Chapter 8- Well What Now?

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*Kasey's POV*

I don't know if it was just me but that was the longest drive back any where when it was only a ten minuet drive to the hotel.

As millions of cars pass us beeping their horns, speeding past, bright head lights and loud music booming through my ears.

Little drops of rain fell onto the car window making it colder on my cheek.

"Hey guys, where is the hotel again?" Caspar asked.

"Across the train station. " Joe said.

"Kasey, come on." Joe mumbled motivating me to get out of the car.

I thank the driver and close the door behind me as he speeds off into the streets of Paris, I slowly walk into the lobby of the hotel and put on a small smile.

We were greeted by the lady at the front desk with a small smile and wave. Joe being polite waved back and I just followed behind him alongside Caspar.

"You guy's go, I am gonna meet up with Grace." Caspar said typing away on his phone.

"Yeah okay." Joe said.

"Have fun." I mumbled as Caspar walked off.

Joe presses the small button and the elevator doors open, as I follow in after Joe, I press our floor button and the elevator moves up slowly.

The elevator came to sudden stop, my eyes shot up and look at Joe.

"Great it stopped." I groaned sliding down the wall.

Joe walked to the control panel and pressed the red button with the telephone on it.

"Hello?" Joe asked.

"Yes hello, I believe the elevator is stuck?" The man muffled.

"Yes it is." Joe said.

"Okay we should be able to get someone there in at least an hour." The man said.

"Okay thank you." Joe sighed.

"Well we are stuck for at least an hour or so." Joe sighed sliding down on the wall next to me.

You know when there is awkward silence? Well there was this time and it was just too much. We didn't say a word to each other because well I think we both are confused with what to say.

I mean Joe and I are best friends and we shouldn't be awkward around each other right? I think I am just tired to even to say anything.

I need to film when I get back to London, maybe a colab with Joe? I'll ask later about it. I never thought Joe would offer friends with benefits especially with me.

I mean I would prefer pizza over a relationship so the friends with benefits shouldn't be too bad right?

"What are you doing?" Joe chuckled.

"Thinking." I said.

"What about?" Joe asked looking at me.

I turned my head and my eyes locked with his own, his ocean blue eyes locked with mine making me smile.

"Just about us." I sighed.

"What about us?" Joe asked keeping eye contact.

"Weather we should do this whole friends with benefits." I sighed.

"Can I change your mind?" Joe smirked as his face came closer to mine.

"How do you plan on doing that?" I smirked.

"Let me show you." He whispered.

His eyes flickered between my eyes and lips till they finally touched.

His lips molded with mine moving in sync as his tongue licked the bottom of my lip asking permission to enter witch I gladly accepted.

His hands moved down my back touching me slightly, Joe picked up my leg and moved it across his own making me straddle his lap.

Joe disconnects our lips and he kisses down my neck, Joe moaned my name and reconnected our lips once again.

The elevator began moving up as I broke our heated make out session, my eyes locked with his as a smile is plastered on his face.

The elevator came to a stop and the doors opened, I got off Joe's lap and helped him up off the floor, We walked out of the elevator and back to our room.

Joe swiped the key card in the door and open the door allowing me to enter first, I slipped off my shoes and walked into my room.

I was about to shut the door behind me until someones hand pushed against it the other side. I pulled the door back open seeing Joe standing there with a smirk.

"I am not done yet." Joe smirked crashing his lips onto mine.

Joe started walking forward holding my waist placing me down on the bed, Joe's eyes locked with mine as he crashed his lips with mine again.

*Next day*

The sun was beaming through the curtains as I sat up in my bed, I looked down seeing Joe laying there sleeping silently.

I picked up the sheets and covered myself as the memories of last night filled my mind.

It was something that changed my mind on everything, I wanna do the whole friends with benefits now but I will stick by my rule, I will not fall for him.

Joe's eyes flutter open and a smile is plastered on his face, Joe pulls me down next to him and he wraps his arms around me.

"Last night was fun." Joe said in my ear placing a kiss on my ear lobe.

"It was." I smirked.

"So the friends with benefits is still on the table?" Joe asked.

"Yeah, lets do it." I chuckled placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Good." Joe said.

"We gotta go back to London today." I sighed getting out of Joe's grip.

I grabbed my bra and undies and quickly put them on and turned around seeing Joe putting on his boxers.

"Yeah we do, I was thinking we could colab soon." Joe asked.

"Yeah sure, we can do Dare sugg." I smirked.

"But I always end up getting hurt." He groaned.

"Oh well." I chuckled putting my tracksuit pants on and blue flannelette shirt.

I slipped on my white converse and zipped up my suitcase, I pulled the large suitcase behind me and placed it near the door next to Caspar's.

It's gonna be a long awkward trip home.


And we are back into business ! We are so sorry for making you wait but updates are now in every Monday :)

Thank you all so much for reading!

Please !
And share the book around!
Izzy and Phoenix

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