Chapter 12- Choices

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*Charlie's POV*

I have never been rejected twice, especially by the same girl. I am Charlie Adams and not once has a girl ever say no to me, but she does and that makes my blood boil.

Maybe I can back at her? But how? It would have to be planned really well because she knows when something is up.

I'll have to be, how do I put it, like a sneaky criminal. I'll show her, no one says no to me. Not even my ex's.

I take the last sip of my drink and scroll through photos of me and Kasey from tonight. I open Instagram and post it up with the caption. "I love her so much, my one and only girl."

I tagged her in the photo on Instagram and Twitter as notifications spam my phone.

This will show her who she is messing with.

No one says no to Charlie Adams.

No one.

*Kasey's POV*

It's so good to be back in London, back to the cold and chilly air is a bummer but I truly do miss the people in it.

Like Joe, Caspar, Mariah and Sam. Grace decided to move in with me also so she should be there now waiting for me.

I wave my arm in the air hauling a taxi, the small black car pulls to the side of the road. I open the door and place my bag in it.

"Where to?"  He asked.

"24 Oxford lane."  I said.
A/n I don't even know if that's a street in London I randomly came up with one just roll with it.

The car drove off the side of the road into the busy streets of London.

"Some news now on our favourite girl power YouTuber ItzKasey! Or Kasey Britt." The radio said.

"Excuse me sir can you turn up the radio?" I asked.

"Sure." He said turning the small dial.

"That's right, Kasey Britt has just gotten back from her trip to LA and she now has a special man in her life named Charlie Adams!" The lady exclaimed.

"Yes, Charlie posted a photo on his Instagram and Twitter last night saying I love her so much, my one and only. How adorable, the photo was a selfie of the two drinking at the bar." The lady confirmed.

What the hell?

"That will be $30 love." The man asked.

"Here, keep the change." I said giving him thirty two euro.

I pulled my bag out of the car and walked up to my doorstep seeing Grace waiting for me.

"Kasey! How was LA." She exclaimed.

"Apparently I have a boyfriend." I snarled juggling my keys in my hand.

"What?" Grace said as I opened the door.

I pushed my bag inside and picked up a couple of Grace's boxes and carried them to her room.

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