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Sequel to Best Mistake.


On the day of our wedding it began, we were happy and finally ready to move on with our lives and start a new. But until that unforgettable event.. The car rolled over and crashed. It didn't kill me...

It killed her...

She left me in a heat beat, she left so suddenly and quickly when she had so much more to live for. She wasn't only my wife, she was my best friend, my lover, my soul mate.

I don't know how I can move on with my life without her. She was going to start a family with me, grow old with me.

She always knew how to take care of me and how to love a man like me. I don't know if I'll be able to find that ever again, she always knew what was right. I can't let her go into the sky or down below. She will never die in my eyes

But now...

She left me in a heart beat

Do We see the word SEQUAL?! Yes you do, the book that is currently still in the works is Joe's healing process and how he ends up with Mariah in the end! So the book will be published soonish... we haven't got an exact date and time frame but hopefully  in a few months.

Message me izzybuzzy098 or AustralianBaseballer for any ideas or inquires or your thoughts on what should happen in the new book we would love to hear from you

Izzy and Phoenix

Best Mistake||Joe Sugg Where stories live. Discover now