Chapter 11- Charlie

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*Kasey's POV*

"Hello everybody!" I exclaimed into the microphone. Loud screams filled my ears as in reply.

"Are we having a good time." I asked with a smile on my face. They all shouted and screamed good or great.

"Now my amazing people we have hit seven million subscribers this morning!" I exclaimed as I sat down on the red sofa behind me.

Everyone screamed of excitement I don't know how they still have their voices.

"So today, I will give some advice on your questions you have asked me on Twitter and some questions from the live audience." I smiled.

"So let's do the Twitter questions first." I smiled, I turned around looking at the large screen behind me.

"Chloe123 asked, hey Kasey! I was wondering what is your advice on dating? Love you!" I read out.

"Love you too, and my advice on dating. Well I haven't really had the experience but one and it wasn't good." I sighed and looked down at my feet as the memories filled my head, I looked up and smiled at the crowd.

"You have to make sure you can trust the person and that they are the one you can open up to and be yourself around. " I smiled.

"No one likes not being themselves and I find that some people don't be themselves in relationships. I don't do relationships personally at the moment." I paused, thinking of my reasons.

"Because I haven't found someone I can open up to yet or someone I can trust so I don't want my heart broken again." I sighed with a small smile.

The crowed let out a sigh and cheer on my advice and a small smile was brought to my face.

"Next questions comes from Belle1234Rose. Hi Kasey! I was wondering what is your advise to people who want to start a YouTube channel?"

"Just do it! Honestly I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you guys or for YouTube, when you first start out it wont be a big blow out immediately but it will over time!" I chuckled.

"I think it is great thing to do if you love to be creative and another thing is to be yourself! That's a major thing people love to watch is who you are as a person not someone wearing a mask."

"Okay so that's all the Twitter questions now some from the crowd?" I asked as the crowd cheered.

"Yes you with the sign saying love you!" I exclaimed pointing at her.

The man walking around with the microphone and passed it to her, she happily accept it and stood from her chair.

"Hi, first I love you and your videos and my question is, is Josey real?" She giggled.

"No it isn't." I chucked to myself.

If only they knew what was really happening....

"Okay next question, the boy waving his arms like he just don't care." I chuckled.

The man walked to him and he snatched the microphone like his life depended on it.

"Hi, I love you so much, my question is, what made you start YouTube?" He asked.

"That's a really good question, I started YouTube because of well, Joe Sugg actually. Joe encouraged me to start a channel and look where it got me!" I exclaimed.

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