouth.

"You are sick." I spat.

"But you love me." He smirked.

" I don't love you, I love Joe!" I screamed.

"You what!" He screamed.

" I love Joe, I admit it!" I screamed as hot fresh tears rolled down my cheeks.

"You little bitch, you only love me!" Charlie screamed slapping me across the face.

Charlies eyes were full of rage and his jaw was clenched, my cheek was throbbing after he slapped me as more tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Bad girls need to be taught a lesson you know Kasey." Charlie growled.

Charlie walked off stomping his feet on the ground, my eyes didn't leave his figure trying to see what he was coming back with.

My eye's locked with the item in his hands seeing a black whip, my body curled into a ball trying to break free from the rope.

Charlie swung the whip back and it came into contact with my back.

I let out a scream in pain hopping someone would hear me as the tears rolled down my cheeks in pain as he whipped me.

I cannot feel anything, my feet are numb and so are my hands. My whole body has gone into shock.

I'm scared for my life because I have no idea what Charlie is capable of.

"Joe please help me." I whispered to myself as I fell down to the floor.

*Joe's POV*
"Okay, so we need to find everyone." I said to Mariah as we were running through the crowd.

"I'll go get Marcus, and Alfie." She said running towards them.

"I'll get Grace and Zoe." I shouted.

I quickly scanned the room seeing Grace and Zoe chatting away, I quickly walked up to them and took both their arms pulling them to the main hall.

"Joe what is going on?" Zoe exclaimed.

"Yeah I really don't like being dragged away." Grace scoffed.

A few brief seconds later Mariah, Alfie and Marcus showed up along with Oli, Caspar and Ashley tagging along.

"Okay, so Kasey isn't here and neither is the guy Ashley came with, Ashley said that Kasey is in trouble and I believe her." I said.

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