Chapter 7- Late Night Talks

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*Kasey's POV*

Joe's eyes locked with mine as he took a seat on the edge of the bed, I looked down at my feet and tried not to make eye contact with him.

"Kasey, we have to talk about it sooner or later." Joe sighed.

"I know." I mumbled.

Joe moved to sit in front of me and placed his hands in my own, my eyes looked up seeing a small smile form on his face.

"Joe, I don't do this shit." I sighed.

"Do what?" Joe asked being clueless.

"Relationships, they never work out, so can we just forget about the kiss?" I asked.

Joe looked down and let out a sigh, oh god what have I done. Joe looks like a bullet just shot him in the chest.

"Yeah, of course but can I ask something?" Joe said.

"What about friends with benefits?" Joe suggested.

"Excuse me?" I chuckled at his request.

"Friends with benefits, just sex no emotion." Joe smirked.

"Can I think about it Joe?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said with a smile.

Joe walked to the door and gave me one last smile then left me with my thoughts.

I mean come on who wouldn't want to be friends with benefits?

It never came to my mind this whole thing but now that Joe brought it to the table I may consider it.

Joe and I go way back, and half the time the friends with benefits always end up with one of them having feelings and then it all goes south from there.

I mean I don't do the whole feelings and lovey dove shit, I absolutely think it's bull shit half the time.

I would like to do this with Joe, but what if one of us get's feelings?

*Next morning*

"Kasey! Wake up!" Someone shouted.

"No." I groaned.

"Come on Kasey." Caspar shakes my body.

"Five more minuets." I groaned.

"No, come on Kasey." Caspar chuckled pulling my arm.

Caspar pulled my body off my bed and I came down to a thud, I pulled the dona cover with me and let Caspar pull me out of my room.

Like I am gonna walk when there is someone pulling me.

"Good morning guys and today we are going to meet some of you guys and." Joe said in the camera but trailed off as Caspar and I came into view.

"What the bloody hell happen to her?" Joe asked pointing the camera to me.

"She wouldn't get out of bed." Caspar said.

Joe just laughed and went back to his vlogging.

Caspar pulled me off the ground and stood me back to my own two feet. I wrapped the dona around my body and walked back to my room falling back onto my bed.

"Kasey, we have to leave in half an hour come on." Joe snickered as he pointed the camera to me.

"Okay." I sighed unwrapping my self from the dona.

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